The crown have already used force and violence against the tribes and have already said the land belongs to them, just because the crown has said "it's mine", doesn't make it so - these actions have shown that they are nothing more than thugs.
There are no free men fighting in any army, all those that take up arms, are expendable slaves, and i respectfully disagree that wars are fought for freedom. Most wars are instigated by politicians/elite and are rooted in gaining resources, their greed is the driver for conflict, and is not the will of the people. [Also it is a way to remove Alpha males from the population decreasing the risk of an up-rising / civil war]
The queen holds the land in leu until an heir from god comes forth. She owns the people through words used by the people to describe themselves, ie British subject, human, person, citizen and honorary title like Mr. It has taken hundreds of years for the use of these words to become part of common everyday language, check out my brainwashed blog...
Even the best democratic government with honest intentions means that 49% of the people have no voice. And i respectfully disagree that you are governed by consent. Try and opt out... Try and say that their acts and statutes do not apply to you...Try and say you no longer wish to support their violence and wars by paying TAX. -
When you are aware that you are not human, then the complexity of the lie may fall into place - peace to you @baah, and thank you for the reply :)