The ground temperature at -4" or greater generally stays between 40 - 60 F. It's a lot easier to heat from 40 F than from -20 F, so this saves wood. This is what I hope to do one day, but of course government frowns upon its slave building under ground and they regularly try to use scare tactics such as radon gas (which may or may not be a problem in your area). This is because gophers are exceptionally difficult to raid.
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I want to comment about the ground temp comment. I'm not sure where you live, but around here the ground will freeze several feet, more if it is run over by vehicles. That is how they make ice roads in the winter. We have to build here to account for frost lines in excess of 2-3 feet. While we can receive some heat from the earth herself during the winter, it is not enough to keep a building from freezing. We need solar gain to keep the building warm. However, with that said, if we build a root cellar deep enough, it will keep our food from freezing during the winter and acts as a natural refrigerator during the summer. Thermal mass can do some amazing things.
I'm the guy with the 70 acres in upstate NY you once sent a procedure to obtain an allodial title to because of the strange situation of the estate belonging to someone who's been gone for 40 years. Land has been in the family since the mid 1800's.
I don't recall making a procedure to obtain allodial title. I've not done the procedure myself yet and I don't typically help people with things I've not done myself. I have theories as to how to do it but we have land issues here ourselves due to multiple persons on the title. How is it going with you?
You didn't make the procedure, you just sent this link. I haven't done anything about it because the fact that the land is in estate is a certain protection in itself that forms a gridlock as long as the extortion fees are paid (which would be the case no matter what status the land has in NY).
I'm doing fine. Still taking care of my father. Feel like things will be coming to a head by the early 2020's in the USA over financial collapse. Stocked up on food, water filters, and ammo like 99% of this area already is... The Amish have land on all sides of this property, so we will be OK as long as Nine Mile point doesn't melt down.
Ahhhh. That would explain why I did not remember. Well, to be fair, I don't remember the link either. But I'm glad that you are getting ready and I would agree with your land assessment. The trick will be keeping it in good standing after the collapse. That is when people will be kicked off the land, for failing to pay those extortion fees. The Amish will definitely help you.
Please forgive me as my memory is still struggling. That was the whole point for me to start blogging here a couple years ago. I'm glad you found me again. As we chat, I'm starting to recall your story. Bravo to you for getting prepared. I feel it will happen sooner than later.
This is where my plan for bitcoin comes in (a trade for the tangible in exchange for the intangible). Most of us will eventually be kicked off chain due to the high transaction fees (@anonymint says that this is by design). Bitcoin (BTC) is a store of value, but the protocol has ossified to the point that it will likely never be a good medium of exchange. As for the transparency of it all (and lack of privacy), transactions on chain will likely be > $1000 USD and be primarily between nation states and elite bankers. @anonymint says that's what it was designed for and it will likely pan out that way.
If you aren't aware of the potential of the segwit donations attack, you can read about it here and here.
My next post will be in regards to steps we can take in that eventuality. I still believe that all currencies will be usurped at some point, even gold and silver. One cannot eat gold, bitcoin or even steem. But those tools will help with the transition. In the end though, knowledge of Mother Earth will be required as she will provide for all our needs when that time comes. This will require a multi-step strategy to work through the coming times.
While my mind struggles with the complexity of what you shared, my gut tells me that you are right and that bitcoin and many other crypto's will fall under the control and ownership of the elite. We must be diligent in our efforts.
Radon gas has not been an issue for us as air is constantly flowing through the building. It is not air tight like traditional homes that pay for their heat. As a result, those homes try very hard to hold onto as much of it as possible. They live in a scarcity model, where this is a prosperity model. As such, air comes in and out regularly which means that deadly gas cannot accumulate. This gopher likes living under ground. lol