@dreemsteem mentioned this today 😆
I get both sides. Firstly I assumed (never a good thing...) that you were procrastinating because you were in some kind of process (but I'm over analytical).
So interesting how we think of some words as "bad" - the connotation of them. I'm sure this changes according to culture and age and all that!
I'm quite jealous of your ability to be lazy and chill. I think it's awesome and underrated in a world that encourages us to never really stop and breathe. Brilliant really. Don't ever lose that!
I've just done an intro and I don't wanna only talk about me me me :/ Doing that makes me uncomfortable. But it's such a great prompt! I can hardly resist...
But I will. I must! I simply have to!
Because the rest of today is about everyone else. I haven't had time to see all your amazing content and I don't want to miss out. Major FOMO.
p.s. I'm glad she pressured you into making this happen. 😁
Which is why you should write the post. LOLL
She didn't. She wouldn't. She knows better. LOLL
I made the contest up to make @Dreemsteem laugh. I wanted to use Dreemport for the winners because 'how do you pick a winner when the subject is being positive about yourself?' I do not want that responsibility. :D
So I
cheatedwas energy efficient and asked to use the tools to streamline or Streemline :D the job.Honestly, it was all done to make someone happy. I am happy with that :D
You're probably right! That's some of my trauma and I should counter it.
I hope Weds or Thurs is okay. I want to make a video for this one.
I'm really struggling to keep here now and am tired now. :/
10 hours today again and I didn't write. Just chatting! 10 hours??? That can't be right. 😬
I'm going to talk less and write more moving forward! Or I'll lose my mind. Or bail.
Slow and steady wins the race!
I came in hard and was super excited. Now I'm burnt out. Kid in a candy store 😁
I'll reach out if I'm lonely? (I spend a great deal of time in solitude and prefer it these days)
And I'll be reading you. OF course! And thank you for your warm welcome :) ❤️
My son and daughter in law been here since Thursday.
They helped me go through 25 years of clothes and FINALLY get rid of ALL the stuff I have that doesn't fit. I now have 20 loads? of laundry to do and folding and trying on and packing up more things to give to charity.
I am out of pain meds and can not get any until I see a Doctor on AUGUST 10th.
I just spent 2 days unable to walk after 3 full days of going through clothes and life.
My son lives in Colombia, South America. I had not seen him in 4 years. He is my only child. I miss him.
They left my house this morning to spend time with other family members. They leave to go back to their home on August 4th.
I am tired and sad and today was not the best time for me to make a contest post but it was already set in motion.
10 hours of just commenting and chatting.
YUP. #OneOfUs hahahahahahahahaha
i blame myself for wrtiting massive posts in your comment section though. i will make this a short one.
burnout is normal hehehe
candy is delicious LOL
dont' bail. i'll be quieter 😂
bye! (see? see how quick i can make my comments?) lol
SWEET VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I copied and pasted it. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL
efficient. brilliant. capable. clever.
not lazy at all 😊
@snook and @dreemsteem
Yeah I'm one of you and it's making me blind!
*can't quit the internet.
Killing two birds with one stone even though I would NEVER kill a bird!
@snook - yeah! I hear you. Life is crazy busy! I'm gonna carve out more time to create and talk less. (I talk too much anyway!)
@dreemstime I could talk to you for hours so stop it!
Adore you both ❤️