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RE: The Positive Un-Lazy Contest

in #unlazycontest3 years ago

@dreemsteem mentioned this today 😆

I get both sides. Firstly I assumed (never a good thing...) that you were procrastinating because you were in some kind of process (but I'm over analytical).

So interesting how we think of some words as "bad" - the connotation of them. I'm sure this changes according to culture and age and all that!

I'm quite jealous of your ability to be lazy and chill. I think it's awesome and underrated in a world that encourages us to never really stop and breathe. Brilliant really. Don't ever lose that!

I've just done an intro and I don't wanna only talk about me me me :/ Doing that makes me uncomfortable. But it's such a great prompt! I can hardly resist...

But I will. I must! I simply have to!

Because the rest of today is about everyone else. I haven't had time to see all your amazing content and I don't want to miss out. Major FOMO.


p.s. I'm glad she pressured you into making this happen. 😁


Doing that makes me uncomfortable.

Which is why you should write the post. LOLL

I'm glad she pressured you into making this happen

She didn't. She wouldn't. She knows better. LOLL

I made the contest up to make @Dreemsteem laugh. I wanted to use Dreemport for the winners because 'how do you pick a winner when the subject is being positive about yourself?' I do not want that responsibility. :D

So I cheated was energy efficient and asked to use the tools to streamline or Streemline :D the job.

Honestly, it was all done to make someone happy. I am happy with that :D

You're probably right! That's some of my trauma and I should counter it.

I hope Weds or Thurs is okay. I want to make a video for this one.

I'm really struggling to keep here now and am tired now. :/

10 hours today again and I didn't write. Just chatting! 10 hours??? That can't be right. 😬

I'm going to talk less and write more moving forward! Or I'll lose my mind. Or bail.

Slow and steady wins the race!

I came in hard and was super excited. Now I'm burnt out. Kid in a candy store 😁

I'll reach out if I'm lonely? (I spend a great deal of time in solitude and prefer it these days)

And I'll be reading you. OF course! And thank you for your warm welcome :) ❤️

My son and daughter in law been here since Thursday.

They helped me go through 25 years of clothes and FINALLY get rid of ALL the stuff I have that doesn't fit. I now have 20 loads? of laundry to do and folding and trying on and packing up more things to give to charity.

I am out of pain meds and can not get any until I see a Doctor on AUGUST 10th.

I just spent 2 days unable to walk after 3 full days of going through clothes and life.

My son lives in Colombia, South America. I had not seen him in 4 years. He is my only child. I miss him.

They left my house this morning to spend time with other family members. They leave to go back to their home on August 4th.

I am tired and sad and today was not the best time for me to make a contest post but it was already set in motion.


10 hours of just commenting and chatting.

YUP. #OneOfUs hahahahahahahahaha

i blame myself for wrtiting massive posts in your comment section though. i will make this a short one.

burnout is normal hehehe
candy is delicious LOL
dont' bail. i'll be quieter 😂

bye! (see? see how quick i can make my comments?) lol




SWEET VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I copied and pasted it. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL


efficient. brilliant. capable. clever.

not lazy at all 😊



@snook and @dreemsteem

Yeah I'm one of you and it's making me blind!

*can't quit the internet.

Killing two birds with one stone even though I would NEVER kill a bird!

@snook - yeah! I hear you. Life is crazy busy! I'm gonna carve out more time to create and talk less. (I talk too much anyway!)

@dreemstime I could talk to you for hours so stop it!

Adore you both ❤️