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RE: 10 unMEAN sTWEETs On: "Should You Stretch "Before Or After" Exercise?"

in #unmean-stweets8 years ago

myself played football (over 15 years). Then he coached. Then worked as a fitness instructor. Before to appoint certain physical activity, you must obtain a medical conclusion about the health of the athlete. Only then can you determine the methodology of the training process. If we talk about ordinary people, not athletes, then you need in the morning to do exercises. 10 squats, 10 push-UPS, 20 press 3 minutes running in place. This is for those who are just starting to exercise. Next we need to build the process of training based on the individual characteristics of a person. This applies to physical training for losing weight.

Gosh so much experience. This answers many of the question. So basically the physical state or makeup of the individual is essential in knowing what stretching methods to use