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RE: Kids Learn Naturally. Why Compulsory Schooling is Unneccessary and Even Harmful (A "Case Study" with My Son)

in #unschooling8 years ago

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Privatization would ultimately open the possibility for higher quality, lower tuition schools. Just as in the field of healthcare, less violent (tax-based/mandated) government intervention generally means better, more community-based care, and greater affordability due to less bureaucratic overhead, and, well...compassion.

People used to be able to go to any hospital in the past and receive care, whether they could afford it or not, because doctors actually believed in the Hippocratic oath. Now folks are being robbed blind and made unable to afford healthcare as a direct result of government interventions such as "Obamacare," etc.

Basically public schooling now is unethical as it is funded by stolen money (taxes) and ineffective, inefficient, and detrimental to healthy development in children because it is not based on research or science, but on a state agenda to create docile, non-critical order followers.