I have thought about this for a number of years. I was really glad to read this post.
Just one question: what do you mean by "[private schools could do it 1,000 times better if] the free market in education were allowed to function"? Wouldn't this disenfranchise people who can't afford it and perpetuate elitism?
Everything apart from that is my kind of thinking, particularly the quotes from John Holt.
I have read about how private schools work so much better than public schools in parts of Africa.
The tuition is really, really low, and they run on a budget less than half (maybe it was a quarter) what a public school runs on,
yet the education is outstandingly better than public schools.
The thing is, that government run projects seem to always go way over budget and do a poor quality job.
What do you think it is specifically that makes state schools poor? Homogenisation perhaps?
It's at least partly because they feel that they don't have real competition. Most people will keep using the 'free' education/baby-sitting.
So their jobs are secured whether or not they give a satisfactory performance.
What about testing? Do you think there's a way to get rid of it?
I had a passenger in my Uber recently who told me about an awesome-sounding system called Waldorf education.
Definitely, if they wanted to get rid of testing they could.
Finland did it!
Thanks for your comment!
Privatization would ultimately open the possibility for higher quality, lower tuition schools. Just as in the field of healthcare, less violent (tax-based/mandated) government intervention generally means better, more community-based care, and greater affordability due to less bureaucratic overhead, and, well...compassion.
People used to be able to go to any hospital in the past and receive care, whether they could afford it or not, because doctors actually believed in the Hippocratic oath. Now folks are being robbed blind and made unable to afford healthcare as a direct result of government interventions such as "Obamacare," etc.
Basically public schooling now is unethical as it is funded by stolen money (taxes) and ineffective, inefficient, and detrimental to healthy development in children because it is not based on research or science, but on a state agenda to create docile, non-critical order followers.