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RE: A Broken, Thankful Man

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)

PhilI think a lot of us are dealing with depression. We look at the state of the world, we look at our present ciricumstances; we look at the results we are producing and wonder why things aren't coming our way. We have high hopes and expectations for something and then.... bamm... what we hoped would be just isn't going to happen the way we expected. Cryptocurrencies are the perfect example. I through a couple grand into... I'm playing the game to the best of my abilty figuring out the system, and then my account on Ether Delta gets hacked for $900. Takes "the wind out our your sail." Daniel... I just posted my second blog after that you will find solace and encouragement in that @pjbnikao. Its titled "An Inquiry into the Nature of Truth." High regards


Thank you so much for your soothing words of encouragement. I'll be sure to check your page out. Thanks once more