Woah.. that's interesting!, I have done stuff myself but never to the needles extent. We came across some dudes shooting up months back who looked terrified. It's in an old post I did.
I shot heroin one time in my life (with a brand new needle that I removed from the package.) That of course was when I was in addiction and pretty much would do any drug available. I consider myself fortunate that I didn't get hooked on the drug, because I can tell you... Heroin is quite the serene feeling, but I guess luckily?.. I was more into the cocaine..
They were concerned about our perception about them. @goblinknackers gave them a couple of quid for some food. Not sure what they did with it.
I'm always hooking up homeless people with a dollar or two when I see them panhandling. I don't really care if they use it for drugs, because I know they are going to get the drug one way or another if that is their objective. (it could be seen as enabling, but I would rather enable than have some old lady get robbed for her purse.)
A guy once asked me to spare 5 dollars because he needed to get some food. I looked at him and said "That is pretty bold to ask for 5 dollars when you are obviously an addict looking to get high or drunk." He insisted that he really was going to spend the money for food so I said "Well, I don't believe you, but here you go, do what ever you're going to do, but I would prefer you just keep shit real." Well.. 10 minutes later I saw the dude walking with a sub sandwich.. I called him over and he was smiling and said "See! I wasn't fucking lying!!" I laughed and said "Here man, and gave him another 5 bucks and wished him well." He took the 5 and said "Now I'm gonna go get some beer and get fucked up with my sandwich!"
Lol, I'll never forget that. Even having lived in his shoes, I still doubted the man was being honest because most addicts will bullshit if they think that will get them some money.
Now that place was FULL of needles. I mean hundreds of them. As I said.. i have been laid down not knowing where the fuck I am before.., it's not something I have no experience of.
Well I'm glad you know where you are today mate! Sometimes I think I traded addiction for Steem addiction, and you know.. I'm ok with that :)
A friend of mine described Heroin as 'boring', he smoked it though.. his barrier was needles.
Tried it once.., got the 'jaw' and that was it. Did I get crap stuff? it was expensive too, I felt ripped.
Yeah it was crap lol.