Absent EU or US boots on the ground, there isn't a possibility of victory for the Ukraine, because Russia simply has economic and military resources several times the size of those the Ukraine can muster. Just like many recommend the prior 40 minutes of the meeting between Zelensky, Trump, and Vance be viewed, I also recommend understanding the 8 years (and 8 decades, even 8 centuries) prior to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine as critical context. The modern state of the Ukraine was created by Lenin in the 1920s and expanded from it's initial borders in several phases, particularly after WWII - all of that as an internal component of the USSR, and never actually intended to be an independent state outside of that federation.
Russia's own advent 1000 years ago began in the territory now comprising the Ukraine. It's peoples, and their extended families, are inextricably linked across the borders that were initially conceived of as administrative regions of the USSR. When neonazi street thugs began terrorist attacks on Russian speaking people in the Donbass region of the Ukraine, it was undertaken in order to incite war with Russia deliberately. Because of that humanitarian genesis of the entry of Russian MOD forces into the Ukraine, knowing that background is essential to understanding the conflict.