Total crazy, wie das Zelensky-Treffen mit Trump und JD Vance eskaliert ist und wie es die Mainstream-Medien in der EU darstellen.
Habe mir das gesamte Interview angeschaut, die Erwartungshaltung war, dass Zelensky in die USA gereist ist, den Termin bei Trump so kurzfristig bekommen hat, um trotz aller Differenzen einen Rohstoff-Deal mit Trump zu unterzeichnen und so die weitere Unterstützung der USA im Ukraine-Krieg in Richtung Waffenstillstand zu sichern, um das Töten zu beenden.
Das Treffen ist in den letzten Minuten jedoch komplett eskaliert, als sich auch JD Vance in die Diskussion einbrachte und darauf hinwies, wie wichtig Diplomatie sei, um den Krieg zu beenden. Daraufhin konterte Zelensky mit provokanten Gegenfragen und drohte den USA sogar ("you will feel it in the future") und fing einen Streit mit Trump und JD Vance an, alles öffentlich vor den Medien. Eklat.
Trump und JD Vance werfen Zelensky Respektlosigkeit vor. Eine große Katastrophe auch für die EU.
Alleine die Körpersprache von Zelensky spricht Bände. Auch der Kleiderstil von Zelensky wurde von einem Journalisten angesprochen, eigentlich ein unwichtiges Detail, aber eben auch ein Statement, das manche auch als Protokoll-Verstoß auf dieser hohen Ebene interpretieren.
Meiner Meinung nach hat sich Zelensky sehr undiplomatisch verhalten und seine Position gegenüber der aktuellen US-Regierung stark überschätzt. In Wirklichkeit hat er keine guten Karten, oder wie es Trump ausgedrückt hat, überhaupt keine Karten.
Was denkt ihr? Wäre die Ukraine besser beraten, den Deal mit Trump abzuschließen, um den Krieg zu beenden, oder soll die Ukraine nur noch mit der militärischen und finanziellen Unterstützung der EU weitermachen? Ist ein Sieg der Ukraine überhaupt realistisch ohne die USA als Verbündeten?
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Totally crazy how the Zelensky meeting with Trump and JD Vance escalated and how the mainstream media in the EU portrayed it.
Watched the whole interview, the expectation was that Zelensky traveled to the US, got the appointment with Trump at such short notice to sign a mineral deal with Trump despite all the differences and thus secure continued US support in the Ukraine war towards a ceasefire to stop the killing.
However, the meeting escalated completely in the final minutes when JD Vance also joined the discussion and pointed out the importance of diplomacy to end the war. Zelensky responded with provocative counter questions and even threatened the US ("you will feel it in the future") and started an argument with Trump and JD Vance, all publicly in front of the media.
Trump and JD Vance accuse Zelensky of disrespect. A major disaster for the EU.
Zelensky's body language alone speaks volumes. Zelensky's dressing style was also mentioned by a journalist, actually an unimportant detail, but also a statement that some interpret as a breach of protocol at this high level.
In my opinion, Zelensky behaved very undiplomatically and greatly overestimated his position vis-à-vis the current US administration. In reality, he has no good cards, or as Trump put it, no cards at all.
What do you think? Would Ukraine be better advised to make the deal with Trump to end the war, or should Ukraine continue with just the military and financial support of the EU? Is a victory for Ukraine even realistic without the US as an ally?
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Absent EU or US boots on the ground, there isn't a possibility of victory for the Ukraine, because Russia simply has economic and military resources several times the size of those the Ukraine can muster. Just like many recommend the prior 40 minutes of the meeting between Zelensky, Trump, and Vance be viewed, I also recommend understanding the 8 years (and 8 decades, even 8 centuries) prior to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine as critical context. The modern state of the Ukraine was created by Lenin in the 1920s and expanded from it's initial borders in several phases, particularly after WWII - all of that as an internal component of the USSR, and never actually intended to be an independent state outside of that federation.
Russia's own advent 1000 years ago began in the territory now comprising the Ukraine. It's peoples, and their extended families, are inextricably linked across the borders that were initially conceived of as administrative regions of the USSR. When neonazi street thugs began terrorist attacks on Russian speaking people in the Donbass region of the Ukraine, it was undertaken in order to incite war with Russia deliberately. Because of that humanitarian genesis of the entry of Russian MOD forces into the Ukraine, knowing that background is essential to understanding the conflict.
Pure theatre. The United States cannot abandon Ukraine, let alone Europe. That would seriously undermine American national security.
That’s also a valid Point. They would give Russia and China more power over Europe. Haven‘t thought about it from this side yet.
One has to have quite a strange self-image to believe that the "national security" of his country is threatened on another continent, 10.000 miles away. US is not the world. It behaved in the past like it, but can´t afford to do it anymore. Trump has realized that a multipolar world is better than a unipolar one. More peace and business, less costs.
You say they "can't", but I say they already have. They have essentially defunded the CIA, put a puppet in charge of the FBI and DOD. They have already seriously undermined their national security, why not take this next step?
This is simply not true.
The US has traditionally not got involved with disputes between European powers.
It only got involved:
Russia is not a threat to the US.
There are two reasons why the US may withdraw from NATO and let Russia dominate Europe:
European embrace of the ideology of globalist woke socialism (The Woke Mind Virus) IS a threat to US national security - the Biggest Threat as VP Vance stated. Russia is traditionalist, not woke, are will erase The Woke Mind Virus in Europe.
Trump is trying to pull Russia away from China and Iran.
This is far more important to the US than Ukraine.
Zelensky is just crazy and wants the third world War, and dumb European governments too... He doesn't want peace... I hope usa remove their support so we can end this war
Please explain this logic like I'm an idiot?
For example, if the USA invaded Canada, do you expect Canada not to fight back and simply rollover? If NATO supported Canada would you accuse them of "wanting a third world war"?
It's kinda boring explaining always the same, you need to be blind to reduce everything to "oh no Russia invades Ukraine at random and wants to conquer whole europe"... It was granted to Russia nato would not expand to East, and it did expand, in Ukraine the west did a coup to overthrow elected president, then started war on dombass people supported by west, do you realize this is just a proxy war? Ukranian people are just cannon meat, no one of the policians care for Ukraine, the only want to annoy russia... What you think would happen if in Canada they start build Russian bases? USA goes like "oh ok cool no problem" or if in Switzerland China build military bases Europe goes "sure np"
Zelensky’s unacceptable behavior has become the most scandalous political disgrace of probably all time.
Full collapse of the institution of diplomacy
I think his behavior was probably too much. I am sure that there were talks privately, but I am just fed up with the war. There are facts on both sides...but I think he talked about the wrong things when you want to negotiate a deal to end the war.
I see that Zelensky only wants the war to end in victory for the Ukraine, and this simply isn't possible. Clearly massive corruption is ongoing, with war materiel provided to the Ukraine having ended up in the possession of Mexican cartels. Zelensky himself has bought a ~40M dollar mansion in Miami, and another property in Egypt, at least. He can't defraud a peace. Only the war enables his corrupt fraud to profit him many millions of dollars. For these reasons Zelensky does not want peace, regardless of the cost to the Ukraine or it's people.
Trump is a Fucking Retard
Is money laundering something retards accidentally do? I don't think it's useful to reduce criminal enterprise to incompetence, or deliberate criminal conspiracy to retardation. That doesn't mean I am in favor of those things. I neither think that the political parties, players, and programs are incompetence, retardation, or anything less than organized crime on every side.
This is why I am confident that the less government involvement in our affairs there is the better off the American people will be.
Less government is definitely better … but Trump is a fucking moron to get $2 trillion in debt to Putin … thanks to Trump USA = Russia
So you are in favor of the Democrats and don´t want a peace treaty? You, like the Trump bashers want to defeat Russia and to continue the war and the death of 10.000s of people? Not sure who is retarded here...
You are a fucking idiot. There is no peace treaty without Ukraine at the negotiations.
Second, the war is over when Russia stops fighting, they are the agressor. This is the second time in history that the USA decided to back away from an aggressor, the last time it brought the bombs to pearl harbour.
Trump is a bully at best, weak putin/MBS puppet at worse. Likely somewhere between.
OK, I am sure now...
Sure about what?
That you are perfectly comfortable in your ignorance that the best way to prevent the deaths of 10s of 1000s of people is to capitulate to the aggressor.
A peace treaty isn't going to do anything but give time to Russia to regroup and try again, that is especially true if it includes provisions that the Ukraine can't form alliances with other countries to strengthen its security (like joining NATO, the EU, etc)
Please, for the love of all that is holy, read a goddamn book that wasn't written in the last 20y. Ideally one that wasn't written by a talking head, but a professional or academic.
Everyone wants a smaller Government but USA is now part of Fucking communist Russia .
Russia is pure fucking Evil.
Zelensky wird abdanken müssen und sein Nachfolger wird dann in Friedensverhandlungen eintreten. Wie soll es denn anders ausgehen? Der Krieg ist nicht zu gewinnen und mit dem haßerfüllten Lügenkokser Zelensky sind Verhandlungen kaum möglich.
Für beide Seiten kein schöner Auftritt aber Trump hat am Ende des Tages recht, ohne die USA hat die Ukraine schlechte Karten.
Ukraine should jump at the deal with the US because Ukraine will definitely get nothing from Russia at that's the start.
They get nothing from the "deal", Russia gets everything they want, including time to lick their wounds and resupply for another volley.
Please, pick up a history book and read about expansionist aggression. Maybe try one that covers the period between Victorian Europe and the Great Depression in Europe.
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Meiner Meinung nach wurde Selenskyj in die Ecke gedrängt; sein "Ausbruch" kam für die "Aggressoren" daher wohl nicht unerwartet. Diplomatisch war das sicher nicht optimal, aber auf rein menschlicher Ebene mehr als nachvollziehbar.
Die Argumente bezüglich Undankbarkeit sind schlichtweg lächerlich, siehe:
Auch der Angriff auf sein Outfit klingt eher nach Schulhofmobbing. Es ist für Kriegspräsidenten durchaus Tradition, nicht im Anzug aufzutreten. Ich wette, Winston Churchill musste sich diese lächerliche Anschuldigung nicht anhören, als er Franklin D. Roosevelt davon überzeugte, sich den Alliierten anzuschliessen.
Dieses rüpelhafte Verhalten mag Vance und Trump bei ihren eigenen Anhängern Pluspunkte einbringen, doch in den Augen der Welt haben sie sich einfach nur lächerlich gemacht.
Zumindest ist das meine Ansicht. Allerdings muss ich der Transparenz halber eingestehen, dass ich durchaus voreingenommen bin, da ich weder viel von Trump noch von Vance halte.
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Das ganze ist m.M. nach gut inszeniert worden.
Seit wan wird das was im OO passiert komplett übertragen? Und ich wette das wir nicht wieder vorkommen mit anderen Staatsoberhäuptern.
Obwohl doch bekannt ist, das er seit Kriegsbeginn immer das gleiche trägt, wird darauf eingegangen. Bei jedem anderen vorherigen Presidenten hätte das eher zu Respekt für die Beständigkeit geführt. Wie kann man wenn man im Krieg ist sich im Anzug hinstellen!? Wäre für mich eher ein no go. Das aland ist im Krieg, die Leite haben nichts, aber er zieht einen teuren Zwirn an!? Nee geht mal gar nicht.
Daher, alles so geplant. Und wer zeigt denn kein Respekt? Trump hatte ihn doch noch kurz zuvor als Diktator beschimpft, verbreitet ständig Unwahrheiten wie z.b. bzgl. der Zustimmung im eigenen Volk.
Selenskyi werfen ssie vor, er würde sich nicht bedanken, das hatte er zuvor aber immer wieder gemacht.
Selenskyi hat zudem keine Drohung ausgesprochen sondern eher eine Warnung, kleinet aber feiner unterschied.
So habe ich das gesehen.
This war is not about the person of Zelensky, but the right of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign country. He is just the leader of the moment.
The show must go on ;-)
I'm glad that the whole video was posted. It really adds a lot of context. It was surprising how quickly it fell apart in the last 8 minutes.
I haven't been following the situation all that closely but from this video it felt like Zelensky was fighting to maintain the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and that Ukraine is defending itself and not let the narrative shift to a this being a fight between two nations.
It was also feeling like the US is mainly there to exploit the situation to gain mineral rights. I get that they are looking out for their country and they are there to make a deal as he kept saying throughout the interview. That part makes Vances strong stance Zelensky saying "thank you" a little odd. It sounds like a transaction is being made, that the Ukraine is buying US military support with allowances for them to mine the land. When it's a two way interaction, buying something at a store or making a trade, usually both parties thank each other. The Ukraine does have the higher need for US help than visa versa, but he does have "cards" as Trump put it if he's selling mineral rights.
Unless I misunderstood that part.
The suit comment was idiotic to me. I hate it when people waste everyone's time with bullshit that doesn't matter. Like when they ask stupid questions in presidential debates like "who's your favorite band" 😐😑😐 *blinks slowly
Its like "why are you here? can we have have a question from someone who's not a complete moron please and keep this thing moving" 🙄
I don´t agree that the suit thing is BS. To visit the most powerful man, everybody has to wear a suit, otherwise it is disrespectful. Selensky often poses in military uniform although he never dared to go to the front, he is just acting. No wonder, he is an actor by profession.
He indeed should be more thankful, so far the US didn´t mine anything, the deal is not even arranged, so what for should the US thank him?
And he lied several times bluntly, e.g. when he said that Russia is invading his country since 2014.
I think your opinion on him not wearing a suit is valid. When it comes to human behavior and cultural norms between people, such things are subjective, everyone has a different opinion and there is no true rule book to life, so right and wrong become value based. As such, simple words and gestures can be very offensive to different people. I accept his reasoning for not wearing a suit as being a sign of solidarity to his military. Others do not, obviously. Such is life.
To clarify, I'm not saying that the US should thank him, just pointing out my confusion why Vance made such a big thing out of it given the deal that the US is asking for is $300 billion in backpaymemt for past support and an additional $200 billion with no guarentee for future support from the US. The Ukraine was asking for future support and the US wasn't confirming that, so whats the additional 200 billions for - interest? To be clear, this isn't an act of good will the US seems to be treating it like a loan. That's how it appears to be at least.
Zelensky was referring to 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimea.
The suit thing is NOT VALID
Give me a fucking break. Leaders during a time of war rarely wear business costumes. Off the top I can think of Churchill at the Whitehouse.
And if I follow your logic of the "most powerful man", Musk must be the more powerful of the two because I don't remember seeing any comments about him not wearing a business costume when he was in the Oval office.
I don't know if this is directed at me but I also outlined above that I felt the suit issue was not valid. It felt like it was meant as an ambush more than anything.
To be honest I'd rather society not even debate the suit comment. The philosopher Noam Chompsky outlines it nicely
The suit debate feels like that type of situation to me. Allow people to argue over nonsense while the real issues get swept away. The rest of Chompsky's speech is interesting as well because it speak about how such issues and debates lead to division in society
The Crimea was always Russian, since centuries, plus there was an election. The people there feel as Russians, that´s undoubted.
It's not undoubted. Both sides of the conflict say something different so it really depends on who the individual sides with.
Then on the United Nations website the March 2014 "UN general assembly voted not to recognize the referendum held in autonomous Crimea" - 100 votes in favor to 11 against.
So at least 100 UN countries are doubting the validity of the referendum.
I found the same account of events on the US Embassy website, Wikipedia, Britanica, and several North American news sites. My point is not to be argumentative but the messaging will be different on both sides of the conflict, as these things always are. So Zelensky isn't "lying" since he and at least 100 other nations believe what he's saying.
Fuck off, it wasn't.
The borders were drawn during the fall of the soviet union. By this logic Texas, California, etc should be Mexico, and if they decided to launch an invasion the USA should just immediately surrender.
I mean, the people there feel as Mexican, that's undoubted.
Total and utter shit show from the comedian made President of Ukraine
Wir Europäer haben uns leider zu lange nicht selber um unsere Sicherheit bemüht, wobei ich/wir auch davon ausgingen, keine Armee mehr zu brauchen in Friedenszeiten. Leider ändert sich das Weltbild immer mehr.
Wobei, mal ganz ehrlich, wir wollen doch eigentlich alle (Ukrainer, Russen, Amerikaner, Chinesen, Europäer,.......) das gleich: Unserer Arbeit nachgehen, den Feierabend genießen und dann irgendwann die letzten Lebensjahre als Rentner begehen.
Diese Weltpolitik wird aber leider von Männern gemacht, die anderes im Sinn haben und der normale Bürger bleibt auf der Strecke.
yep, stimmt, größter Verlierer von Kriegen ist immer das normale Volk, eigentlich bräuchte man keine Kriege, wenn man zusammenarbeitet, Handel betreibt, dann hätte jede Seite viel mehr durch einen Krieg zu verlieren als zu gewinnen.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/15) @davideownzall tipped @vikisecrets
the interview is really crazy but Zelensky should really end the war. its been years already. because of the ukraine war, prices went up.
It will be a difficult choice for Ukraine but having US as ally would be big for them
It would be beneficial to everyone if the war has to be end
yea.. I agree with Trump on this one.. Ukraine/Zelensky should act appropriately. 😉😎🤙