Utopian-io has been growing. October has seen some well-known organisations added to the VIPO (Very Important Project Owners) club, including Rocket.Chat and CoinGecko. There is a new contribution category for anti-abuse fighters. Further translation teams have been formed and the category now covers fifteen of the world’s languages.
With growth comes a requirement for sustainable operations. If you follow Steem’s open source community closely you will have seen two posts on Halloween relating to the new voting bot. Sustainability and quality are the watchwords, combined with a desire to reinvigorate some of the less-active categories. Whilst the old bot upvoted all contributions by creation date order the new bot will upvote the top-scoring posts from each category before spreading any remaining power to the larger categories.
In this analysis I will look at the voting behaviour of Utopian-io across the month of October. This period is almost entirely covered by the old voting bot with only two rounds from the new bot. I will aim to:
- Examine the breakdown of votes awarded by category and contribution type and explain some of the workings of Utopian-io for newcomers to Steem;
- Illustrate some of the reasons why a change in voting was necessary by looking at the vote timing;
- Celebrate a great month for Utopian using some summaries of the top contributors with breakdowns for each category and contribution type; and
- Look ahead to November and how the new voting bot is likely to change the picture.
1. Breakdown of Utopian-io votes by category
This first chart summaries all Utopian-io votes across the month of October aggregated by category of vote and by the day on which the vote was awarded.
The y-axis shows vote weight. 100 on the axis represents one full strength 100% vote. 1000 represents a full day’s allocation of ten 100% votes. The x-axis represents each day in October based on universal time, UTC, as per the blockchain.
For those new to Utopian a brief explanation of the categories of votes:
- Contributions (blue): Utopian-io mainly rewards contributions to open-source projects. Contributions are not just limited to coding (development) but cover a wide range of technical skills including graphics work, translations, tutorials, copywriting, bugs and ideas.
- Moderator comments (purple): Utopian has a team of over 50 expert moderators who review and score every contribution. Utopian rewards the moderators for their work by voting on their review comments.
- Task requests (yellow): Open source project owners can make requests for work to be carried out on their projects. These take the form of task requests. Only a small number of project owners currently use task requests but they can represent some of the most exciting opportunities for the Utopian community.
- Trails: Utopian-io also supports a number of Steem communities, typically those with links to the open-source world or science and technology. Two of these are separated out in the chart: steemstem (green) and mspwaves (red).
- Other comments and posts (grey): These are one-off votes on posts of high value or interest to the open-source community, such as the arrival of a new project into the Utopian VIPO club. There will also be a few votes that have fallen through the filters I use to determine the category separation.
The largest share of voting goes to rewarding contributions, as would be expected. The significance of the work of the moderation teams is also well-reflected by their votes. Trails and task-requests share a smaller piece of the pie but with Utopian-io holding 3.6m Steem Power these votes are not insubstantial.
The old voting bot was programmed to vote when voting power recharging arrived close to 100%. This would normally result in 1000 weight of voting per day, equivalent to 10 full 100% votes. The peaks and troughs of voting tended to arise when the old bot was forced to over-vote to ensure all posts received a vote within the seven day window. Or those thankfully rare occasions when something fell over.
It should be noted that when the bot over-voted the voting power fell below 100%. This means that the vote weights awarded are not always proportional to the vote amounts added to post payout. This could easily be changed in the chart by using the rshares of the votes or translating the rshares to STU values. However for this analysis I am more interested in the vote-weights awarded as the best measure of how Utopian-io seeks to reward each category.
2. Breakdown of Utopian-io votes by contribution type
This second chart takes the contribution vote amounts above (blue bars) and separates them between contribution types. Again the date range is the month of October.
There are thirteen contribution types, including the new anti-abuse category for Steem’s fearless abuse fighters. Task requests are not included in these figures. As in the first chart the y-axis represents vote weight and the x-axis shows the dates.
As can be seen, there are some very significant differences when comparing the weight of upvotes for each contribution type. Since the old bot rewarded all contributions by date order these differences are mainly due to the number of contributions made in each category. The total weight of each category will also be impacted by the scores awarded to individual contributions by moderators (higher score, higher weight) and the maximum vote weight available for each contribution type (development, for example, has the highest potential maximum vote weight).
Over the entire month the top contribution types by overall vote weight were:
- Translations: 52%
- Development: 20%
- Blog: 11%
- Graphics: 6%
- Tutorials: 4%
- Analysis: 2%
- All others combined: 5%
3. Utopian-io vote timing
The chart below looks at the timing of votes made by Utopian-io and helps to illustrate some of the reasons why a change in the voting bot was necessary.
The y-axis represents the duration in a post’s life at which it is upvoted by Utopian-io, within the range of the seven day post payout period. The x-axis shows time across the month of October.
At the start of the month Utopian-io had just finished recharging after HF20. There were few posts made over the preceding week meaning that the posts-for-upvoting queue was short and posts were typically upvoted close to the point at which the moderation process was completed. Posts were upvoted one at a time (i.e not in batches) with voting power recharging close to 100% prior to the next upvote being triggered.
Over the following two weeks the weight of posts awaiting upvote grew much faster than the time taken for the Utopian bot to recharge. Posts were upvoted in date order meaning that there was a gradual increase in the duration between post creation and post upvote.
By the 19th October the upvoting duration had reached the maximum 6.5 days. Upvotes made after 6.5 days are caught in the cooldown period resulting in a waste of voting power. At this point, in order to continue to upvote all posts, each post had to be upvoted as soon as it reached 6.5 days. This resulted in batches of votes being processed together with no time for Utopian-io to recharge between votes and some fairly random reductions in rewards due to upvotes being made at lower vote power.
The main problems of the old bot with regards to timing can be summarised as:
- Utopian rewards were being reduced fairly randomly depending on whether a post reached 6.5 days in isolation or in close proximity to the posts. With time this situation was likely to deteriorate further resulting in a significant drain on the voting power and increased randomness of vote-power reductions. This solution was not sustainable.
- Posts were upvoted late in the 7-day reward period, removing any visibility on the various Steem front-ends that the large Utopian upvote can bring. This also reduced the potential for upvotes from outside the Utopian community.
- Any issues or outages resulted in posts passing into the cooldown period and being skipped.
On the right-hand side of the chart are the first two voting round using the new approach. The new bot upvotes the highest scoring posts from each category first meaning that these posts should be upvoted early in the seven day payout period and gain greater visibility.
4. Summaries of the top 50 Utopian contributors for October
Congratulations to all those who made it on to the top 50 list for October. Particularly to our translators! I recently spent some time getting to grips with node.js through online tutorials and using the reference documentation. I'll admit that had this been in any language other than English (or maybe French) it would not have happened.
Given the overall breakdown of voting by contribution types it is perhaps unsurprising to see translators, developers and bloggers to the fore. However it is also good to see that copywriters, documenters, analysts and tutorial-makers can also make their presence felt.
5. Summaries of the top Utopian contributors by contribution type
If you are interested in particular types of contributions, here are the summaries!
- Following on from his win of the Utopian hackathon, @emrebeyler also topped the development chart for October. Emre's development projects include Lightsteem - a python library for the Steem blockchain, Transmitter - a command line tool for Steem blockchain witnesses, and the dpoll Steem dApp.
- Community manager and language moderator @rosatravels tops the blog chart. Everything you need to know about Utopian translation teams can be found on her blog.
- Some familiar faces in the analysis contribution category!
- @duski.harahap tops the tutorials chart thanks to a useful series on creating RESTful API with Code Igniter. Meanwhile @tensor will teach you how to build your own blockchain if you're tired of this one!
6. Moderators and Trails
- I'll admit to not knowing too much about the steemstem community. But their vote distribution does look really very scientific.
- In the battle for hardest-working moderator @amosbastian (development contributions) just beats out @didic (blog contributions).
7. A look ahead to November: The new utopian-io voting bot
The last day of October was also the first full day using the new voting bot. A look back at the chart from section 2 shows the distribution of votes between contribution types on this date was much more even than on previous days. This resulted in a fall in voting for the large contribution categories and an increase for the smaller ones. The reinvigoration and growth of the smaller categories is one of the issues the new voting bot is attempting to solve.
However it is far too early to jump to any conclusions. The new bot has reserved pools for each contribution type. These pools are made available to the larger categories once the smaller categories have received upvotes. As such there is likely to be a period of evenness, perhaps a few days, whilst the bot clears the posts from the smaller categories, followed by a period when more of the voting power is consumed by the larger categories.
Whether greater evenness of voting is the long-term result will depend on how the smaller contribution categories grow with this new opportunity and whether any tweaks are made to the rules of the new bot once the pattern of voting settles in. I would expect something in between the current position and complete evenness, perhaps closer to the former than to the latter. But that is a question for November.
This analysis relates to the Utopian open-source project. The relevant repositories are:
- utopian-io/utopian-bot
- utopian-io/utopian.io
Tools and scripts:
I used the block.ops analysis system to produce this study. Block.ops is an open-source analysis tool designed for heavy-duty analyses of the Steem blockchain data. It is currently under construction. This is the third complete analysis from its depths.
You can find the repository for block.ops here:
The analysis used all the Steem blocks from October. This is approximately 900,000 blocks.
The main difficulty in producing this analysis involved correctly allocating posts to their respective categories and contribution types. This relied entirely on the tags and links included in each post. The order / logic I have used for the allocation is as follows:
- Moderator comments based on having the appropriate links to Utopian guidelines and help.
- Contribution post type based on the tags 'Utopian-io' and the first contribution type that appears. Special consideration taken for idea / ideas and social / visibility.
- Steemstem post based on steemstem vote.
- Task request based on the tags 'Utopian-io' and the first task-contribution type. Task-bug-hunting is not a thing.
- mspwaves post based on msp-waves or mspwaves tag.
- Other posts and comments based on postComment indicator.
Whilst I have made my best effort in this categorisation, I cannot promise to have allocated every post correctly.
Thanks for reading!
The fluctuation was probably caused by the fact that the original trail bot (written by @ms10398 and @elear) would only start voting at 98% voting power. As you know @utopian-io was having some trouble staying above that amount lately, so sometimes the trail wasn't being voted on at all.
Thanks @crokkon!
The need for an early review for visibility is a great point. But also from the point of view of fairness it would be good if all reviews could be done as early as possible. A review late on day 3 or on day 4 may only leave three voting windows for a chance to be amongst the highest ranked posts, whereas a review early on the first day could give six window opportunities and so a greater chance for an upvote.
I get the feeling that most posts are moderated within 24 hours (particularly in analysis - great service, thanks!) although I haven't run the stats. Looking at utopian.rocks at the moment there is one post approaching the four day mark. I would assume that there's only one potential moderator for that post, so specialisation could be an issue. But there's also a few graphics posts near the top. If lots of posts from the same category get bundled through late, particularly from the more popular categories, then there could be bottlenecks.
Maybe it isn't a huge issue as the highest scoring posts will still get upvoted, but more of an issue for posts that are on the borderline. Something worth some consideration.
Thanks for the review!
Thank you for your review, @crokkon! Keep up the good work!
So much interesting information, amazing job! Especially the image showing @utopian-io's vote timing does a great job of illustrating the problem we were facing with the old bot. Am curious to see how the new one will change the look of this graph (and all the other ones).
As you said, it's not very surprising to see so many translators in the top 50 list. They have beneficiaries set to @utopian.pay by default, so their voting weight is also higher. Also cool to see @emrebeyler topping the development contributors amongst quite a lot of VIPO members who receive an additional bonus.
One thing I would like to point out that there is now also an "iamutopian" category reserved only for moderators and community managers. It seems like you've counted them as contributions to the blog category in this analysis (makes complete sense as they required the blog tag before). They used to be manually upvoted by @elear, but will now also be included in the bot's voting round.
Was definitely surprised to see I am the "hardest working" moderator, haha. I thought @didic would take that one by a mile, to be honest! Will definitely be keeping an eye out for your future posts!
Thanks. However, I got a %100 utopian-io upvote as a prize of the hackathon. This gave me a boost. Also contributions of @stoodkev, @steem-plus may be counted as one for a healthy comparison.
There are a few instances of separate developer / project accounts across the different categories. I thought about adding them together but I don't know enough about who does the actual work for the projects to make any decision. Leaving it "as is" was also less work on the end results.
I think that the distribution of rewards is actually a pretty good shape. No user is miles ahead. There's a good spread with a large number of users are getting some very solid rewards. I'll draw up the distribution at some point to illustrate. My guess is that it compares favourably with that of Steemit as a whole.
Very good point on the utopian.pay addition Amos. I should maybe have adjusted the voting weights awarded to those posts by the corresponding beneficiary percentages to get a better comparison between posts which do/don't have that setting.
I saw the iamutopian category in your post late yesterday and I was happy with capturing them in blog for October. Particularly as I've pretty much run out of colours! But certainly something to separate out in future.
So the majority of Utopian’s voting power is going to translations of existing posts and not to the original posts?
Hey @ats-david.
The contributions are translations of open source project documentation. Not of posts. So if Spanish speakers are trying to learn / reference node.js they can do so. I probably should have made that clear. Disadvantage of being too close to the detail.
I would add that the results for other months, and for the year overall, would be very different. Translation contributions were not possible over a large part of the year whilst the Davinci review process was established. And the translation teams grew really fast across September/ October.
The new voting bot is likely to have an impact in November, giving a more even spread of votes across categories. But only if there are enough contributions in those other categories to actually get rewards. It may take a little time for such a change to work through.
OK, got it. Good clarification.
This is a very nice breakdown of the utopian statistics. Glad to be able to see something like this. Makes it easier for me to know where my contributions stand in relation to the others.
Standing at the top as far as the video-tutorials go!
I think that category will benefit from the new voting bot too. There's potential for top contributions to get through and upvoted at around the 1 day mark which should be better for visibility.
Personally, not that worried about visibility since I already have a bit of notoriety on steem. Though it couldn't hurt.
Anyhow cheers mate.
Interesting analysis! There were so many awesome posts last month.
There were. Good to see your name on the blog chart too!
Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 2 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.
I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 21 SBD worth and should receive 177 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.
I am
, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

This is gorgeous work :)
Thank you!
Hi @miniature-tiger!
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord serverYour post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation! Your post is eligible for our upvote, thanks to our collaboration with @utopian-io!
Hey, @miniature-tiger!
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!
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