I've proposed a new logo for Android Activity Tracker that is open source app.
Android Activity Tracker
AAT - Android Activity Tracker is a GPS-tracking application for tracking sportive activities, with emphasis on cycling. It uses MapsForge to display map tiles and offline maps from the OpenStreetMap project.
Proof of the Work
Benefits / Improvements
The original logo is not eye-catching.
I wanted to make a map and GPS tracker.
Adobe Illustrator CC
Original files
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
@revilationer, Contribution to open source project, I like you and upvote.
Tasarımınızda iki şeyi oturtamadım.
Bunlar dikkatimi çekti. Başarılar diliyorum.
Kavisli çizgiyi yapmamın amacı logonun dahil oldugu simgeye daha hoş bir görünüm kazandırmak istememdir hocam, diğer konuda da GPS simgesinin geçtiği yerlere nokta nokta çizgi yapmayı düşündüm tracker havası versin diye ancak logo simge boyutuna küçüldüğü zaman hem belli olmuyor hemde bütünlüğü bozuyor.
Değerli yorumun için teşekkür ederim
Read the rules again to understand what you must deliver in logo design.
This is logomark with logotype. this is how you should deliver.

This is the logo design in form of icon, if you only deliver icon like this without the actual logomark/logortype, it is not enough according to the rules.

there is no actual logomark/logotype. only logo in form of icon that i found in your final files.
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
You can contact us on Discord.
Thank you for approve! :) Thanks for suggestions, i will pay attention next time.
Hey @revilationer I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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