Yes, looks like you had an allergic reaction to the flu shot.
The flu shot didn’t make you allergic to...the flu shot...and it didn’t cause your other food allergies. Saying that it did just because your food allergies showed up not long after your vaccine is not sound evidence based thinking or practice.
The sun came up that day, maybe the sun caused your allergies. You rode in a car to the doctors office, maybe the car caused your allergies.
Saying the flu shot caused 100 food allergies sounds and is just as ridiculous a claim as the ones above.
The flu shot compromised my immune system thus triggering severe food sensitivities. Good luck passing the nursing boards you will need it.
Medical Textbook you should purchase
That’s very nice self-diagnosis. When I take boards I will keep in mind how inappropriate self-diagnosis is. So thanks for that tip.
The truth is that your own physicians, the ones who’ve probably read an autoimmune textbook or two also aren’t going to back up the claim that a seasonal flu vaccine causes your immune system to misidentify food.
I’m gonna pass boards just fine, but not if I heed any of the content in this post, that’s for sure.
@americaurusrex, Good luck on the boards. I am glad to see some people in this thread understand actual science!
You know an allergic reaction is an unwarranted immune response to a stimulus? Such as a peanut allergy is an immune response to a protein found in peanuts... Just think about what you have said... The flu vaccine compromised your immune system giving you allergies...
BTW it was the "know-it-all's" who flunked
That’s kind of an ironic thing to say, when you’re diseminating patently false information that would totally cause students to do worse on boards if they heeded it.