"I don't suffer from HPV. I suffer from Gardasil."
The Gardasil shot destroyed Ashlie's future as a professional dancer. In fact, she barely held onto life.
Shawna tells of how something inside told her to cancel the appointment for her daughters, so she did.
Against her better judgement, she decided she should have listened to her doctor so booked it again.
(See my earlier article: Should We Listen to Our Intuition?)
The morning of the appointment, she called the doctors office to verify that there were no adverse side affects and that nothing would happen to her daughters.
Sadly, she was NOT informed of any risks like:
DEATH, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Pancreatitis, Myalgia, Seizures, Paralysis, Auto-Immune diseases, Encephalomyelitis, etc.
Nobody showed her the Vaccine Package Insert.
(See my article: Did Your Doctor Give You the Required Vaccine Packet Insert?)
Shawna Snyder, Big Bear City, California with her daughter, Ashlie, tell the VaxXed Nation Tour their heart-breaking account of how the Gardasil Vaccine caused Guillain-Barre and almost killed Ashlie.
Thinking of Getting the HPV Vaccine? WARNING: Watch This Video First
PLEASE, Please Watch This Youtube Video Below
Ashlie got one of the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome that the hospital had ever seen and came very close to losing her life.
16 days after the shot, 12-yr-old Ashlie complained that her legs weren't working right. It felt like her legs had fallen asleep; a thousand little needles. The next morning she could no longer walk.
She was hospitalized and diagnosed with "Ascending Paralysis" also known as Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The greatest concern was that it could shut down her respiratory system.
They kept marking her legs, where the paralysis was going up, where she was losing feeling.
The best case scenario was that it hits her waste and goes back down, but sadly for Ashlie's the paralysis kept ascending.
Hospital staff brought in paperwork about Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and right there on the top is said that you can get it from #1) a vaccine #2) being sick or #3) eating uncooked chicken. Shawna immediately knew what is was as Ashlie had not been sick or eaten uncooked chicken.
Ashlie became unable to swallow. She stopped breathing and was resuscitated. She was put on a BiPAP machine for a day, but things kept getting worse so she had to be intubated. She became unable to speak.
(Ashlie in the hospital)
It has been a long, hard journey to bring some recovery to Ashlie. Listen to the video above for the full story.
Vaccinations come with big risks. And the Gardasil vaccine for the HPV virus is absolutely one of the worst.
Death is a side-effect of vaccines. I have done extensive research to weigh pros and cons of vaccination, and it is not worth it to assault the immune system with vaccines in an effort to prevent illness.
Here are some earlier stories of HPV/Gardasil vaccines and the damage they have done.
HPV Vaccine Paralyzes Athletic 13-yr-old Colton of Utah
Gardasil Vaccine Causes Girl to Self-Harm and Become Severely Ill
LEAD Nano-Particles in Gardasil & Cervarix HPV Vaccines: Does this help explain the great # of injuries?
For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut
Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!
I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.
Nobody showed her the Vaccine Package Insert.
(See my article: Did Your Doctor Give You the Required Vaccine Packet Insert?)
Shawna Snyder, Big Bear City, California with her daughter, Ashlie, tell the VaxXed Nation Tour their heart-breaking account of how the Gardasil Vaccine caused Guillain-Barre and almost killed Ashlie.
Thinking of Getting the HPV Vaccine? WARNING: Watch This Video First
PLEASE, Please Watch This Youtube Video Below
Ashlie got one of the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome that the hospital had ever seen and came very close to losing her life.
16 days after the shot, 12-yr-old Ashlie complained that her legs weren't working right. It felt like her legs had fallen asleep; a thousand little needles. The next morning she could no longer walk.
She was hospitalized and diagnosed with "Ascending Paralysis" also known as Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The greatest concern was that it could shut down her respiratory system.
They kept marking her legs, where the paralysis was going up, where she was losing feeling.
The best case scenario was that it hits her waste and goes back down, but sadly for Ashlie's the paralysis kept ascending.
Hospital staff brought in paperwork about Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and right there on the top is said that you can get it from #1) a vaccine #2) being sick or #3) eating uncooked chicken. Shawna immediately knew what is was as Ashlie had not been sick or eaten uncooked chicken.
Ashlie became unable to swallow. She stopped breathing and was resuscitated. She was put on a BiPAP machine for a day, but things kept getting worse so she had to be intubated. She became unable to speak.
(Ashlie in the hospital)
I'm super troubled by all this and more, happy to be 1 of your newest followers.
when I approached this subject & my first grandchild Boom !, they were better informed (brainwashed) but wanting to do the right (common and carefree thing) than I was prepared to handle. Not wanting to be shut out (shut up) ?
I'm following to find maybe (my last and final stand) after all no one could have told me how to raise my children (period)
for the moment I'm content knowing they are on the same page, and I didn't start a nightmare (strong separation of ideas among them).
But .....
Nuff said for now, I'm watching and reading....
Thanks for following me and for your comment.
Yes, there is a LOT to learn on the subject of vaccines.
Feel free to look through older posts,
or if you have a specific question, I may be able to refer you to a post where I discussed it.
All the best,
You have done such great work, I am so glad we found each other many many months ago and I am most pleased to know you are a gatekeeper of truth with such a good heart.
Thanks for your hard work my friend. I have seen some pretty nasty stuff on here from people on Steemit on the other side of the camp on this issue.
Stay the course.
I had to come over and check out your page...and as it turns out I am the mother of two children-one unvaccinated (unfortunately I wasn't aware of the dangers with my first child) and both unschooled :) So hello kindred spirit! I am definitely adding you to my list now :)
Wow! Nice to meet you. There aren't too many unschoolers out there and also aware of vaccine dangers.
HELLO Back to you! I have followed you as well.
No, there definitely aren't! It's always such a pleasure to run into someone who understands :) It's been a rough road for me, my entire family is in the medical fields-Rn's, nurse practitioners, etc. and they believe strongly in 'traditional schooling' on top of that. They've accepted my stance for the most part, though they like to blame my husband for it as if I don't have my own mind! The one thing that has helped tremendously is how brilliant (sorry, bragging a bit here) my children are at thirteen and sixteen, and also the fact that my son is never, ever sick. He has the immune system of super man! He not only has not been vaccinated, but he also has never been subjected to antibiotics. And the both of them are constantly hitting me with concepts that floor me, critical thinking is second nature to them and I am really proud of my husband and my choices I have to say ;)
It's awesome that you are educating people with articles like this one. I admit I tend to stick to fiction and more recently photographs and articles about the place I live without giving much about what I believe.
I did put through a short story series called "The Playground" that touches on these subjects, and I plan to start that up again in the summer :)
Thanks again and it's nice to learn more about you.
It's nice to have bright children, isn't it.
My son probably would have struggled in school given that he is very right-brained and the school system is so left-brained.
But since he has had time to pursue what he wants, it is AMAZING the depth of his knowledge on things like electricity, building and computers. When he was only 9-yrs-old an electrician told us that he knew things they don't learn until trades school. Also that year, my husband showed his boss a video of my son running the mini-excavator that we brought home to clean up our yard, and the boss (of an excavation company) said that our son operated it better than many of the operators that he has hired. ha ha
It's nice to hear remarks like that.
He may not have all the book knowledge, but he will be highly employable, or run a successful business of his own.
That's fantastic about your son! It doesn't surprise me, but at the same time it is so nice to hear another individual's success story. That would have absolutely been the case with my daughter, they probably would have tried to label her ADD or some such nonsense, since when she was young she struggled to retain information. But we came up with tricks to help and as she grew older she developed her own tricks. But your story is something to share with my mom, whose beeen known to say things such as "You're lucky you have such bright children". Meanwhile her granddaughter would have probably been placed in remedial classes, and that in combination with her very sensitive nature would have made school, particular the awful tween years of junior high, a hellish experience for her.
Instead she is in the process of working out a business plan for her first ebay store, while my son is filling a notebook with a game he plans to program and build :)
It's truly sad all the poisons that they are injecting kids with. I believe that vaccines are the cause of autism. The big increase in autism rates certainly correlate with the increase in vaccinations. Who knows what I was injected with when I was in the military.
The miltary are lab rats ...
I did this article on that.
Thanks for letting me know about the article! I didn't see that one. I will check it out, although I'm a bit scared to know.
Sometimes we dont understand the government. Before when we talk about the armed forces of the nation, we thought that are this high in profile that should be respective well. But as the time passed by, we heard so many bad things about them, things that creates fears within us.
Awesome post I found a lot of information after reading your post.
Very terrible happened to the professional dancer Ashlie was exposed to Gardasil's disease. I just learned about this disease.
Thanks for all your research and support.!
Hi @ canadian-coconut. It's terrible what I'm reading! I had heard about the danger of vaccines but not so clear. Call the nurse of the hospital where I work and here the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccinations are placed (will it be harmful?). Do not inform parents about the risk !!!! I begin to spread and tomorrow I will ask the Director.
This is scary!
Greetings from the Andes.
Yes. Thanks for reading.
People are not given the opportunity for Informed Consent.
Vaccines are a drug, just like any other pharmaceutical. Every pharmaceutical/drug comes with a long list of possible adverse reactions.
And certain vaccines, like Gardasil, are extra dangerous and not needed at all.
such a great important post, great to see you here still educating people away from the propaganda Linda
It's nice to see you back on Steemit again!Thanks @elissahawke
My daughter and I had a talk about this vaccine, she didn't believe me that the side-effects were horrible. Vaccination is like playing Russian roulette with your child's life. She did her research and now agrees with me, this vaccine is dangerous.
I'm glad that your daughter saw the light and did not get Gardasil.
Thanks for your comment reddust!
You're welcome @canadian-coconut.
Awesome post! I came across a lot of this information when i was researching for some articles about DynCorp. It's horrible that these drugs are passed and then pushed on the population even when there are serious health concerns.
Thanks for all your research and support! Resteeming
Thank-you. Yes, it is disgusting that dangerous vaccines like this are being really pushed and even mandated on people, without giving them any idea of the risks involved.
Not absolutely on-topic, but did you see this paper?
As I understand it, it's at rescuepost because it was deleted from its original posting. http://www.rescuepost.com/files/mawson-et-al-2017-vax-unvax-jnl-translational-science.pdf
Thanks. Yes, I did see that right before they deleted it all.
I had started to write a post about it, but then the info was gone as somebody seems to not want the truth out in public.
I found it on Youtube at Suspicious0bservers. He had the first link, and then the backup when the first was deleted. Does the link I posted work for you? It works from Morocco. Do you have a copy of the paper?
It seems that there are different stories here: firstly the results of the study; then that it was initially released on a mainstream site; and finally the active censorship.
Thanks for bringing this story up, this is definitely information that needs to be heard by everyone. I have followed you, it looks like you might post things that I like to see!
Thank you!
It is nice to 'meet' you!
This is excellent information that you bring out in your articles.
I have, over the years, watched as many documentaries on vaccines as I could find. I am also interested in the history of allopathic verses homeopathic medicine and the role of big pharma in the education system.
Please keep the info coming!
Thank-you @kus-knee ... I will!
In the US and Canada they are giving this vaccine to boys as well.
I think they started this a couple years ago.
Yes, I know. Any excuse to expand the market for their vaccine. Apparently they are considering giving it to newborns next!
Excelente post @canadian-coconut
Excelente post @canadian-coconut
I've heard about the dangerous of HPV vaccine. Thank you for this post. @canadian-coconut
It's so good to see fellow Canadians being aware of the dangers of vaccinations. Thanks for posting this! More people need to be informed.
Absolutely. Thanks for stopping by!
Excellent post. When I watch the commercials on TV encouraging parents to have their children vaccinated for HPV it makes me sick. I have seen first hand the IMMEDIATE ADVERSE reaction from this unnecessary assault on our children.
Yes, being that you are a nurse I expect that you have seen some reactions to the HPV vaccine.
Thanks for sharing.
Those commercials about "One Less Girl" getting cervical cancer are terribly misleading.
I can't remember the death rate for the poison but I recall being shocked when I saw it.
It's one of the worst vaccines for VAERS complaints filed. Some countries like Japan have removed it from the recommended list as it is so OBVIOUSLY dangerous.
They just pile them on here in the Vaccinated States of America.
Welcome back!!!!
Thanks! I should be posting more often now.
That sounds awesome. How about some unschooling mom stuff. I'd like to read about that too!
OK. I'll ponder on what to write about that. I haven't done any vaccine stuff for a bit so I thought I'ld do a few on that topic right now.
Bill C51 , COMER Bank of Canada lawsuits,
I did just get my COMER update from the Board on the lawsuit today actually if you want an insider copy of it.
I wondered where you went or what happened, I missed the comments on my blog from you for sure.
I was really sick for a week, then got well enough to do a post on mother's day, then was just plain busy last week.
But I'm going to try to post regularly now.
I am really happy to have met you for sure.
I want to keep at this but you know, when someone like Bernie flags you with 7 accts at full power, and on a post to help others, on my post to welcome Sommer here and try and help her.....it kinda knocks you down.
Some of this kind of thing on here is why gaining mass adoption while strange behaviour hurts people with no good reasons, or than bias, makes me wonder.
I hope you recover 100% and stay healthy, as you know with my issues, I wish the best for everyone with health and everything else in life.
bernie is being a real jerk lately to several people.
Hopefully the community and witnesses find a way to tone him down.
All the best to you too!
I have tried to encourage many people, when I can, and also just comment to people in the Korean community and be nice to people.
I wonder if part of my being targeted is because he has seen me encourage the KR community and now wants to harm me also.
Vaccines are pushed by big pharma to kill us slowly...
... and sometimes quickly!
Very interesting i learn alot now ijust upvode you scotty 777
This is absolutely criminal. It turns my stomach.
This sort of profit-driven evil causes me to wonder if hell can burn hot enough...
I know exactly what you mean.
Good grief, how do they get away perscribing this? Very troubling. X
Thank you for sharing good information
Welcome back😊.....i was one of the ones that came onboard behind your back😀.I from Nigeria and i want to ask if Gardasil is administered in Tropical African cos the only Vacc i know is the one for polio and Measles.
I don't really know. A quick google search shows it is available in South Africa.
It is a pretty expensive vaccine, with 3 shots required.
So it may be available in most of Africa, but not given out free and financially out-of-reach for most people.
I have heard that sadly the cheapest and most dangerous form of the polio vaccine is used in Africa -- a type that is no longer given in North America.
Wow....you are very right, many i'm sure can't afford it in Nigeria.
I am trying to understand both sides of this vaccination debate. I don't want to throw out the concerns of pro-vacciners but many of them seem to throw out the arguments of non-vacciners. In any case, we need clean honest research and done, not what we get now which is so obviously tainted by corporate interest. The medical system has failed me, despite having doctors who are good people in my family. I am excited that people are beginning to have a more holistic understanding of the body. I hope we move forward from love, rather than fear, though.
Thank-you. Yes, what people need to understand is that a vaccine is a drug, and all drugs have listed side-effects. Vaccination should never be a one-size-fits all approach as it now is. They give a baby Hepatitis B vaccine (a sexually transmitted disease) on the first day of life in the USA! Really?
Things have gotten much worse ever since the Pharmaceutical companies were given legal immunity against all vaccines. So no matter how careless or reckless they are in creating their product, they can't be sued. Ever since that time, the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule has skyrocketed. It's good for pharmaceutical profits, but not good for the health of our children or the public in general.
And the corruption at the CDC runs deep. Doctors believe that they can be trusted, but nothing is further from the truth.
See this article of mine:
I think a lot of doctors are in a tough spot, they all kind of know that there are huge problems, corruption, you name it, but they're reputations could be decimated by bringing any of it up, and for a doctor, reputation makes or breaks their career.
I will try to keep myself informed through your posts :-)
You would probably really enjoy watching the video inside of this article.
He speaks about how in the USA (at least) doctors are severely pressured to break their oath in a number of ways. It is hard in the medical field to stay true to putting the patient #1.
This is a tough discussion. I have a small point I would like everyone to consider. If there is a way of identifying which children would be affected negatively, then I am all for allowing these parents the decision. These rare cases are few and far between. If you had a choice to save 10,000 for 4 negative side effects (that don't kill), would you?!?!
Check this out (from the CDC, Center for Disease Control).
Best wishes Steemers!
Sickening and devastating. What makes me more upset is people, that don't believe this is real and say that this vaccines are completely safe.