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RE: Gardasil-induced Guillan-Barre Syndrome (GBS) nearly kills Ashlie Snyder -- HPV Vaccine almost Kills One MORE Girl (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

That's fantastic about your son! It doesn't surprise me, but at the same time it is so nice to hear another individual's success story. That would have absolutely been the case with my daughter, they probably would have tried to label her ADD or some such nonsense, since when she was young she struggled to retain information. But we came up with tricks to help and as she grew older she developed her own tricks. But your story is something to share with my mom, whose beeen known to say things such as "You're lucky you have such bright children". Meanwhile her granddaughter would have probably been placed in remedial classes, and that in combination with her very sensitive nature would have made school, particular the awful tween years of junior high, a hellish experience for her.
Instead she is in the process of working out a business plan for her first ebay store, while my son is filling a notebook with a game he plans to program and build :)