Interesting post and comments. It used to be the rule of thumb was a certain percentage of risk for side effects deemed "acceptable" before putting on the market.
Big Pharma lobbyists have managed over the years to have laws passed that protects them from liability and the requirement for rigid research standards for all vaccines. At least this is so in the USofA . This is not new news and I know that, but many are still unaware of this. So I thought I'd mention it.
There's a blind squirrel here who summed it up quite correctly. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!
Those in denial (for whatever reason) of this fact are part of the problem. They should further educate themselves on the subject for the good of their own health and everyone around them. Break free of the mind-scaping of the Industrial BS Complex and we will all be better off.
It wasn't the rats that brought humanity close to extinction during the dark ages. Yes they were integral to the epidemic but it was still the fleas that infected the rats...and jumping off the rats to our pets and livestock and then onto the people. dyor
Rats and fleas pretty much sums up politics to me...these days. Same as it ever was...yet worse.
Thank you for posting this @jolly-homestead
EDIT: although it's likely apparent from my post I will clarify. I take no vaccines and would take a bullet or prison rather than bend on this issue. I get sick, maybe once a decade, but I usually bounce back in less than 48 hrs. I would rather eat dirt.
Spice is nice too...~smiles fer miles~