Do we really have the choice when it comes to taking the flu shot?

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Three years ago I decided to go back to work and realized that my freedom of choice would be taken away from me. In order to work in my job I had to take the flu shot or I would not be able to work with the elderly in their homes. I wanted to work so I agreed to taking it. The option of wearing a mask was not given to me at that time.

A couple of days later after taking the shot I came down so sick I was on the couch for three days. Now anyone who knows me knows that it takes alot to slow me down. I do not give in to pain or sickness easily and for me to be on the couch is a big deal. I had fever chills and just the feeling of wellness for a solid three days. After I got better I never really did all that year every time some flu of any kind went around I came down sick. I knew in my heart it was the flu shot that had made me very sick. It was one of the hardest years that I ever had.

When it came around to having to get the next years shot I refused. I was told if you don't take the shot you are not going to be alound to work the months between December and the end of March- the flu season. I argued the point to my supervisor and she said the only other option is wearing a mask with my clients. She only gave me that choice after I argued with her. I chose that route and was happy with my decision. Not saying I wasn't exposed to flu bugs because I was but I did not even get close to being sick as I was the previous year.

Now I'm the kind of person that won't believe something until I can prove it to myself so when flu season rolled around again I chose to take the flu shot to see if I had just had a bad year with all the illnesses. Well guess what I was sick again within the week after taking the shot and the following year proved to be difficult.

I used myself as a guinea pig and I came to the conclusion that it was indeed the flu shot making me sick. So if pharma care or whoever is in charge of these shots know that these flu shots can make people sick why is it pushed upon the most vulnerable? Kids, people with illnesses and the elderly are so encouraged to take these flu shots in the name of health. Again we are being convinced that the powers to be know what they are doing and we are just the little minnions who need to or encouraged to listen them.

I'm not saying that it is all bad and I'm sure the flu shot has been beneficial in some cases. I just don't think we need to be in the position to have to take the shot when the very people who we are working with are all vaccinnated. Why should we have to take the shot when they are protected against the flu anyway? I think taking the flu shot should totally be a freedom of choice with no repercussions of any kind.

Now I know some people who are reading this will say you do have the right to say yes or no but do we really? As soon as any of my coworkers saw me wearing the mask the third degree of questions would start. Talking about making someone feel uncomfortable. Then I would have to stand up for myself and explain my reasons. If there was really a freedom of choice then it would be just accepted with no attitude or questions.


I completely see what you mean. You do not really have a choice. The same applies with freedom of speech, the right to express your own views. Countries and its people may promote freedom of speech in their laws or express that freedom towards others, but in fact what is meant is freedom "so long as it's in accordance with my own view". After the US presidential elections, there were many debates on Trump's victory. Anyone saying that he was the better choice over Clinton was being verbally attacked or called immoral or insane. On paper, we have many liberties. In reality it often doesn't work that way.

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yeah i know right. we are allowed to say things as long as it doesn't offend others. For example we are no longer aloud to say Merry Christmas because of Christ's name being in the greeting we are only aloud to say Happy Holidays in order to not offend someone. By the way I might be shot for this but I like Trump i like that he isn't mainstream. Freedom is something we are allowed to say but not really live.

I haven't had the flu shot since I was a kid in high school, around 12 years ago. I was 18 the last time I had the flu vaccine and I was 18 when I last had the flu.

My husband was in the Army and they'd have them get the vaccine every year, and every year, my husband would get real sick, just like you - about a week after the vaccine.

Since he's been out of the military, 2 years now, he's not had the flu.

It's definitely the vaccine making people sick.

Yes, I also do not trust vaccination against influenza. Without her, I was sick once in 4 years. And as I did, I fell ill at once.

Yeah funny how that goes all in the name of health

Well... we need to keep in mind that health care is a business. So they SELL you the vaccine, promising health. Then you get sick and need maybe some kind of medicine, which you have to BUY, again from the pharmaceuticals. Win-win scenario for them. We are better customers if we are vulnerable and sick so... makes sense.

Myself, being that my mum is a doctor, I see all this industry so hypocrite. All they worry about is money. First they make sure you can pay the treatment, then they start actually helping you recover. I have never taken the flu vaccine, and I never get the flu.

Great post @jolly-homestead !! liked it a lot

I totally agree with you that is one of the reasons why i am so happy I'm not working anymore I can be flu vaccine free. I am so glad your husband does not need to take it anymore.

Me too. Men are so hard to take care of. Haha

Been there done that and never again will I ever take it! 3 bouts of pneumonia and over a year for my body to start the road to recover, since I switched to herbals even when exposed I kick it with herbals in max 3 days while the rest stay sick or get a relapse for weeks.. Resteemit!

wow 3 bouts of penemonia that is just aweful I'm glad you found a way to feel better. thanks for your support

I was waiting to reply to your post until I was able to show you what happened after my third flu shot. My first two I got sick then with the third one everything in my life changed.
Stand your ground no more vaccines!

If you really want to understand the motivation behind the vaccination bulldozer all you have to do is understand that, regardless of what they say, it's all about the money.

Every question you have can easily be answered by, "It's all about the money."

That holds true throughout our society, if you see government agencies doing something that doesn't seem to make sense, someone is making a ton of money.

It stopped being about "the public good" a long time ago.

In fact, that can be your first clue, if anyone says something about, "it's to help..." realize at once, it's all about the money.

But, take heart, the blockchain really is the answer, it takes the power back from big banks & big pharma & the military industrial complex and gives it to the individuals.

omg i sooooo agree with your way of thinking. I don't share the way I think with others too often so when I hear someone reflecting my thoughts I love it. I will definetely be following your posts.

Thanks, I hope you still agree after reading the one I just posted.

"In order to work in my job I had to take the flu shot or I would not be able to work with the elderly in their homes."
How sad is that? They are letting some1 almost no choice. And they are talking about "freedom of choice"

I agree that it is the worst thing you can do to yourselves

Too bad that you had to use yourself as a guinea pig,
but at least now you know the truth for yourself.

Great post my friend!
Thanks for speaking out and being BRAVE!

thanks yes i used myself as a guinea pig but now I know the truth and that is all good.

My friend said he has not gotten the flu in around nine years, and has not gotten it since, but one time I got the flu shot, literally a week later I gotten the flu virus.

It is important to remember in order to make a vaccine, they have to add a dosage of the virus. Im guessing this is why allot of people get sick or is not effective enough, the Influenza Virus maybe too little or too much in the vaccine.

for some people it works for others it makes them real sick and i am one of them. how can they really know how much of the virus to use i guess its back to being a guinea pig again uggg

I dit not have a flu shot when i was a kid too and i turned out just fine !

amazing right

post. 100%upvoted & following u. if u want u can visit my blog, hope u will be benefitted. thanks!

thanks i will follow you

I haven't had a flu shot since I was 9 and haven't had it once, despite caring for kids who have had the flu (and the shot funnily enough).
I'm really sick of the anti-mask culture in the west and it's something I admire about Chinese culture and behavior.
If you're sick, but going out, wear a goddamn mask.

i totally agree wear a mask or don't go out my son works in customer service and he is always surprised at how people will come in and cough all over the till, their food and him he gets sick and often through the flu season because of people. If only they would wear a mask he may not get sick as often.

I use a combination of echinacea and cat's claw when the kids go back to school and they pick up whatever is going around.

does the combo work?

Really well, did mention I used tinctures? For young children we use just echinacea(Mom takes it for nursing babies) and if its serious(fever) elderberry

Silver lozenges, D3, garlic, probiotics for me.

Great post.
There is a new law in Australia just past , you could be jailed for 10 year just for writing an article like this on social media.
I posted about it yesterday .... Its worth a read. FREEDOM IS DEAD IN AUSTRALIA. next they will be rounding us up for re-education camps.

I once got a flu shot, but still sick. But now there is Tamiflu. In my opinion, this is better than vaccination, at least, for me and for my husband it worked very well. However, from Tamiflu it is great to vomit, but nausea is better than pneumonia.

I'm a big baby when it comes to vomiting i think i would rather cough but thats just me

Throwing up makes me sick!

really informative. thank you <3

Interesting post and comments. It used to be the rule of thumb was a certain percentage of risk for side effects deemed "acceptable" before putting on the market.

Big Pharma lobbyists have managed over the years to have laws passed that protects them from liability and the requirement for rigid research standards for all vaccines. At least this is so in the USofA . This is not new news and I know that, but many are still unaware of this. So I thought I'd mention it.

There's a blind squirrel here who summed it up quite correctly. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

Those in denial (for whatever reason) of this fact are part of the problem. They should further educate themselves on the subject for the good of their own health and everyone around them. Break free of the mind-scaping of the Industrial BS Complex and we will all be better off.

It wasn't the rats that brought humanity close to extinction during the dark ages. Yes they were integral to the epidemic but it was still the fleas that infected the rats...and jumping off the rats to our pets and livestock and then onto the people. dyor

Rats and fleas pretty much sums up politics to me...these days. Same as it ever was...yet worse.

Thank you for posting this @jolly-homestead

EDIT: although it's likely apparent from my post I will clarify. I take no vaccines and would take a bullet or prison rather than bend on this issue. I get sick, maybe once a decade, but I usually bounce back in less than 48 hrs. I would rather eat dirt.

Spice is nice too...~smiles fer miles~