
The OP did not ask for your OPINION on vaccination.

thanks for the support.

You're welcome. I had nothing helpful to advise, but was pleased to see that some others had useful info for you. Then I got a bit cross with those who took the opportunity to criticise.

let me tell you about me. i am just a simple girl. and i am new here. pls follow me. i am new here. and also see my post. you will like this.

How do you do a double-blind study on a vaccine?

Nutrition, Hygiene, Refrigeration, Food Safety, Proper Disposal of Sewage also changed in the same time frame. Look at your graph! Death by measles and whooping cough declined before introduction of the vaccines. You won't get scarlet fever if you have enough vitamin A, same with birth defects caused by measles. Nutrition and Hygiene are the reason why we're healthier Period

I totally agree my goodness we don't live in the dark ages anymore. I think being smart is better than injecting crap into our systems. Thanks for reading my post.

I didn't put my family's safety at risk on the advice of "click-bait" but through careful consideration and research. whichever kind of medicine you use it always pays to be a careful consumer. I've gone through the stage that a lot of herbal medicine consumers go through not trusting doctors at all and I now think that is as big a mistake as blindly accepting what they tell you.

@everittdmickey and @pgcrypto by referring to whatever evidence as 'clickbait' insinuates that the poster has not already done thorough research. Do you not think that @jolly-homestead would have looked at both sides of the argument before even thinking of advising her kids? There is evidence out their that vaccines can harm, and there is rubbish science on the pro-vaccine side as well. By insinuating that vaccine fear is essentially 'fake news' and should be ignored, the real issue is never dealt with. The fact is that vaccines are supplied by some insidious pharma companies - do you believe they have the best interests of your children at heart! No, they want to ensure that they make profit year on year. Easiest way to do that is by keeping people sick. Why would they give you an effective vaccine to keep you healthy when it would destroy profit?

I dont have children myself, and i am glad i do not have to make this decision,but i definitely swing more to the not vaccinating side. To me pushing mandatory vaccination in places makes it feel like there is a ulterior motive.

yes yes yes I totally agree with you. Wow there is like minded people out there I am so happy. Thanks for sharing

Absolutely! I wholly believe that parents should have sole responsibility for their children and if the parents decide they do not want vaccinate, then that is their right. Medical professionals shoukd ask whether they want to be jagged and if not provide support and advice on how to minimise risks. If you feel strongly one way then stick by your guns. Good and luck and congratulations on your impending arrival :)

Again I agree with you doctors have their place in our lives but we as consumers need to do what is right in our minds not listen to everything that is told to us.

Your graph demonstrates that vaccines had very little to do with reducing mortality rates. These diseases were already in a state of significant decline when vaccines were introduced.