Should I tell my kids to vaccinate or not?

in #vaccines7 years ago

I am going to be a grandma in less than seven weeks and I honestly don't know what to tell them. I know what I want to tell them. I want to tell them run, run fast and don't vaccinate. But the problem is they are new parents and if they don't vaccinate it will set bells off in the medical field that is around them and it may make social services watch them even more than they might already.

My daughter in law is native and she grew up in and out of foster homes. She has two sisters who also grew up in foster homes. So social services have always been in her life and I know for a fact is watching her now. She is is quite young only 21 and she is very worried that if she doesn't do everything right social services will be on her back. We had a very good talk about vaccinations and she honestly does not want to do them. But she is so afraid that if she doesn't she will look like a bad mom.

In Canada it says we have free will to choose what kind of health care we want but do we really? Why is it that a young mom to be is so afraid of bringing attention to herself when the answer should be free choice. If she goes along with the mainstream and vaccinate her kids she will be looked upon as a caring loving mom who is doing the best for her child. If she does not vaccinate she will look like a young foolish uncaring mom who is harming her child.

With the evidence out their about how vaccinations can and already have harmed innocent children what should I tell her? Should I tell her just do it so the authorities shut up or do I tell her to stand her ground and take the chance that she will be frowned upon? I wish it was really free choice but it's not.

All we can do is wait and see what my son and daughter decide to do. If they have the guts to go against the mainstream them I tip my hat to them and if they don't then shame on the authorities who took their freedom of choice away. Whatever they choose I will be there with them supporting them every step of the way. But I will dream of the day if that ever comes that we will really be free to choose what we want and not be forced into the easy way.


I taught Ballet for 27 years, and through that time I watched hundreds of kids go through my school and the healthiest ones were always the unvaccinated. One thing that really struck me through that time was how many more kids in the progressing years were out sick. It clearly correlated with increasing amount of vaccines that were being given to them. When I first started teaching, it was rare to have a student miss class due to illness, by the time I retired, it was rare for me to NOT have at least 2 or more students out sick, no matter what time of the year it was.
I pray that when my now grown children have children of their own, they will consider strongly what I have been teaching them about vaccines and natural remedies.

Too Right! My kids rarely miss school and their taller than most kids and lean as a greyhound. All that without a restrictive diet.

Thank you for the reinsurance I too hope that my kids will choose not to. I believe there are so many other things we can do to keep ourselves healthy that we don't need to put crap into our systems. I talked to my son yesterday and they are leaning towards not vaccination so lets hope he makes the right decision.

Injecting undigested foreign protein directly into the bloodstream along with numerous poisons and heavy metals. Not intelligent.....
Of course, doctors are the most intelligent beings in society. No they just regurgitate. They are good in memorizing. Has nothing to do with the scientific method. Just tell them. It is up to them what to do.

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doctors get paid by pharmacare so they dont care they just want a paycheck

In the book Bad Science the author claims that %80 of western medicine is not evidence based and he's a doctor and a proponent of western medicine.

You are going to be a great grandmother!

In BC, all vaccinations are done at the local health unit, not at the doctors office. The nurses are not going to report to anybody about who is vaccinated and who isn't. When I had my first baby, the health unit phoned me to remind me to make an appointment for immunizations. I said that I wasn't going to do them. They asked if they could mail me some info to read, and I said yes that I will read what they mailed me. I think that they called one more time after that and were quite nice to me when I told them again that I wasn't going to vaccinate. I have never been bothered with any phone calls from Health Units ever again, not even for my next two children. No doctors have ever phoned me. No health authorities have ever phoned me.

I do know how horrible the Social Services system is, but they have zero legal grounds to get involved based on vaccinations.

Thank you I will pass this information onto my kids and hopefully it will give them the courage to stand on their own beliefs.

Good work. I do not like vaccines. I commented on your post already.
I am from Oregon. I had relatives in Canada before. Love Canada. Love real food.
Love raw food. I eat garlic every day.

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I live in canada never vaccinated either of my two children, when asked about vaccinations I politely inform them (schools or whoever) that we do not share our private medical information. We used echinacea and were very careful with people who have coughs(teenagers especially) while our children were under two because of whooping cough.

Yes being cautious is good. I like how you responded when asked those questions. I will pass that onto my kids. Thank you

I would strongly support her in not if I were you. It is everyone's birth rite to be able to choose what goes in our body. Coercion tactics to force parents into vaccinating is bullshit. Help them find some local groups that support Health Freedom and mentor them on how to discuss the matter respectfully and with empowered knowledge on their rights. I'm from the US but there will be local groups in Canada that deal with this stuff and help advocate for parental rights. Vaccine Choice Canada looks like a good place to start getting informed and prepared to deal with any potential inquiries by concerned officials who are just trying to do what they believe is best even if it is misguided.

Thank you i will pass on this information. I'm going to strongly going to suggest no vaccination.

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Hi, congratulations grandma to be! I'm sure you're very excited.

I think you should tell them to do whatever they truely believe in. You can't enter into something as serious as vaccinations with a half hearted decision. As I wrote in one of my previous posts, it will be the patents alone who have to deal with the result of this choice - not the authorities. It's certainly not right to inject a child just to keep people quiet either.

I hope they reach a decsion they're comfortable with. Best of luck to you all.

I am extremely excited I even get to be in the delivery room. I'm going to spend a month or more with them to help with the settling of baby, making sure mom and dad gets their rest, and hopefully to help make sure breastfeeding gets off without a hitch.
My son and daughter are seriously looking into what they are going to do. I will support them either way.
Thank you for reading my post.

Excellent! Please keep us updated :)

She should absolutely get her kids vaccinated. If she's unsure there's plenty of scientific literature at her local library and across the internet regarding this topic she can peruse, but please refer to the scientific literature and not source-lacking, clickbait garbage.

The OP did not ask for your OPINION on vaccination.

the so called 'study' that got everyone's panties in a wad was bogus.

The OP did not ask for your OPINION on vaccination.

thanks for the support.

You're welcome. I had nothing helpful to advise, but was pleased to see that some others had useful info for you. Then I got a bit cross with those who took the opportunity to criticise.

let me tell you about me. i am just a simple girl. and i am new here. pls follow me. i am new here. and also see my post. you will like this.

How do you do a double-blind study on a vaccine?

Nutrition, Hygiene, Refrigeration, Food Safety, Proper Disposal of Sewage also changed in the same time frame. Look at your graph! Death by measles and whooping cough declined before introduction of the vaccines. You won't get scarlet fever if you have enough vitamin A, same with birth defects caused by measles. Nutrition and Hygiene are the reason why we're healthier Period

I totally agree my goodness we don't live in the dark ages anymore. I think being smart is better than injecting crap into our systems. Thanks for reading my post.

I didn't put my family's safety at risk on the advice of "click-bait" but through careful consideration and research. whichever kind of medicine you use it always pays to be a careful consumer. I've gone through the stage that a lot of herbal medicine consumers go through not trusting doctors at all and I now think that is as big a mistake as blindly accepting what they tell you.

@everittdmickey and @pgcrypto by referring to whatever evidence as 'clickbait' insinuates that the poster has not already done thorough research. Do you not think that @jolly-homestead would have looked at both sides of the argument before even thinking of advising her kids? There is evidence out their that vaccines can harm, and there is rubbish science on the pro-vaccine side as well. By insinuating that vaccine fear is essentially 'fake news' and should be ignored, the real issue is never dealt with. The fact is that vaccines are supplied by some insidious pharma companies - do you believe they have the best interests of your children at heart! No, they want to ensure that they make profit year on year. Easiest way to do that is by keeping people sick. Why would they give you an effective vaccine to keep you healthy when it would destroy profit?

I dont have children myself, and i am glad i do not have to make this decision,but i definitely swing more to the not vaccinating side. To me pushing mandatory vaccination in places makes it feel like there is a ulterior motive.

yes yes yes I totally agree with you. Wow there is like minded people out there I am so happy. Thanks for sharing

Absolutely! I wholly believe that parents should have sole responsibility for their children and if the parents decide they do not want vaccinate, then that is their right. Medical professionals shoukd ask whether they want to be jagged and if not provide support and advice on how to minimise risks. If you feel strongly one way then stick by your guns. Good and luck and congratulations on your impending arrival :)

Again I agree with you doctors have their place in our lives but we as consumers need to do what is right in our minds not listen to everything that is told to us.

Your graph demonstrates that vaccines had very little to do with reducing mortality rates. These diseases were already in a state of significant decline when vaccines were introduced.

The diseases prevented by vaccines are worse than the consequences of vaccinating so you should go with the lesser of two evils and vaccinate.

Your cool with encephalitis?

Both my parents worked in the healthcare field. My sister and I were both vaccinated in the early 80's. But now, my mother has definite concerns about vaccines. Today, they bundle the vaccines, giving babies multiple vaccines shortly after birth. They do this before having any information about the child's immune system or possible allergies, complications, etc. Basically, they flood newborns with chemicals and hope for the best.

uggg so our babies are test dummies then wow don't that make us feel good being parents.

Hello, my name is Urma.

I currently take care of a young adult who was vaccine injured with Autism after receiving the Varicella vaccine. Today he has improved considerably, however, it is clear that the Autism is still preventing him from leading a normal life.

Please if you care about your child's health, don't get vaccinated

I have a vaccine injured child also he has autism that is why im so against vaccinations never was before but now i am

Vaccine please!... Also the earth not flat... There is not such thing as the Mandela effect, and no, there are no reptilians among us...


Seems like you have all the answers @dreamrafa!

Not all, just the crazy hoax ones... LOL... :D

You vaccinate you and yours.. remember you'll be safe................sleep well knowing that dreamrafa. I'll sleep well knowing my body works the way it was meant too.

I will sleep well knowing 95% of population is vaccinated... You can thank us for protecting you and yours this way... If you don't want to take any medicine because your body is not meant to do so, good luck!

Love a fellow guitarist. Yes, sleep well my friend and mark my words as you become older you'll find those meds stacking up in your "med cabinet". You'll be taking not one or two but multiples and eventually they'll kill you. I've seen it too many times. It ain't about quantity of life it's quality. As for 95% of the population? I'm not so sure about that number. I've always been curious as to why someone, and I'm not referring to you but just someone in general, who's totally on board with vaccines will argue to death with someone who's not and why they should be? I'n my mind, if I were on board and totally up to date I'd just smile, think they were idiots, tell them the world is a nice place, and walk away knowing that I'd never, ever have any issues with anything I was vaccinated against right? I'd be safe and immune.

I'm not arguing (the arguing thing is done by the anti-vaccine people as far i am concerned), i am just saying the earth is not flat :D ... I bet people in the 1800's and earlier lived longer and with higher quality because there was not vaccines and pharmaceuticals medicine LOL :D

Haha! Yeah, and I'll bet Moses lived to be over 800 cause he got all of his......... ;)

Well, not sure if those biblical people really existed anyway, but i am pretty sure dinosaurs did not co-existed with humans haha :P ;)

I don't know bout the earth being flat or not. I always thought it was a sphere although scientists are now saying it's more of a pear shape than a ball being fatter on the bottom side. Sounds like more bullshit to me. Seems like you and I agree to diagree on vaccines and that's ok with me. That's what makes Merica' a great place unless you live in California.... you ain't from Cali are ya' :) Let's talk about somethin' we both like and are for. I'm about to pull the trigger on an old 89' Peavey script falcon. My concerns are the Kahler spyder trem? Do you have an opinion on them? Much appreciated.

Hehe... Those Peavey looks nice, never tested the Kahler trem but do looks interesting :)

I'm against them. Is there a place for them....... hmmmm I suppose if I were visiting Africa there would be some I think I'd want .... nah... maybe not? I look at it like this, we're born with an immune system for a reason and if you're one that believes in them then what are you really worried about if you're vaccinated? Aren't you safe? In a room full of dis-eased people you should be safe right? 100% right? That's why you took the vaccine so it shouldn't matter to you cause you're immune right? Ha! That's some funny shit. Funny how in the 50's one got what... 5 vaccines and today it's upwards of 80! It's a business people.... wake up.

Good. Vaccines are bad. I'm 32 and I do not take medicine. I eat garlic.

yes it is one they make loads of money on

I would say vaccinate, having witnessed the devastating effects first hand that come from getting the measles and the complications that followed with one of my family members!

What were the effects and complications for measles your family member experienced?

Upvoted and also resteemed!

They definitely should have!!!

dont do it if this was the 1990's i would say yeah because back then they actually vaccinated people now a day they are poisoning people. it is actually sickening to think of what they really do to people and the worst part is most people don't even realize what is happening to them and their families. but it is a direct result of people letting the government regulate and control every or close to every aspect of their lives take your life back and make it better!!!!

They want to inject your kids with 18 instances of disease before their 18 months old now!

funny you said this my son said the same thing. 26 years ago is not today. today we are putting way too much into the vaccines and they are using us as test dummies. They dont care if a few of us die its a chance they are willing to take.

More benefits then loss.

Yes and no...

The biggest problem that I see with the vaccinations is how many they want to give kids now. It's ludicrous how many shots they want to give to small kids now. There were way less shots given when my kids were little than there are now. I can understand the basic ones, but I think it has just become another big pharma greed device now.

I think we over load kids with two much of everything

Hi @jolly-homestead, this is a really interesting article. I'm not a parent (yet!) but this is something my husband and I talk about frequently, so it's really interesting to hear views on both sides. My husband is very set against vaccination, however, I am rather unsure - I just don't know what to believe! It would be good to know what your kids decide in the end.

I will keep you updated

Whooo, boy, this article is a hot-button issue! It's difficult to have a reasonable discussion ANYWHERE on the Internet about this, it seems, because the anti-vaxxers and pro-vaxxers often spend more time at each other's throats than actually observing their children to see what's going on...

As a new mother (and one very wary of the medical field for reasons I won't get into now), I say it is important to support your daughter in law's convictions, and to ask her why she chose them. Maybe getting to share why she is choosing what she is choosing will help her think through it, and having someone willing to hear her out is what I would have wanted when I was making this very choice for my first child. Being able to talk about it without someone forcing their opinion might help her think through the pros and cons of either direction!

AND I would like to add, to the Internet at large, that it is VERY EASY to broadcast your strong opinions when you don't have children that are affected by them. I had an unmarried, childless friend lambaste me for the choice I made for my child, not pausing to think that I had prayed, worried, thought about, and struggled with my decision for months because there was an actual living being dependent on me, and not just an argument to win. She was just confident that she was right and I was wrong. This is not a loving way to help a new mother on her path.

Yes I agree a new mother has way too much to worry about. I hope she will follow what is in her heart. Im sorry about your friend it must have hurt alot. Take care.

Go with your gut and tell them, beg them, not to vaccinate. It is a monstrous scam. One day they will thank you.

thanks i will

All vaccines are not made equal ;-) They are made differently, contain different ingredients (and contained different ingredients before), and have been tested for varying amounts of time. So while a mother today might be offered 30+ vaccines, some of them are quite new and some have been used for ages.

I suggest you recommend your children to listen to the advise given to her by health professionals, but with a critical ear. If sceptical she should voice her concerns with the same professionals, and if still sceptical she could limit the vaccinations to the worst deseases, that she is most likely to come in contact with, the vaccines that have the longest and best history and she can also delay vaccinations until the a little older.

However, the skepticism that she has for advice from health professionals should be increased manifold for random advice from friends, social media and the like. There is so much misinformation on the internets, and while there is bound to be bad research, and money-motivated health professionals out there, it is a minor problem in comparison.

Please, do not vaccinate. Vaccinations cause all kinds of sick problems in kids like ADHD, autism, and asthma. I would not be happy if I had to raise a child who got autism from getting a vaccine, that's for sure.

i do raise a child that was harmed by vaccinations and it bothers me to know it could have been prevented. if only i had the knowledge i have now i never would have done it.

Vaccines have mercury and many bad things in them.
Bad people were behind them.

Hi @jolly-homestead...I hear ya! I have 12 grandchildren aged 1 to 12 and 3 children aged 32 to 36. I vaccinated all my kids and had no dramas My oldest child has 4 children and elected to vaccinate, he has 1 high functioning autistic child and 1 pending diagnosis. My second child and 6 children and chose to vaccinate, she has one confirmed high functioning autistic child and 2 pending diagnosis. My third child has 2 children and chose not vaccinate and has 2 severely autistic children.

So the only great wisdom I have for you is that my daughter who chose not to vaccinate did so because of the mercury in the vaccinations and her daughter (my grand daughter) contracted severe whooping cough as an infant which still affects her lungs at age 8.

It's a complex issue...but I gave my opinion then empowered them to make their own decisions because at the end of the day, they have to live with the consequences of the decisions that are made about their children's health, no matter what my opinion might be.

Knowing what I know now there is no way vaccinations are acceptable.
This can put you in a bind socially or legally.
In the United States there is a legal term called "conditional acceptance"
The doctor, hospital, and drug maker all sign the form accepting liability and you will comply with their request. They will NEVER sign.
See for forms. I assume Canada would be similar

Here is a video describing the idea

I'm so so sorry that a new mom is faced with this fear. It's not right. The parents should always have a choice and should be able to do what they think is best without government interference. It's so sad to me that vaccines are pushed onto people. Do you know if your daughter-in-law is Rh- or not? If she is, she or you might find this recent post I did interesting:

@jolly-homestead In the U.S., the easiest route, instead of getting into debates with the medical monopoly theorists, is having a spiritual exemption. I have written out and signed a number of them for friends.

However, for your children, the most cogent way to explain vaccines is: "One cannot induce health into a living organism by injecting with a septic matter." The human body is such that giving the body stuff that it produces causes an interferance in that production rhythm and the body will attenuate the supply. Vaccines interfere with the body's natural immune system.

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