"That is saying you are allergic to the vaccine, not that the vaccine causes an allergy to be created to random things."
Whoa, you have left out a number of clues here, what about adjuvants? preservatives? mercury? peanut oil? glyphosate? shelf life?, storage conditions? lax inspection at origin?, the list proliferates.
Fossilman, chlorine is toxic right? but table salt doesn't kill you... thats because different things can change biochemical chemical properties when apart of a molecule... They don't put pure mercury in vaccines. Anyways none of those things would cause an allergy
Strictly anecdotal, BUT, widespread peanut allergies appeared the same time as peanut oil was used in vaccines. Glyphosate? if I knew someone was injecting glyphosate in children I would serve them up an instant reckoning. Look at my posts, if you think teaching me about the safety of chlorine in sodium chloride is informative then go have a nap. you will feel better.
They don't use glyphosate in vaccines.... its a weed killer. And chlorine is safe in its ion form, and toxic in its atomic form. The reason is because atomic chlorine tends towards ionization and the best way to do that is with hydrogen (making hydrochloric acid) but when it is an ion it dissociates into water safely.
Oh yah they do...it's been found a series of vaccines. Did you get your chemistry education reading labels at the hardware store?https://www.ecowatch.com/glyphosate-vaccines-1999343362.html
You know everyone in academia completely discredits ecowatch as its... its not real science.
Like all students you are a true believer, an acolyte, absolute belief in what you are taught makes all that studying easier. I understand that. Older folks who have many decades of observation aren't quite so in love with official stories pumped out by people with a monetary stake in the narrative; especially if what may be revealed would lead to a firestorm of lawsuits.
This is an old saying among academics: "Science advances one funeral at a time"
(Orthodoxy is the enemy of discovery)
No I did a summer research program where I worked in the production and experimentation of vaccine effectiveness. That was of coarse after completing high school chemistry and biology, and now I have completed chem 212 at my university and will continue onto chem 213. Anyways, the more important thing here is that the only study that "found it" had no conclusive evidence and was never repeatable under peer review... and if you knew how difficult it was to make a vaccine (and how pure we make it) you would know there wouldn't be glyphosate in it.
Have you got any links to back these claims up?
glyphosate in vaccines?
maybe flu vaccine ingredients?
Glyphosate as labeled to be dangerous?
Yeah, what do you want me to back up there @personz? Considering @fossilman2 can't even produce a source that backs up his claims that haven't been ridiculed by the entirety of academia (geneticliteracyproject, ecowatch, momsacrossamerica, etc) it truly shows a complete lack of honest literacy across a platform... So what do you want me to back up? Because it won't matter what I provide, they will state it is paid for by big pharma or monsanto and probably don't even know the scrutiny that comes with being published in the first place.
Vaccines are one of the safest forms of modern medicine, they saved more lives than almost any other discovery (exception of clean drinking water) and yet people will argue about them being dangerous when their only experience with chemistry, let alone biochemistry, is from some random youtube video that spews on about information from a debunked study that was never taken seriously by anyone in the scientific community because it was so extremely biased... The point is that I can provide you with studies (published by academia) that are peer reviewed... just tell me on which claim you want the study.