The above video was produced by the vaccine pushers, that is obvious and they have finally found their way onto Steemit.
You didn't watch the video, did you? The video is from my YouTube channel and I am anti-mandatory vaccines. You should really examine content before judging it. This was a debate in which I argued the negative.
#thuglife :D
I've replied to another comment from your colleague! The headline of your steemit post says: Vaccines are safe and people are morally obliged to take them. THERE IS NO DEBATE NECESSARY. DO NOT ENGAGE IN CHILDABUSE PEDDLING VACCINES AND STUPID HEADLINES LIKE ON THIS POST TO FURTHER CONFUSE PARENTS. I REPEAT: YOU ARE IN BED WITH THE VACCINE PUSHERS. GET HONEST. PERIOD.
What the hell do you mean by saying you are anti mandatory vaccines? So you condone vaccines as long as they are voluntary? As long as doctors can confuse and frighten young and ignorant parents into getting those vaccines administered to this new budding life they love? What sort of future people do you want in the world? Vaccine damaged ones as we see now?
Ok, @antje, calm down. NO I WON'T!!! STOP THIS CHILDABUSE. PERIOD.
Watch the debate. You will understand my position. I am not disagreeing with you.
aunty will kill u :D kaf :D
I could kiss you. It's so refreshing to see someone that is truly awake.