Looking for Future Show Guests with Personal Vaccine Injury Experience

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)


One of my main focus areas as a Voluntaryist activist is that of vaccine injury/vaccine safety and state-sponsored pharma intiatives/misinformation campaigns.

In the interest of raising awareness and learning more about this tough topic I am calling for individuals who would like to share their personal story on my weekly live show, VJ LIVE!

I have already had some great guests on including Nora Flowers (mother of a recovered vaccine-injured child) and Steemit's own @canadian-coconut (see interview here). If you have personal experience with vaccine injury/corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, etc, I would love to talk with you. Please leave a comment on this post or message me in Steemit chat (kafkanarchy84) and we can make it happen.

The Steemit community is diverse, intelligent, and passionate, and as such, I feel the perfect place to put out the call for those who have a story to tell.

Cheers, and thanks for reading.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


My son was 4 and 1/2 when he was vaccine injured. He was an army brat and the United States Military lost his shot records and said they needed to redo them and that they were safe for them to be redone. Looking back he had mild injuries I just didn't connect it and when they redone them it was too much for his little body. The last series of shots he got was that day, and with in 24 hours he was no longer making eye contact or talking. Asperger's is what his diagnosis is along with dysgraphia. Through out the years we have been able to detox some of it out of his system, but it changed his life and our entire families life.

Thanks for sharing @tecnosgirl. Would you consider being interviewed and talking about this on my podcast/live show sometime as a guest on a panel of guests with similar experiences?

If it fits into my schedule I would be open to it. I will get signed up for steemchat tomorrow and we can discuss it further

Sounds great. Thanks.

I did get my account in chat set up today. I will be on there later tonight around 9 or 10 pm EST

Not sure if you are still on, but I will message you anyway, and we can talk about times, if you like. Same username as on here?

yep same everywhere been using tecnosgirl for nearly 16 years now

I went 8 years without getting sick. Was mandated to get the flu shot at work and ever since I have been getting sick 2 or 3 times a year if not more!

I have been wondering lately if the 2-3 times i am sick each year has something to do with those vaccines :/ everyone around me gets sick at that frequency but i remember the older generation saying stuff like "30 years on the job and not 1 sick day" ... i truly wonder if there is a connection ... and i have a 1 year old who already has had her first shot and i am completely torn. Everyone around me yells child abuse and list the horrors she might face if i do not get her vaccinated, i am no doctor, but i certainly don´t trust gov., its really frustrating.

I think you will find this video packed with solid information. Perhaps we can chat about future collaboration.

Thanks, @marymg2014. And yes, let's definitely collaborate on something in the near future. Would you be up to be on a livestream talking vaccines/vaccine injury sometime, by chance?

Yes I would. Let me know what you think of the video too.

You definitely wanna see Vaxxed! Also "The Truth About Vaccines" is priceless! Gonna upvote & re-doo-dah!

Cheers! Thank you. And yes, I need to see it.

Very interested in your future content, what was your take on Vaxxed?
You've been followed, upvoted and resteemed.

Actually I have yet to see the film save for snippets here and there. Is it streaming online somewhere?

Me either, was looking for a review from somebody who's seen it. The search continues.

Not in Japan.
It can be streamed online in USA, Canada, UK, Ireland and Australia.
But I think that if you buy the DVD they will mail it anywhere in the world.


Are you also interested in a counterpart who is in favour of vaccines (but still recognizes that there are some side-effects)? Would be glad to hear from you.

Definitely interested in that. I will be in contact soon!

So far I have avoided any vaccines since when I had them in my youth. However one day they may require all of us to have them. GOD HELP US. I am afraid to know what is truly in that needle or pill. Thanks for your work in shining a light on this subject. - Troy

I will resteem this for you to help get the word out that you are looking for guests.

Thanks so much.

This should be interesting. I have my own opnion. But, would like to see what everyone else is saying. Im not convinced it's a particular vaccine that causes problems, but instead the fact that cram in so many different ones at the same time.

Part of the real problem is that corruption is in everything. Personally I don't care what specific vaccine or vaccines it is or whether or not it is a compilation of vaccines. What bothers me is the fact that studies show that science is not being done properly. No one want's to give their children drugs when the scientific method is not being used right. The following link shows how the corruption is leading to false research findings.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Who in their right mind would give their children potentially harmful drugs under this system?

That problem is everywhere. So many times, when I start to dig into the WHY of a "scientific" conclusion, I end up thinking, that's not what that proves or more often that proves nothing at all... Sassafras tea. Dig into that one sometime when you're board. But thats for our owne protection, so many people were mainlining their teas. Seriously though, thanks for the link.

The funny thing about the study is that no actual experiments were done to come to the conclusion it came to. It is a real example of an ology that is not Natural Science. If you cannot put the evidence on the table so to speak it is not natural science. They just played with numbers and used statistics to come to the conclusion they did. They could just as likely be wrong in their conclusion and it still proves my point. There is no logic or reason to trust such a system.

That's definitely a valid concern.

"state-sponsored pharma initiatives" I think this is to passive a phrase for what is happening with the pharma's. Really we need to get business of off welfare. The public needs not be paying for the success of industry, but that is exactly what is happening. Wish you all the success in your interviews.

@kafkanarchy84, I know @aggroed already resteemed this, not sure if you've seen it or not, maybe @canadian-coconut has seen it too: https://steemit.com/life/@jockey/my-partricipation-in-corruption-of-the-medical-industry

Yes, I read this one. Really interesting. Thanks!

@jockey might make for an interesting interview.

Thanks. I really enjoyed his story and have contacted him.

@kafkanarchy84 here is Croatian tv show where John Virapen (who used to be high ranked in pharmaceutical industry) talks how he bribed doctors to prescribe more medications and to change medical studies that showed bad side effects. Host is asking questions in croatian, but John is answering in english so you should understand it.

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I really interested of your future content @kafkanarchy84 Thank you for your post!
glad to see you on this community... let enjoy this to exploring writing the post and i look forward sharing story and photo on Steem !

Hi - I'm quite new on here, but quite long on youtube - and glad I've found your page :-) I've noticed many articles on Steemit pro vaccine - do you think this is a case of Shills on Steemit or just people unaware? e.g https://steemit.com/health/@thecryptofiend/new-study-suggests-blood-proteins-may-be-useful-in-testing-for-autism#@thecryptofiend/re-waykiwayki-re-thecryptofiend-new-study-suggests-blood-proteins-may-be-useful-in-testing-for-autism-20170630t154144125z