Non-Vaccinating Parents Blamed for Son's Death to Cover-Up Medical Malpractice

in #vaccines7 years ago

The legal system and media are being used as a tool to coerce parents into vaccinating their children. The potential harm of vaccines is being ignored by most of society, as people parrot what the authorities tell them is safe. Accounts of children being immediately altered in health or psychological functionality shortly after receiving vaccines is dismissed. It's understandable some parents don't want to take the risk.

David and Collet Stephen are such parents who didn't vaccinate their son who Ezekiel died. The death happened at a hospital, and instead of the hospital taking the blame for anything, they aided in creating false claims against the parents which resulted in a court conviction of "failing to provide the necessaries of life", i.e. vaccines.


A campaign was launched on them by pro-vacciners. There was a cover-up with doctors, hospital staff, government officials and the media in order to blame the innocent parents for their sons death under the guide of anti-vaccine dangers. The non use of vaccines was blamed for his death without any evidence through the creation of a false narrative by those involved in the cover-up.

But on May 15th 2018, the parents have been vindicated by the highest court in Canada when a few minute deliberation resulted in a unanimous decision to "allow the appeal, quash the convictions, and order a new trial". They sited these issues with the original case: "trial judge’s charge to the jury was confusing, misleading and deficient in describing a key element of the offence, and that the trial judge did not properly instruct the jury on the fault element or the mens rea of the offence"

The first trial was a sham. The public consciousness was influenced by media smear campaigns against them not using vaccines, as if that was obviously why their son died. Witnesses lied, evidence suppressed, and and facts twisted to shift blame onto the parents. Evidence has been uncovered of the corruption and malpractice that would not have been uncovered has the parents not been falsely accused of harming their child. They would have accepted the medical spin and grieved their son.

But now they can fight back against the wrong committed on their son. In being forced to defend themselves, they realized more was going on than what they were originally told about their son's death.

The media circus revolved around the Stephen's failure to get meningitis medical care for their son. The said the parents used maple syrup and garlic to treat meningitis, that meningitis was the reason for Ezekiel death, when it wasn't. They wanted to propel the pro-vaccine agenda by scaring the public with fear of death form non-vaccination.

No evidence of meningitis was present, but the media ran with it anyways. The symptoms were of a cold or flu. One day Ezekiel stopped breathing. The ambulance came, but as former Chief Medical Examiner of Alberta Dr. Anny Sauvageau testified, the ambulance didn't have the proper size of intubation equipment to provide oxygen. She even stated the child would have likely survived:

In the absence of the medical misadventure during the paramedic intervention, it is most likely that the child would have survived.

But the media didn't cover that fact at all, as it puts holes in their false pro-vaccine narrative of fear.

After the first trial which foudn the Stephen parents guilty, an investigation team was hired. They obtained the hospital records from a FIOP claim, which has 624 pages, while the prosecution's files of the hospital records about Ezekiel's death only had 453 pages in it. The records used by the prosecution were cherry-picked to create a narrative disfavorable to the Stephen family. The new records support the parents' version of what happened. But 30 pages of records are still missing, which account for 1:15h of time that Ezekiel was under medical care and away from his parents. What happened in that time, and why are those files missing?

It turns out Ezekiel suffered 3 heart attacks from the time the ambulance picked him up and he arrived at another hospital by helicopter, according to the notes of the doctors who was on call with the medical team.

Ezekiel also had a tear in his trachea, probably from improper sized tubing forced down his throat, as shown in an x-ray. This resulted in a massive lung infection which was listed as a cause of death in the autopsy. Two doctors had falsified documents and perjured themselves in court as well. The court transcripts talk about the effort to repairs thr trachea, but none of the family members were told of this issue when it occurred, indicated the cover-up was already under way as their malpractice was underway.

More details were suppressed to cover-up the medical errors. A drug was given that conflicted with Ezekiel's low electrolyte levels, which they knew about, and resulted in a second cardiac arrest. Suppression of evidence and false information given to the media resulted in an unfair trial and conviction.

The media demonized the Stephen's as unfit parents who could have saved their child with a vaccine for meningitis, when that wasn't at all true. Putting out a story like this is a good way to put parents in fear of going to prison if they don't vaccinate their child and something wrong happens. but the appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada was a success, and the Stephens have a new change to expose this cover-up and corruption.

We live in treacherous times wherein we can no longer trust the media. Where lies are more readily accepted than truths. Where the media is no longer found just reporting the news, but rather helping to create it. Where the contorted truths and outright lies that are being reported are serving to incite hatred and stir up chaos that generate drama that the media can further report on with a twisted slant. As time goes on, the motivation behind these actions becomes more clear and a sinister agenda becomes much more apparent.
- Prayers for Ezekiel Facebook Page

It's good that justice has a chance to prevail for Ezekiel and the Stephen family, but not everyone gets to be so lucky when the experts and authorities corrupt the truth and spread lies. In the pursuit of health and security for our family, we must be vigilant to the dangers of the authorities we put out trust in. From doctors, to lawyers, and courts, all are capable of propagating injuries under the guise of help. We need to stop blindly trusting everything we are told, be it what doctors tell us or the fear the media puts into us.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Not being from Canada, I can only go by the little I read. My understanding is they make the U.S. appear a very free country, so not sure how their judicial system works there. I would question this if I was Canadian:

  • Was this child murdered, or simply the case of gross medical incompetence?

  • Why is the government trying to railroad innocent parents into prison after the accidental death/murder of their child?

  • Why are they so desperate to force mercury and other shit we don't even know about into the bodies of our children?

I am curious. Is this same media that had already tried and convicted these poor parents using the same enthusiasm in spotlighting the missing medical documents, the fact the prosecutors cherry picked so they could railroad, the possibility this child was murdered?

I also wonder about the Canadian judicial system. I know if I were ever selected for jury duty in a case similar to this where the father murdered the person responsible for his child's death and the prosecutor who tried to frame him and his wife, not guilty your honor would be off of my lips so quick you wouldn't have time to blink.

The world needs more people who ask questions like that and understands jury nullification ;)

One unfortunate word my friend: money.

It's sad that so many brainwashed people continue to believe in vaccinations - possibly the biggest "scientific" scam of the lot.

I am old enough to have seen the effects of whooping cough and polio, young enough to have avoided diphtheria. So called 'brainwashing' comes, not from governments, but from the experience of those who have witnessed the effects of the non-availabilty of vaccines or the refusal by parents who consider they can protect within the herd immunity provided by those who have the common-sense to protect their children in any way they can and vaccination is by far the best way. Why would anyone allow their child to be exposed to a preventable disease?

Because you have to blindly trust a centralized authority to administer the medicine. I have multiple friends who joined the military who were required to take mystery injections and they weren't even allowed to ask what it was.

There is no more trust left to give. The establishment has proven time and time again that they don't give a shit about the people they have authority over. That's why.

You lived in a time when you could actually trust that sinister things weren't always going on in the background. That time has passed.

My kids had whooping cough and are not vaccinated. I don't preach to people about vaccine I actually don't give a shit. So far they didn't need to have any and are perfectly healthy and exposed to germs. Immune systems need exposure to get better protecting them from danger doesn't make you stronger but dependent. in 8 years so far no doctors saw my kids we don't need them and we are happy with it.

Vaccine your kids I don't care I'm not here to change anybody's mind every parents are entitled to choose what's best for their kids and it should be to them to decide. The problem we are facing today is that states, backed up by hospitals and corporate media are taking over parent's freedom of choice and being for or against doesn't matter anymore if you can't even have the choice to do what YOU think is best for your kids.

What piss me off here is not the vaccine issue, it's your blindness not to see the suffering of those 2 persons who lost their child regardless of vaccine the media bashing is a mental torture that you don't even take in consideration before puking your opinion about vaccine.
What piss me off is that nobody fucking cares about this media and institutional bashing and what it's doing to those 2 people isolated in their grief...

It’s terrible the complete erosion of personal choice and freedom. Doctors are supposed to advise, not harass and torment their patients and families. I’ve been victim of a physician who utterly refused to think anything on the contrary to what he was spoon fed by the drug company reps.
Then the media and their absolute bias to the status quo but that’s not surprising their stories get filtered to make their donors look the best, especially in a divisive issue such as this.

Yeah, they think in boxes and can't escape them often :/

Ezekiel also had a tear in his trachea, probably from improper sized tubing forced down his throat, as shown in an x-ray. This resulted in a massive lung infection which was listed as a cause of death in the autopsy.

Many well-learned people have said that it's not the vaccines, but the abnormal administration given to children, e.g., many in a day's time. It's difficult to know whom to believe.

I do not know why, so often, the government and medical communities together force this upon families. The coverup by itself is abhorrent.

As someone who lost an infant, my heart breaks for the parents. I will visit the Facebook page

I am so sorry for your loss, I couldn’t imagine going through that with our child.

The concentration is definitely an issue. The large dose of aluminum can be the issue, while alone certain vaccines are "relatively" safe despite as the aluminum can be expelled by most people, but not for some. Possibly the safe for mercury. For some people the body doesn't expel these toxins well... I don't see why their safety can't be considered and changing the method of weakening the body to accept the vaccine as opposed to fight to reject it.

Thank you for this post. Very sad truth of what the Main Street media has become. This is exactly why one of the Ten Commandments is: Do not bear false witness. It reaches a certain level of evil that makes one want to stop interacting with the corrupted world we live in. Thank God it looks like the truth will come out and the those responsible for the lies will be ratted out. Unfortunately, this happens regularly in the medical industry. I have stories from many nurses that I know.

Yeah, cover ups to protect their status and their job survival... who cares about the wrong done... it was a "mistake" why should I lose my job or go to jail... :/

For some of these people, patients only exist as a way to enrich themselves.

I have a brother who is a nurse and working on his doctorate, a sister who finished her PhD in nursing in 2017, two sister-in-laws, a nephew, several first cousins and many of my families friends who are nurses. It's quite scary what hospital systems will cover up to meet a metric or save their bacon. My brother routinely tells the doctors that he will not give a drug or do some other direction without the doctor giving the order in writing. Many of the doctors are busy, certainly, but many of them are just plain lazy and it's convenient to bark out and intimidate a nurse to do something without a written order and them claim later when there is a problem that they didn't give the order...

Smart move to get written proof as the docs are calling the shots and it's easy to just deny, deny, deny and let someone else false on the sword... :/

it'a classic, institutions will do everything in their power regardless of the pain and suffering that a child death can do emotionally and psychologically to the unfortunate parents. Media will blame the shit out of them they'll have no where to hide.

Now look at this misery that's what media, institutions and govs think of you... those parents could be you, me, anyone really, yet the pleb is their prays to gain control you need to hit hard and that's what they do.

A wise guy one day said:

"Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship"

Different regimes, same tools, same brains.

Yeah, lies to spread forward agenda and get people to live a certain way of life without question or opposition... one is mind control the other is physical control.

This term may have been commonplace in today's society that the law is now unequal or in quotation marks "Sharp down and blunted up" the intent of the term is one of the real insinuations that justice today is sharper in punishing middle-class society. In everyday life we often encounter small cases but are considered big and continue to be questioned which can actually be resolved with a familial attitude, but goes with a trial that does not make sense. the guilty ones even laugh as if nothing happened. law enforcers were blind, pretending not to know what was going on.

As far as i know vaccines have eliminated polio from most countries, not maple syrup and ginger.

People dont usually die from polio. They get crippled

Polio was the result of the pesticides that were sprayed on the produce in the early 20th century. It contained mercury which allowed it to stick to the fruits and vegetables. This concentration of mercury destroyed nerve cells in combination with the other awful ingredients of the day.

I saw a documentary blaming DDT they used to spray it right on people.

Which one did you watch do you remember by chance? I used to follow this guy on Facebook that would do them but deleted mine and can’t remember his name. It might come to me eventually. Something Forest maybe
Maybe it was DDT and mercury, I know he was saying it stuck well to the vegetables and fruits.

I think this is it, a lecture not a documentary

Hygiene, Refrigeration, Water purity, Sanitation are the reason disease rates have plummeted , real science.

Yes, many vaccines are useful. Some are not. Some have material in them that are problematic for the health of certain people, at the least.

At least the first judge had the good sense to not just trust white coats and phds outright.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

Benefits of vaccines outweighs Side effects of vaccines. Ever heard of anyone dying from vaccination?

Dying? never heard of... but fucked their lives, yes plenty

This absolutely disgusts me hearing the corruption and the abuse of the people running our medical system and education!

I invite you to join to fight the battle for our health!

If one thing is clear on vaccine safety, there is not one single shred of evidence that vaccines are safe, and all the science shows vaccines are dangerous, even the US high court called them unavoidably unsafe. It is clear this is a political thing and not a science thing, and the pharmaceutical lies have to be shown for what they are.

the truth is that the fact of not vaccinating our children generate consequences in their development and in life as such, vaccines arise in response to the high rate of neonatal death, since at birth babies have a delicate immune system and any Bacteria or infection can be deadly.