Not being from Canada, I can only go by the little I read. My understanding is they make the U.S. appear a very free country, so not sure how their judicial system works there. I would question this if I was Canadian:
Was this child murdered, or simply the case of gross medical incompetence?
Why is the government trying to railroad innocent parents into prison after the accidental death/murder of their child?
Why are they so desperate to force mercury and other shit we don't even know about into the bodies of our children?
I am curious. Is this same media that had already tried and convicted these poor parents using the same enthusiasm in spotlighting the missing medical documents, the fact the prosecutors cherry picked so they could railroad, the possibility this child was murdered?
I also wonder about the Canadian judicial system. I know if I were ever selected for jury duty in a case similar to this where the father murdered the person responsible for his child's death and the prosecutor who tried to frame him and his wife, not guilty your honor would be off of my lips so quick you wouldn't have time to blink.
The world needs more people who ask questions like that and understands jury nullification ;)
One unfortunate word my friend: money.