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RE: Huge Win for Vaccine Injured, Lawsuit Wins $101 Million Measles Vaccine Settlement

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

I'd encourage you to do a lot more research; I've personally done over 50 hours or so and came to the conclusion that the risks associated with vaccines greatly exceed the benefits. Here are a few starting points if you wish:

The above series has 7 episodes packed with interviews of very well experienced and reputable pediatricians (all the way up to the CDC level) and analyses of studies which have been largely suppressed along with the tactics the pharma industry uses to conceal dangers, avoid paying damages, and the like.



Don't do it for you; do it for your baby/child who has no choice in the matter.


This is an excellent video in the discussion of vaccines. The first segment correctly points out that the entire propaganda thrust of the enemedia is to create a false dichotomy between Vaxxers and Anti-vaxxers. This a successful gambit in politics, but it is completely anti-scientific.

The truth is that many scientific issues need to be addressed, and that science is the solution to the debate. The Pro-Anti discourse is nothing more than preventing actual science from entering debate, and it is those that create that dichotomy that are actually anti-science.

Discussing vaccine science and medical issues is what this debate is actually about.


Indeed. These people are so diabolically manipulative, it is unreal.

I already had him vaccinated, guess what happened? nothing. How many annual deaths from vaccine reactions are there?
Did you know IV saline may cause 50,000-70,000 deaths annually in the US?

I don't see the relevancy in the IV saline thing. And how do you know your child won't experience neurological damage (or be more prone to allergies) if ever any of those vaccines had harmful preservatives (such as aluminum, mercury, thimerisol)? Did you check the ingredients list on the paper as well as the manufacturer of the vaccine when you got the shots?

The relevancy is that if you inject millions of people with anything, even sterile salt water, there will be some number of people who have negative reactions. Far fewer people get IV saline than vaccinations so it makes for a good benchmark. If we want to say that vaccines are so unsafe that we should not use them then they should be at least as deadly as water don't you think?

We live in a world where people including children travel all around, just because there are currently no measles outbreaks in the US does not mean some kid could not go visit a country where there is and then come home and be sitting next to my kid in a classroom.
When you get vaccinations you get information that lists and includes the likelihood of various negative side effects or reactions, this information is not hidden or secret.

Thimerosal was removed from most vaccines in 2001 and all children's vaccines are available without it.

A vaccine containing 0.01% thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose. For comparison, this is roughly the same amount of elemental mercury contained in a 3 ounce can of tuna fish.

Bob. Bobby. Boberino. I understand you and I feel differently about vaccine safety. However, the arguments you've posted aren't scientific, but logical fallacies.

Your point about saline is a good example of trying to ridicule questioning vaccine safety, because you're implying that vaccines are safer than saline.

They're not. The fact that you can point to statistics that show saline does more harm than injecting heavy metals into infants demonstrates that the statistics are misreported. Rather than being an argument for vaccine safety, it is almost certain proof that vaccines are being falsely touted as safe because the injuries caused by injecting thimerosol, aluminum, and disease organisms are being underreported through mechanisms corrupted by the influence of Big Pharma.

There's no way that saline injections are more prone to causing injuries than injecting adjuvants, agonists, disease organisms, and foreign DNA from various organisms, including human foetuses.

Also, your point about mercury is made in ignorance of the difference between thimerosol and ethyl mercury, as is found in tuna. Thimerosol is actually more dangerous than ethyl mercury, and the dangers are highly multiplied by adding other metals, which vaccines do contain, such as aluminum.

Not all people are equally able to excrete mercury from the body. Studies have shown that children with more mercury in their hair and nails have less autism. This is because they are able to excrete it.

Those kids with less in their hair retain more in their bodies, and suffer far higher neurological harm. This is compounded by mercury amalgam fillings, which constantly outgas mercury vapor, and folks with more amalgam cavities suffer more dementia late in life.

Stop getting science information from the enemedia, and you'll be better informed, and not be countering the effort to understand what the real risks are from vaccines.

I know you can. Look beyond propaganda to research that is provably being suppressed by an established industry spending billions for propaganda to maximize it's profits that research jeopardizes.

Please do.

Where did I cite anything from any MSM source?

All children's vaccines and most adolescent and adult vaccines are available without any thimerosal even though the amount of thimerosal in vaccines is perfectly safe.

The anti vaccine argument is very similar to the anti gun argument, you exacerbate the dangers while totally ignoring the benefits. Its like how guns are used in 10,000 homicides but are also used in 5 million cases of self defense, thus the benefits from guns are more important than the risks, even if we did not have guns as a right.
If there is a disease that is less of a risk than the vaccine then that should be discussed, perhaps the HPV vaccine is in that category but for most vaccines the risk of dying from the disease is much, much greater than potential shoulder pain at injection site or mild fever and even than being allergic to some ingredient in the vaccine and getting encephalitis and dying because that result is quite rare.

Vaccines have apparently worked so well that people have convinced themselves that there is no longer a risk from the diseases we no longer worry about thanks to vaccines, are they victims of their own efficacy?

Those most at risk from dental amalgams are dentists.

You didn't cite any research, but the arguments you made were straight outta CNN.

I completely agree with you about guns BTW. You can see the spin on the two issues is completely reversed: the dangers and none of the benefits of guns are shouted by panic-stricken professional victims, and the benefits and none of the dangers of vaccines are murmured reassuringly by professional soothers.

I'm not arguing for or against vaccines. Couching the debate in pro or anti terms is simply ignoring science. What is needed is rational research and exposition of the actual pros and cons of each vaccine and ingredient.

We don't get that, and the debate is descienced as fast as new research comes out, to keep that research from jeopardizing Big Pharma profits.

We are more protected by simple hand-washing, as I have repeatedly said, than by any vaccine. Laying all cures at the feet of vaccines is facile. Hygiene and antibiotics have done much, and your paean to vaccines at the end of your comment doesn't acknowledge that at all.

Remember that both the ADA and the AMA have touted amalgam fillings and thimerosol in vaccines as 'perfectly safe' up until recently. Don't continue to spout the old party line.

The new party line is against thimerosol and amalgam fillings.

"We are more protected by simple hand-washing, as I have repeatedly said, than by any vaccine."

False, wash you hands all you want, that won't have any impact on contracting tetanus.

I didn't lay all cures, just the many diseases that have been prevented and all but exterminated by vaccination.

Antibiotics and hygiene are great for some diseases.

Amalgam fillings have saved millions of lives, maybe more. Like I said their biggest danger is to dentists, they are the ones who actually get large enough doses of mercury vapor from amalgam filling mercury to cause harm. Probably best to avoid a lot of dental work while pregnant or an infant but otherwise they are much safer than letting your teeth rot out.

I don't know whose party that is, the science still says that thimerosal and fillings are perfectly safe in the doses typically received, the dangers of amalgams to dental professionals are just starting to be understood.

With these sorts of things its a matter of teasing out a small effect to see if you can find any statistical effect of harm vs dying a terrible death. Maybe someday you may have some subtle neurological injury or slightly increase a cancer risk or lose a few if points as a result of mercury from a filling or a vaccine, more likely it will be from a fish or light bulbs other sources of exposure but the alternative is potentially dying from a terrible disease or abscess.

Do you know anyone who had polio?

Wow. Thanks for this amazing reply, as my approach was obviously not working. Well done my friend! I owe you one.

@valued-customer this comment is for you (there's a bug in Steemit that won't place it under your reply but rather his reply, don't know why)

Wow. Thanks for this amazing reply, as my approach was obviously not working. Well done my friend! I owe you one.