You have no "natural immunity" to polio or smallpox or a great many other diseases that haven't already killed or otherwise greatly harmed you because enough people vaccinated themselves to eradicate those diseases for you.
You aren't lucky your parents chose to not vaccinate you or that you chose to not vaccinate yourself. You're lucky you were born in a time when vaccines have done such an incredible job at ridding the world of suffering that you can choose to opt out and free ride on the responsible choices of others via herd immunity.
By the way, dogs don't have a natural immunity to rabies either, so if you have one, please make sure you upgrade its immune system with a rabies vaccine.
Actually it was advances in sanitation and public health (such as more widespread handwashing, clean drinking water, etc.) that started the decrease of various diseases. Vaccines for them came on the scene after the illnesses were well in decline. The vaccines may have helped, but they can't take all the credit.
They surely do not have to take all the credit. But they are a huge part of the medical evolution.
Do you really believe all that?
Agree. In Latvia, at one time there was a fashion to refuse vaccinations. The result was sad - measles and diphtheria pandemic.
Severely ill unvaccinated children and even unvaccinated adults - who, according to the logic of anti-vaccination, should have a powerful natural immunity.
But he somehow did not help them.
While non-government organisations are working hard to end world poverty, the World Health Organisation is trying to jab every child in poor communities with MMR vaccine. Epidemics of autism are now appearing in these communities. African languages use the term “the absent disease” for this new condition.
Children in affluent communities can also die or suffer permanent damage from measles. They are vulnerable if they have a pre-existing condition like cancer or pneumonia, or are taking immune-suppressing drugs.
The world's last known case of smallpox was reported in Africa in 1977. In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that smallpox was wiped out — the first (and only) time in history that an infectious disease was declared eliminated from the planet.
The vaccine was not used in every country yet, the small pox was eradicated worldwide. Some countries helped without the use of vaccination and instead used quarantining, which shows that it was more then just vaccination that removed smallpox, it was undertanding through combined knowledge.
Stay clean. stay healthy. stay thirsty my friends XD
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