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RE: Putting a face to the dangers of vaccines

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

You haven't cited one fact. You've browbeaten, implied, and ridiculed. You've linked nothing, and ignored every bit of evidence linked.

While Mary's experience is personal, and thus anecdotal, you addressed only that, because anecdotal evidence is easy to dispute.

"Perhaps what you mean is you want me to go through all 30 or 40 of the author’s favorite anti-vaccine websites and dispute them all?"

You've looked at none of it, and discussed nothing but opinions. Having a look at any of it would have shown you were not a shill.

After refusing to look at evidence you then have the gall to claim she's making it up, or that it is insipid.

"...she seems very willing to insist there are soooo many anti-vax doctors out there, who will prove all her claims."

You're putting words in her mouth. Then you're putting words in my mouth.

"As to your insistance that I’m accusing her of genocide...I don’t know what to say to that, other than no I’m not."

You're nothing but a shill.


Okay fine, I'm trying to address your insistence that I "practically" accuse her of genocide. Which you've definitely put out there . I'm not putting those words in your mouth.

She gave me links to about 30 Doctors that she claims advocate for avoiding vaccines. And I've read some of them, and they do. It's hardly putting words in her mouth to say that she's claiming there are anti-vax doctors out there.

What would you like me to do. Start link-blasting you with the vast array of medical literature out there that disputes this post? Direct you to medical textbooks?

I've already articulated my issue with what you and she are considering evidence (mainly that it doesn't pass muster).

I think what you want is for me to treat the "facts" represented here with more respect. But they aren't facts. They are blatant falsehoods, and I will point to the lack of children with polio as my strongest defense of vaccine use, time and again. Or you know, pick another awful disease that most of us are immune to now, thanks to vaccines.

You're right, it is easy to pick apart her anecdotal evidence, but here's the thing: that's really all she has.

And, I'll point out again, that while I'm a big boy, and I can take it, I certainly haven't been calling people names, like nitwit, or shill, or whatever. You can dislike my opinion all you want, but I haven't gone quite that far in the gutter just yet.

Although, there are worse things to shill than the fact that vaccines are safe, good for public health, and don't cause all her food allergies.


Go ahead, debunk these quack claims that Polio vaccine gave people cancer.

This was but one of the links @marymg2014 provided.

"Some evidence suggests that receipt of SV40-contaminated polio vaccine may increase the risk of cancer. However, the majority of studies done in the U.S. and Europe which compare persons who received SV40-contaminated polio vaccine with those who did not have shown NO CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RECEIPT OF SV40-contaminated POLIO VACCINE AND CANCER."

It's right there on the same page, fourth bullet point down under additional facts.

But just to be extra sensitive to people's concerns, that is no longer a batch of polio vaccine that gets used.

I would also point you to bullet points 3, 4, and 5 under the CANCER heading, where the CDC states there is no evidence that SV40 causes cancer at all, that the majority of scientific evidence doesn't support the claim that it does, and that SV40 hasn't been found in the polio vaccine since 1963.

Since both you and the author of the post find the CDC a reputable source, worth citing(as do I), I think we can all agree then that the polio vaccine doesn't cause cancer.

See? That wasn't so hard. You directly addressed the data, substantively.

I knew you could do it!

You're an educated, well spoken, professional. I bet you're making more now than you did for CTR, and honestly, you're prolly worth it.

That doesn't make me any more vulnerable to disinfo tactics, which you can't seem to abandon for even one comment, in which you did address evidence.

I don't think the CDC has any integrity, and linked to it since I knew you would, and therefore address it, but it is worth citing because they publicly admit they gave a virus contaminated vaccine to 90 million people, which some studies showed bore a causal relationship to cancer.

Subsequently stating that there is NO evidence SV40 causes cancer a) is either a lie, or b) shows that the prior statement that a majority of studies didn't show a causal link to cancer is a lie.

Either way, the CDC is lying - about injecting a virus into 90 million American kids that might cause cancer, as some studies show a causal link - PER THEIR OWN STATEMENT. Some is NOT none.

Regardless of whether SV40 has any relationship at all to cancer, they are lying, about possibly causing virally contaminated vaccines to be injected into ME.

I'm not ok with that.

Since the Vaccine Safety Act of 1986 relieved vaccine manufacturers of liability for vaccines on the official schedule, and the USG now bears the onus of testing while senior staff at the CDC are begging to be subpoenaed so they can testify to the deliberate destruction of evidence (which they can't legally do absent subpoena), as well as liability for defending against claims of vaccine related injuries, and also acts as a distributor for the vaccines, I can't trust them at all - because the conflict of interest is blatant, routine, habitual, and involves $B's.

One last bit of friendly advice: neither should you.

I'm glad to have kept you from debating folks more vulnerable to tactics straight out of the disinfo agent handbook, and, really, it was fun.

Well, that was pretty condescending. Bravo.

Look, this is what I meant about tautology. You cite the CDC, I point out that really they do agree with me on this.

Buuuuut, silly me, I'm forgetting that the CDC is part of a massive conspiracy to hide the truth, and that all these people dedicating their lives to the prevention of communicable disease are actually part of a misinformation campaign to attract vulnerable people to the horrors of the polio vaccine.

You're kind of demonstrating why I don't spend a lot of time engaging with your "evidence" the way you want me to. If every institution that doesn't validate your beliefs is disinformation, then we're starting from a different place when it comes to what constitutes evidence.

Also, ya'll do a pretty poor job of proving that the CDC, universities, physicians, researchers are part of this big cover up. The best evidence you seem to point to is that they aren't agreeing with you.

So, I guess good job? You were taking time away that I could have spent debating someone more gullible than you? Not exactly sure that you've devoted all this discourse as an elaborate distraction. I mean, anyone can still read my commentary.
