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RE: Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion

in #valueplan3 months ago (edited)

After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the rally car, I don't see what benefit it has brought to Hive. Why not simply turn the 40000 Euros recouped from the previous cars' sale, back into Hive to put back in the fund and then admit it was a good try that didnt work out before moving on to something else?

A quarter of a million spent on targeting Crypto users and gamers with Google ads, advertising PeakD and Ecency rather than might have a much better prospect of creating new users than sponsoring a car in the lowest level of WRC. Even at grassroots sports, you could sponsor literally hundreds of teams around the world who in total, would probably have created far greater eyes on brand than the rally car.

I would also ask the name of the law firm who is preparing the legal documents please and if the quote is fixed and contractual, may a redacted copy be publically posted on the blockchain for everyone to see?

As for the Water in Ghana project. Excellent. Not just because its a fine charitable cause but because one day, it may be picked up by the world's media as a sterling example of how blockchain technology and alternative funding methods can create positive impact in the world.

Do we have an official press officer at Hive who can make this happen? If not, perhaps employing one on a part-time basis and ensure members of the media are at the screening maybe money well spent.

Finally. Promotional pens cost less than a dollar each. People use pens all the time. They dont walk around wearing pink plastic bracelets.

As well as marketing the blockchain and the ecosytem exclusively, which is good to attempt to draw major investment, market the DApps themselves as individual brands, for it is they that create users. No one joins Hive. People join Ecency or Splinterlands. The DApps in turn, also need to use some of their funding to market themselves individually. Marketing and advertising is wasted if no one has a clue exactly what the product is or does thats being pushed at them.


You hit on a good point here with the fact that funneling to Peakd or Ecency would be better than, which is also the entire problem with all the advertising in general. The rally car and other similar things already pivoted to showcase the currency. Conferences and events all have dapp flags all over them. But everyone knows that the main site has to be redesigned. This main site should be managed by the Hive community, it should be redesigned professionally as a donation. So far it was built and maintained without anyone making anything off it. Someone with the design skills and the time (emphasis on time) needs to come forward and work on it. Repo is here: (MR to Develop branch)

The legal opinion is meant to be public. I don't see how it wouldn't be because this set of documents is for exchanges and is similar to the Hive Whitepaper in purpose.

Every VP activity has someone who handles journalists. Some of the larger activities have a good method of getting them to notice, usually with local press. The film screening will definitely have journalists. But in general, press is something we constantly need people with experience to volunteer for. We do have two press release writers with at least access to publishing sites. We also have publications lined up - these are paid vendors, we are starting to use them more.

Hive merch we have in all shapes and sizes: shirts, hats, mugs, pens, stickers, keychains, thermoses, markers, notebooks, bags, whatever is most economical and fits the event.