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RE: Raw Vegan Grocery Shopping -- Organic vs. Non-Organic? GMO vs. Non-GMO?

in #vegan8 years ago


I have heard a ted talk about starches and that a lot of high cultures ran off them. But this is also compared to modern society were a lot of people eat meat like products.

I am not educated enough to really speak about this, but I am interested.

As a pizza and burger man I am happy with the progress so far I made into a more healthy and especially for me substainable diet, with a lot of fruit and nuts and veggies and meat only to treat myself so far. But I am working on it to get better and better.


You'll get it, man :) Just beware of pollutes the body! Got plaque on your teeth? It's from the starch. And guess what? If you have plaque on your teeth, you ALSO have it throughout your entire body!