Tips tricks & the truth about going vegan (plus our burrito recipe)

in #vegan7 years ago

A friend of ours has recently gone vegan. Well sorta. He's doing a self imposed vegan month and after talking to him today I felt that it would possibly be helpful to share some truths about the process and of course my tips and tricks to help make it a bit easier.


When I transitioned to veganism I went all in. I was a cheese addicted burger eating gal who loved food and then suddenly just stopped eating basically everything that I normally would and I got sooooo sick! Well not really sick, it was a heavy detox, but I felt sick just the same.


Anyways so there I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom after just puking my brains out and thinking to myself holy fucking hell eating vegan did this to me!? No way!? I felt better eating all the crap I used to eat which is saying a lot cause at that time my health was quite poor to begin with. Yikes. So I finished my bathroom session and joined my lovely partner for a smoothie because well first it was an easy way to get in all sorts of good stuff and second cause I've never cooked vegan food before! I had no idea where to even begin! So at the beginning I had a lot of smoothies! Lol.


After the sickness phase had subsided which took a couple days (and btw not everyone gets sick like I did) I found that my aches and pains were slowly starting to not bother me as much! Score! I couldn't believe how fast things were happening! And then at the same time I was starting to feel emotionally unstable and border line depressed. So much so that getting out of bed was a real struggle. Highs and lows all the same time leaving me feeling so very confused.


My partner who had already gone through this thankfully was an incredible support for me and helped me in so many ways. One of them being during this emotional time he would take me out to go on a long hike. Get the body moving and get those endorphins working. It worked great! Slowly but surely the combination of eating vegan and hiking was making me feel wonderful! Emotionally and physically! I have now been vegan for 4years i think and have literally never felt better in my entire life!


The only thing then I really wanted to figure out was the cooking which turns out to be way easier and way more fun than I ever thought! You can literally make ANYTHING! At the beginning though we had a lot of pasta with tomato sauce and burritos! Oh my goodness my mouth is literally watering thinking about our burritos!


Our vegan burritos consisted of refried beans, rice, fried onion bell pepper and garlic, salsa, avocado and cilantro all wrapped in a giant tortilla! They were so easy to make they quickly became our staple when we were backpacking! We would cook everything up in our little camp stove and devour them whilst swinging in our hammocks. Such nice memories.


Ok let's get back on track and list out my tips to going vegan.

  1. Learn about what meat and dairy does to your body. In my opinion it's helpful to know what's going on inside of you that's causing the reactions you are or may feel. That way if and or when you feel worse when you go vegan you don't go right back to eating junk to have a quick fix and feel better fast. Veganism is for the long term feel good life.

  2. Watch the documentaries. They help concrete and reaffirm why you have gone vegan. Especially in weak moments.... I think is might be kinda the same as the first tip but whatever. My post my rules. Lol.

  3. Find a good support system. There is nothing fun about going through something challenging and foreign alone, so don't! Find a supportive friend, a local group, an online group, doesn't really matter where it is just find your support system and lean on them when times get hard. That's what they are there for after all and I guarantee there will be hard moments every now and then.

  4. Workout. I know not all vegans are healthy vegans but like I mentioned earlier it helps with so much more than just fitness. So get out and get those happy vibes flowing.

  5. B12. Most everyone is deficient in B12 so really everyone could benefit from adding this to their diet.

  6. Have fun creating your food... Vegan food doesn't have to be boring. Like I said earlier you can make anything vegan if you are creative enough so put on those thinking caps and get cooking!


Great post Jamie!! I had you in my thought the other day, and I was going to ask you why you initially went vegan. And if it was because of Keni, how did he convince you?

Great tips too. I had a talk with my mom this evening. She asked me if I would make the dough for Halloween cookies for the kids to decorate. I told yes but I'm going to veganize it! She told me I can't because the recipe requires butter and milk... I told her "watch me!" Lol

Oh and when you veganism your recipe I would absolutely LOVE to hear what your results are! Maybe steem your recipe so everyone can enjoy it!? Oh and also maybe submit a recipe to @heart-to-heart for her weekly vegan challenge!

That's fantastic! Yes I've had the same conversation with my mom and thankfully she is completely on board with making everything vegan so kai can enjoy it all too!

For sure I will do that! I started using tapioca flour as an egg replacer, works great! And thanks for the resteem!

I admire vegans for their integrity, as long as they dont act so pretentious and like they were more "human" than the rest of people... it's funny because if every human being were vegan, the damage to the other animal species would be much worse than what it is already... since we would have to turn much more forests into farmland to cover all the nutritional necessities that before were covered with animal products... can you imagine how many hectares of land would be needed to turn into farmlands?

Ummmm that's not actually true. Very little land is needed in comparison to what is needed to raise animals to be slaughtered for food. There are lots of documentaries with this information. And yes I agree I dislike how some vegans act as if they are better than meat eaters because of their diet. We were all there once... actually some people, like my son have been vegan since conception but that's quite rare so most vegans have eaten meat in their life. No one is better than any other. Just at different. We are all exactly where we need to be. Thank you so much for your comment. Love engaging with others about these things and hearing others opinions!

I don't think EVERYONE should be vegan, because not everyone can be vegan. A large portion of third world countries can't rely solely on plants for food because of their environment. BUT, I do believe that the first world countries can go and should go vegan. As for what happens after we do (which we probably won't), I'm sure we can figure out a way to lessen the blow on the environment. It's still better than eating our animal buddies IMO.

Why you became vegan at the first place? what problem you were suffering from non-vegan food items?

As an individual somewhere between vegetarianism and veganism who doesn't eat animals, I wish everyone on this planet knew that the thing we call "TASTE" actually does NOT exist... It's just an ILLUSION... There is no "taste". When you know that fact, things get easier when you're on your own journey to start an "animal free" diet... On the other hand, NOTHING ever can rationalize to eat animals ; the "taste", the "benefits we need", nothing. Number one reason is ethical. It's not ethical to eat animals. Well, is it ethical to eat PLANTS, given the fact that they are ALIVE too? I would say, "one step at a time" :) (Do you remember the Cincinnati Zoo Incident? I also think that The Gorilla was RIGHT! :))

Oh boy. Yes while plants are alive they are not sentient beings so yes it is ethical to eat plants. I have never heard that about taste. I will have to look further into this. I thought that different parts of your tongue were responsible for things like saltiness, sweetness, sourness... where is the illusion?

By the way, do you know that when a man(or a woman) with an axe in his hands enters a forest, the chemicals secreted by the Trees change? (I mean, it may be a good discussion, "the plants are sentient?") - When it comes to "TASTE" issue, In my humble opinion, the process works like this (English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse any English grammar mistakes :) )..:

Some plants know when they are being eaten and change their taste. Certain vines can solve mazes. All living things are sentient to some degree. To value a plant over an animal is missing a point somewhere. Just my 2 cents. I applaud your success in self control!

this is so sweet in love with this post..keep doing more @iamjamie ...upped

Thank you so much! Will continue to post! Sending you so much love!

Humbly received..thanks

Awesome !! I had the same detox symptoms and really low moods ...cheese withdrawal I called it !!! But then I felt amazing once I'd gone through that. When I moved to the countryside, a little more dairy crept back into my diet because my ex partner insists that I still give my daughter some dairy...and it's in my fridge...and in super hungry moments after the gym sometimes I end up being lazy and eating a cheese sandwich...NOOOOO ! I need to go back to 100% vegan. I would say I am 98% as I really don't crave dairy or anything, mostly it's just laziness/convenience/reverting back to old habits in low or tired moments as a single mum...that makes me eat that old way again. So I really want to get back on track. This post has inspired me !!! Thank you :)

It's so nice hearing that someone else went through this too! I rarely hear people admit that the beginning stages are hard! I really appreciate you sharing your experience! I think a lot of people can benefit from hearing these stories! And oh my goodness I can't even imagine how exhausted you must be at the end of each day being a single mom! You are amazing! Keep up all the amazing work you are doing! Side note I feel so incredibly happy and satisfied that my post inspired you! It makes me feel so wonderful that my effort has made a difference for someone! Sending you and your family all the love!

I also make similar vegan burritos a lot with mini black pepper and coconut tortillas ...OH MY GOD so delicious !! Better than a burger any day.

Black pepper coconut tortillas!? Do you make them!? I want some! They sound so delicious! And yes these burritos are WAY better than any burger! Sometimes when I'm feeling extra sassy I add some cashew cheese and some meaty substitute like a tofu crumble I've created that is similar to ground chicken or jack fruit meat. Yum yum! Even meat eaters would be satisfied!

wow grate post ....i like this..
i have some post can check

Thank you so much and you also have a great post! Upvoted!

so that's really the truth of burito.

Great to see you flying on this one! I see your top voter is curie. This is a good sign ;)

Upped & resteemed for that little bit extra 🎉

Thank you so much! And yes I think it's pretty fantastic too! It's so exciting to see these articles getting so much attention!

The world is waking up ;)

Burritoz BaLLin!

Everything is better as a burrito! Yum yum! 🌯👅