That is a genuinely interesting as well as complex question. I would say that our teeth consist of 2 parts. Almost half of them are herbivorous and other half is carnivorous, it means that our basic physiology is made/developed (depending upon what you believe) is for eating both kinds of foods. Same way, our stomach is capable of digesting both. If it was otherwise, we could debate about a selection. Anything against nature would have consequences.
Now comes the next important question: Which food to eat?
This is the harsh part of the question. Yes, plants have been reported to have 3/5 senses (5 referring to animals/humans) and they do have conscious (for the current definition of it). I chose to eat vegetables and those meat/animals which:
- Were not dead/diseased at the time of slaughtering.
- Do not kill other animals for food i.e. survive on grass. They have less chances of bacteria invasion.
- Meat from which the maximum blood is removed, because blood contains the main bacteria and disease
So, i have no specific answer about it but, choice.