If you just want an echo chamber than sure remove downvotes! I think we’ll see it play out with blurt and die a slow death
I don’t see how you can have upvotes then, let’s remove that too and just do tipping contributions instead! If you going to remove one you should then remove the entire mechanism altogether
Hahah that could be interesting. If upvotes go, 99% of the creators will go. Tipping alone doesn't work. "Free" upvotes is what encourages people to do it. People would probably rather spend their own coins than tip it :)
Indeed most likely but that's where I think the project tends to fail, the inflation distribution has been so focused on that people can't lift their heads up from seeing it more than a cash grab. I mean traditional social media offers you nothing yet people are willing to use it because theirs a sense of value outside earning, which I think is something this place is missing
hive is a massive echo chamber at it is is...is...is...is..is.is.is
I tend to agree, and now its going to get worse with 4 forks running from next month. The way I see it is not about governance, its about who gets to govern and if they don't like the odds they fork! HIVE can only make DPOS work if there's an equal amount of parties that don't agree
4 forks?
Yes, from next month it will be STEEM, HIVE, BLURT and ZAPATA
blurt and zapata ? do you have any links/info?
I can't believe I've missed this! lol
Their sites aren't up yet, you'll have to check out their twitter or discord
ok, cheers matey.
BLURT - interesting name - related to BLOT I wonder?
Lol no clue but I wish them all the best with their project
If the air drop is next month and based on steem holding most people on hive who have sold their steem won't be getting any blurt tokens.