
maybe you should do some research on what your spending so much time debunking.

i used to think flat earth was ridiculous. now i'm convinced.

and it has been talking to the 'debunkers' that made me even more convinced. absolutely zero evidence, and usually ridicule. can't shame me into silence...

I'm not really attempting to "debunk" or "refute", that takes more digging and effort, I tend to just give the reasons why I find a given "proof" of a flat Earth to be unimpressive. Maybe some ridicule, but the "you haven't convinced me that you're right" position is a lot easier to maintain than the "I'm going to convince you that you're wrong".

I'm not really attempting to "debunk" or "refute", that takes more digging and effort, I tend to just give the reasons why I find a given "proof" of a flat Earth to be unimpressive.

i find the 'proof' of a global earth unimpressive. there literally is none.

Maybe some ridicule, but the "you haven't convinced me that you're right" position is a lot easier to maintain than the "I'm going to convince you that you're wrong".

oh look, ridicule. no post is complete from you people without it!

As I've said before, there's only "no proof" because of all the stuff you dismiss as part of a big conspiracy.

Unless I'm presented with a convincing enough argument for a flat Earth that it outweighs how implausible such a huge conspiracy is, I don't have any reason to think such a conspiracy exists, so I can believe that Foucault pendulums are real, the NASA photos that they say are real photos are real photos, satellites that I see fly overhead are actually satellites, the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse is actually the Earth's shadow, flights that cross the Antarctic are actually crossing the Antarctic, etc. etc.

oh look, ridicule.

Dude, use/mention distinction, all I did was admit sometimes I ridicule flat-Earthers.

Unless I'm presented with a convincing enough argument for a flat Earth that it outweighs how implausible such a huge conspiracy is

got me bro, if you don't to look, don't. it may be to scary a concept for you to accept. i know it caused me to rage for a few years... literally, before i found spiritual balance.

peace brother, free will is yours, you do with it as you will.

i'll leave you this... a video that doesn't start at the beginning.. ever! (at least not yet, and had others verify it) i challenge you to watch it... from the beginning. it is the best i've seen on the topic. maybe it will encourage you to view more. just an fyi.. some of these flat earthers get all biblical.. about end of times and nephalim.. blah blah blah... i'm not into that. i'm not religious. i believe we are all one being, there is no hell, there is no punishment. there are consequences to your actions and thoughts tho. peace brother/sister.

I counted five actual arguments presented in the video before it segues into speculation on the conspiracy's motives. All of them sound like the person never asked themselves "what else might explain these observations?" before jumping straight to "the Earth is flat".

you assume i wanted to believe it. i honestly mocked it before i researched it as well.

moonlight, cooler than the shade. bubbles in space videos. lol.

there is no quick jump to flat earth.

i sense you are like a religious zealot, you cannot, will not look at alternative facts.

yet here i am, having lived the heliocentric model for 39 years... loved science as a child and an adult. i read 'universe in a nutshell' by hawkins. i am an avid reader. so you can't claim i haven't looked at the alternative facts here... but you have not really ever considered the flat earth... for you it is absolute.

your absolutism will not convince me. your denying conspiracies is laughable to me.

spelling out sex in the clouds... lol. you believe these pictures are real.