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RE: Ugly vandalism seems to start with one jerk

in #vietnam2 months ago

I suppose there is always going to be people that just want to break stuff. I recall a time in college where a fraternity had forced the pledges to intentionally throw up all over the bathrooms of a place that I was working in. Someone else witnessed this and told the staff... when the pledges came out of the bathroom the entire staff was there including old ladies and little teenage girls, ready to beat the crap out of them. We made them clean it up.


Yes people do not understand or care the cost to the business and that someone has to clean up after them. Beating the shit out of them is the least anyone should expect. Having patience with scum is sometimes hard to hold back on. When we took over the pub in the beginning it needed cleaning up and every Friday and Saturday night for the first few months I was involved in some sort of scrap with the locals until the bad elements moved on.