If you look around any town that that has an area that is covered with horrible vandalism and bad graffiti, you start to notice that where there is a little, there will be a lot later. I don't know how these areas get determined by the talentless community that just seems to want to uglify anything they can get their hands on, but when I think about this situations I realize that this is kind of the reason why we have laws: A lot of people just simply cannot be trusted to do the right thing when left unpunished.
I was recently in a place for a few drinks with friends and went to the upstairs bathroom and saw this.
I've seen this in other places and one day actually met a guy who had done stuff like this and I asked him what the allure was. It was explained to me that this is the "new way" of tagging and I didn't hold back and said that I thought it was talentless and ugly. I still believe that now.
It involves these little paint pens or in even lazier and less-than-zero talent situations, a large permanent marker. The person then just writes something on any surface they can find that will hold it, which is most places. I mean just look at this? That is awful and involves zero talent to speak of.
If we were to bring in a handwriting expert they would probably determine that based on how the letters are formed that most of what is on this wall was done by one person.
The point here is that when one person does something horribly ugly as far as vandalism is concerned it does seem to have the effect of encouraging others to do the same. This is kind of like how I told before that there were unofficial graffiti parks that were set up in Da Nang and I've heard of it happening in other places, and the people who were actually good at it, started turning up from all around this part of the world to be able to showcase their ability. Talent attracts talent, trash attracts trash.
Everything in this bathroom including the empty toilet paper dispenser, was covered in this garbage. The bathroom wasn't really all that good looking to start with but this certainly doesn't help.
I asked the girl that worked there what was going on with this and she informed me that they have removed the marks several times but whoever has done it just kept coming back and putting it back up there, so they stopped cleaning it up. It has to be very frustrating to the person that owns this place because what are you going to do? Constantly monitor the toilet?
If you just so happen to be someone that is doing this somewhere in the world then, congratulations! You are a horrible person that just makes the world uglier with your talentless crap.
I love street art, it is my favorite kind of art, but that is not what this is. This is something that looks like what a angst-ridden teenager would write on their book covers in school, which is probably the intelligence level of the people that are doing this.
This isn't just in the confines of a private bathroom, ugly tags like this exist all over Da Nang and with extremely rare exceptions, almost all of the graffiti in this city is terrible. I hope that when people actually are caught doing this sort of thing that they are severely punished.
I suppose you cannot put cameras up as that would be just weird lol. We used to have vandalism at the pub we owned in the UK until I bog washed the guy that we caught doing it. You obviously cannot beat them up as it could lead to more trouble so a quick dunking seemed appropriate and a free drink at the same time. They kept on breaking the water pipes which is far more costly than re painting.
I suppose there is always going to be people that just want to break stuff. I recall a time in college where a fraternity had forced the pledges to intentionally throw up all over the bathrooms of a place that I was working in. Someone else witnessed this and told the staff... when the pledges came out of the bathroom the entire staff was there including old ladies and little teenage girls, ready to beat the crap out of them. We made them clean it up.
Yes people do not understand or care the cost to the business and that someone has to clean up after them. Beating the shit out of them is the least anyone should expect. Having patience with scum is sometimes hard to hold back on. When we took over the pub in the beginning it needed cleaning up and every Friday and Saturday night for the first few months I was involved in some sort of scrap with the locals until the bad elements moved on.
Rofl, what a cute hater.
don't get me wrong. I love street art, but this is trash. Who thinks this looks good?
I know this is trash but behind the tags spots is always a history, for me they look cool and is not about how it looks, is more about who is this.
Cheers bro !LUV !ALIVE