Hosting a Drawpile on Livestream- Come Draw with Me - Day 1

in #vimmtv6 years ago


Hosting a Drawpile on Livestream- Come Draw with Me - Day 1

Category: Creative
Sub-category: Art

Click here to watch the live stream!

purple pade divider rob parenti

Last nights test run seemed to work. I need to get some feedback from some viewers tho! Going to be hosting a Drawpile for a few hours today! Join me! Read below...

purple pade divider rob parenti

You can join me when I'm using Drawpile! It's an app that allows many users to do art on a single canvas. I Would love to have ya join. Feel free to write your social links with your art if you do!

Get Drawpile :

To Join: Go to the menu >Session >Join then simply type the Room Code! The room code is displayed in stream.

purple pade divider rob parenti

Derek & Brandon Fiechter

➠ Youtube Channel➠ iTunes (Derek)➠ iTunes (Brandon)➠ Bandcamp➠ Amazon Mp3➠ Spotify (Derek)➠ Spotify (Brandon)


Gnight Everyone :)

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Other product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.
Animated Gifs provided via GiphyArt with Rob Parenti - @rob-parenti ©2018~

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