I readed about it today. But i like your thoughts on it. I agree about the censoring. I believe it is needed aswell. Some things should not be promoted on any platform.
And money wise facebook is indeed a company. Where steem works for the people.
Their main asset is our data which they harvest and trade irrespective of how we feel about it.
I think he should start by showing us all the information they hold on each one of us, then paying us each time they sell our information to advertisers.
Now everyone wants to be part of the big deal, I knew this would happen in a matter of time . This platform is growing faster now and no one would wanna miss out
I don't trust him too. But I still think he knows that decentralization will be the new thing, and that it is much better than the current system. "If you can't beat them, join them" I think that is his strategy.
LOL, decentralization will kill Facebook. If they really decentralize their platform, they're gonna have only a fraction of their current profits, zero censorship power, and a tendency to disappear.
They're only making a marketing campaign with this, and they'll probably try to fool noobs, like those who buy into Bitconnect and Ripple, lol.
If you want true decentralized technology, think in IPFS, SIA, BarterDEX, and many more. A lot of new projects. http://komodo.rocks
Might be the only way they could survive when all these other new techs come out like Sia etc. These guys know where this market is going and their all trying to get a piece of the pie.
That's the point. We share opinions. Facebook (Mark) proved itself unworthy regarding cryptocurrency as he is always talking in context of facebook appraisal. So, it is a great marketing campaign, as always. He never talks about what he truly believes, rather speaks to benefit from it. (Not that most people would do differently, as it brings him tons of money)
I agree, Bill Gates was the first to understand that Crypto has power to change the world in any term. Altho its not clear yet that how crypto will help some industries. As per now which I understand is that you can start your own project and ask for fund from the crypto networks, Which ICO's are doing right now. So many new good project we have seen in the past few months. Ether, Smart Contract System, Bitcoin Secure Payment, Finance industry is very thankful of Crypto world that new investors came out. New Age was almost forgetting stock market and they don't even who what is Bond now a days except that they read it.
Sorry for a large comment. But the point is there is more to come related to crypto world. Stay tuned and All the investors and People in crypto check each and every news because may change your future life.
I don't think he will go with his own coin.. he is probably going to ask his VC at coinbase to get him good deal with an already hyped coin.. and that coin will totally go the moon..
same here.. but we all know he is not going to support it, if he really wanted to, don't you think he is wayyy more informed to not use cryptography and blockchain etc. until now..
I think he's smart enough to realize he doesn't have a choice. And that it's a better model for monetizing social media. He has the most to gain from this... if fb were to buy steemit, it would probably more than double the stock price.
i think Mark Zuckerberg should not make a mistake of doing the same thing as steemit. Facebook as its own way of doing things which can not be similar to stemit. he should keep his original conception ideas and project on more other poweful options but not into cryptocurrencies.
my point is that if people are now paid on facebook which was not initially, this can cause confusion and social media deviation. for marc to be successful, he needed an original and strong idea. however, making the same thing as steemit will not increase anything on people and may lead to a decrease of facebook users.
i do think that Mark is really bright and all surrounded with thinkers and should try to bring something original and not copied. for example, including various options of cryptocurrency users to make exchange or Facebook can play as an intermediary between cryptocurrency users.
ended, if Mark Zuckerberg can turn facebook into a cryptocurrency thing then he should assume use more innovative ways to attract people.
But do you think litecoin can really undermine the power and momentum of bitcoin? I think most of these cryptos rely heavily on the rallying power of bitcoin in the market
If facebook really did accept litecoin and not bitcoin that would send a strong market signal and expose it to more users as 1billion people use facebook. LTC went x50 last year bitcoin only x13 and it's loosing ground as it's too slow and expensive to move.
Currently, much less than 5% of the world's consumers dabble in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies in one way or another. It was the same for internet and cellular technologies before the industry exploded in numbers beyond the professional forecasters' wildest imaginations, and totally changed the way people communicated with each other forever. When a revolutionary technology like blockchain reaches this stage, magic will happen to steemit beyond all our 'humanly' forecasts.
Facebook, given time, will lose its large customer base gradually to steemit. And, when the user numbers hit critical mass, you will see an exponential increase in steemit users every month, stealing sizeable market shares from other social media platforms, and inevitably facebook's fate will be sealed.
It is how market adoption works with time as long as there is a differentiable product (like steemit) ushering in new possibilities not available elsewhere. Make no doubt about it!
If I had to bet, I'd say he's already bought a lot of crypto currency and that is one of the reasons he will likely introduce it on FB - it will drive up prices through exposure and it is an easy way for him to give a middle finger to the twins
As far as i can see it there is no party losing if a decentralized currency was implemented - neither Zuckerberg nor the users. Zuckerberg may profit from it obviously which is not a big deal (cash ain't his problem) , but more importantly the users get to use cryptocurrencies.
Of course given Facebooks background, how it will be implemented is the question.
The blockchain exists to distribute consensus. If a single entity controls the blockchain there is no distributed consensus but centralized consensus instead. It is much more efficient to implement centralized consensus without implementing all the costly and complicated mechanisms of distributed consensus. It is completely wasteful. And if you think a blockchain would be a good choice for security, remember that banks have centralized databases and they get hacked very rarely.
Well I wouldn't exactly agree on him thinking Steem is a large threat to Facebook. Centralized or not, Facebook still has the largest base of users on any social media platform. Currently with the average daily users on Steem, we would have no way in competing. Also, I think Steem is leaning more towards a 'replacement' to Reddit as opposed to Facebook. Personally, I think Facebook is so big that nothing can really replace it. It's become too large of a business and advertising hub. My two cents.
He's only trying to look cool. Probably by advice of his PR team. If they make any move towards cryptos, it will only be more centralized garbage. Just like Blockstream took over Bitcoin, only to centralize it more.
If you want real decentralized tech, think in BarterDEX, the Atomic Decentralized Exchange from Komodo Platform. That's the way to go.
Lol exactly.. but I think Steem has still to go a long way.. and we should really start to now take this thing to more of a social networking platform than just a blogging platform..
I think it’s just fluff. He talks about some of the threats to FB dominance...
“...protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.”
“The first four words of Facebook's mission have always been "give people the power".”
I think it’s FBs mission to be perceived to be giving people the power and control back, 2017 was a challenging year for them with some high profile censorship acts and increasing accusations of foreign powers leveraging their data on us to effect outcomes of political processes, they want to both distance themselves from this as well as remaining a massive corporate profitable machine that mines their users data.
If they’re selling data, they need to control the output, and for this reason alone, it’ll never go the sam route as Steemit.
Yo Nanzo-T-Scoopster. I just dropped in to let you know I finally uploaded episode 7 of my steemfest2 adventure with your beautiful early morning interview (haha) and noticed that you are ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT with this post right now. SMASHING it out of the ball park. RINSING IT DRY!!! mine is your 604th upvote on this post...how fars it genna go? Anyway, I think you are awesome and a mega gent for doing an interview with me :) peace out and full power to you my friend x basil
Decentralising facebook for me it's too late now, like you said the about the shareholders, they can't just agree on giving the power to the people cause it would be like making themselves minnows cause no one knows them on facebook.
And another thing is if mark wanted decentralisation, he would have done that a long time ago not now that facebook is this big
Facebook is cancer, man. I hope it dies soon.
Decentralized social networks are gonna explode in the next couple of years. Mark my words. http://komodo.rocks
Mark owns the majority shares of Facebook. How about those centralized minds who owns also percentage shares of Facebook? Would it be as ez-peasy as we think of? When will that semi-decentralized Facebook will happen, within months or a year? Integrate centralized and decentralized, the result is demoralized.
Best comment so far.
Decentralized social networks are gonna explore in the next couple of years. Centralized garbage is condemned to slowly die. http://komodo.rocks
He sounds like a man who KNOWS he's late to the game and still wants to 'try to incorporate' it, but if he really believed in a centralized world he could have created Facebook in a WAY less dictatorial way than what it has become now...
I take the things he says with 3 grains of salt, Facebook will never be decentralized, all his actions point toward the opposite :-)
I think I speak for all enlightened individuals here when I say that Facebook is an utter waste of time and a complete garbage platform for anything more than occasionally staying in touch with old friends and relatives. It has no business as major social media platform, provides little to no real content such as news, or impactful media. Just a sheep farm in my opinion. If Suckerberg is promoting cryptos its only for his benefit and not the people . Definitely just using it as a ploy to make money / create hype around cryptos he's invested in.
Now this is TOTALLY unrelated to this post but I've seen a few of your vids and each time I get the feeling that i know you from somewhere!!
Were you on telly years ago?
In a boyband?
Spend time in Manchester?
I left FaceBook almost 7 years ago now because I couldn't deal with their attitude towards our privacy. I was one of the people that joined when FaceBook was in its relative infancy (College Students ONLY), and everything was great. People posted their private information (used their real names) e.t.c, but cause it felt like an internal University Intranet. Great times. I think if that version of FaceBook was around today, it would work on Blockchain because people were ok posting freely.
Then they went for the money grab with our privacy, and here we are today :)
Great post my friend ✌🏿 [woah! look at the upvotes on this! is this a record?]
One thing "man" has always found difficult to adapt to is change. Especially when a service has run successfully for many years without any stiff competition. Monopoly in short. But feels threatened by another phase on the horizon. You sure want to step up your game.
A paradigm shift is unfolding. The next phase has surely got Zuckeburg's attention. There is only so much facebook can hand over to us because of its blueprint.
On the other hand censorship is a ticket that facebook will still like to hold on to. Zuckerberg is just trying to look for his next level of success.
Since Mark Zuckerberg is thinking of adding ,introducing or incorporating crytocurrency into facebook, i'd prefer or rather propose Reddcoin or Steem. These are awesome and so far the best social digital currencies that i know although steem has it's own socialmedia platform already.We all know it right? :-)
Or they might even develop their own cryptocoin and then name it facecoin or whatever name...haha and we might be surprised how well the coin does in the markets.. As huge and popular as facebook is it might be one of their biggest succesful projects. Lets wait and see. Better be soon though.Twitter , instagram and whatsapp!! What are you waiting for? You should also start thinking about decentralisation and crypto. You cannot run away from it :-) It's the future!!!
Reddcoiners and steemians HODL.
You never kn
Facebook profits from centralization, not decentralization. All our data is hidden away and everything that is not advertiser friendly is censored. They neither need, not want a proper immutable blockchain. Also, they don't want to reward their users as they have the obligation to reward their shareholders. They are never going to do it in any way that we would recognize as better than meh as you put it. I also wrote a pretty long-winded post on why I don't think this is happening.
I think any attempt by Facebook to incorporate STEEM/DPOS would be motivated by a desire to co-opt and marginalize. Block-chain poses an existential threat to their monopoly.
I not a fan of Zuckerberg, but he knows how to get the tendencies and turn it into money. He may show himself as a philanthropic man, he is just a very intelligent and ambitious man though.
In my opinion, Facebook has a myriad of considerations when it comes to the monetisation of their bohemoth of a user-base, when cryptocurrencies being one of many, and MAYBE a sensible option.
Whether this is an Uber-eats or Uber equivalent to mobilise their user base or something totally different, we'll be watching closely.
Interesting to see what direction this will take (if any). Seems to me like a 180 turn for FB, which, as you said, will not please the shareholders I believe.
There is a possibility that Zuckerburg might be using SteemIT to learn more about 'how it works?' I think one of the blue whale will be Zuckerburg. I think he realized now that SteemIt is a threat to Facebook.
What do you think SteemIT is worth if Facebook wants to buy it?
Steemit is just a tool to access Steem the blockchain. STEEM is the currency native to Steem and the market cap of STEEM is currently roughly 1,6 billion dollars. The market cap of Facebook is currently about 40 billion dollars. Zuckie would have to buy out enough of the whales to take over the code. He could do it but if he did it just to bury it, he'd have to keep buying up every similar blockchain that came after it. It's decentralize or die.
sounds like he is trying to so hard to do something new to get facebook popular again, I still use it and I dont againt the idea, so it will be fun if he start taking some actions 😊
I think people are misunderstanding his post - he talks about decentralisation and how it is important, then about how innovations such as cryptos are using it.
The CEO of Facebook is not going to make a cryptocurrency just yet in my opinion, but may start to try and make Facebook more about giving power back to the people, by decentralisation. They may introduce cryptos when they stabilise, but they will not throw their platform in to it before a lot of testing the water with the underlying technology.
They are getting afraid for Steem... It was about time...
How was the chinese food with @exyle? Man I would love to join and talk about crypto.. this is what really interest me these days.. so much going on.. hope to meet you onde day.. maybe steemfest 3
Food was great (although I was on the wrong end of some potent chillis)! The company was even better, it is great to talk crypto with people that are also living and breathing it. Yes - hope to see you at Steemfest 3 also.
Nice so that's a deal..talk about crypto and a little bit about soccer at steemfest 3.. Have a great weekend.. and as a gift a fantastic goal of my boy.. maybe one day you see hime playing in London ;-)
Yes we should take it very much seriously
Because we are still in the early stage of crypto ($0.7trillion).than if the big investors like facebook are taking about it .than we can see a bright boom in future in crypto currency .
Only the masses have enough momentum to brighten things up. The big boys will have a ripple type version of crypto they will market & use to try & control people. Continuing Education is very important for people. So much economic illiteracy by design
i think Marc Zuckerberg should not make a mistake of doing the same thing as steemit. Facebook as its own way of doing things which can not be similar to stemit. he should keep his original conception ideas and project on more other poweful options but not into cryptocurrencies.
my point is that if people are now paid on facebook which was not initially, this can cause confusion and social media deviation. for marc to be successful, he needed an original and strong idea. however, making the same thing as steemit will not increase anything on people and may lead to a decrease of facebook users.
i do think that Mark is really bright and all surrounded with thinkers and should try to bring something original and not copied. for example, including various options of cryptocurrency users to make exchange or Facebook can play as an intermediary between cryptocurrency users.
ended, if Mark can turn facebook into a cryptocurrency thing then he should assume use more innovative ways to attract people.
Zuckerburg has made his bed. He can't just re-do his business model midstream while also meeting his fiduciary obligation to maximize shareholder value.
Facebook being the an intermediary between users of a peer-to-peer protocol is the antithesis of what decentralisation and cryptocurrencies are about. But I take your point on Facebook needing to do something original to make an impact in this space.
Yes it will going to happen soon !
we all know thàt to servive in this era of technology and blockchain he should have to take this action otherwise failure is on the way for them !
I could spend all my life steeming and caring less about facebooking.
Steemit pays
Facebook doesnt...
To encourage the growing population of developed and developing countries. Youths need to involve themselves in profiting endeavourse than spending a huge sum of money on facebook only to enrich a single individual...
I am seriously not interested in people (Mr Suckerbird) who now suddenly want to share revenue, when they together with Banks and institutions have been raping the masses for centuries, and now that they are on the back foot suddenly want to come to the party.@nanzo-scoop
I say NO. they should not be supported and in fact hopefully facebook dies a slow death, since it never did consider the people who supported them in the first place.
So GOODBYE to archaic platforms that exploit the masses.
I think we should not talk him seriously. As this guy only want to earn more money.
I readed about it today. But i like your thoughts on it. I agree about the censoring. I believe it is needed aswell. Some things should not be promoted on any platform.
And money wise facebook is indeed a company. Where steem works for the people.
Their main asset is our data which they harvest and trade irrespective of how we feel about it.
I think he should start by showing us all the information they hold on each one of us, then paying us each time they sell our information to advertisers.
I like that idea... user should also have the option to opt out and their data should be encrypted.
It would be great if this was what he was hinting at.
Can't see it happening though!
Now everyone wants to be part of the big deal, I knew this would happen in a matter of time . This platform is growing faster now and no one would wanna miss out
Nah he is probably still pissed at the winklevoss twins who will outdo him. Also too busy spying on us or helping people spy on us.
I don't trust him too. But I still think he knows that decentralization will be the new thing, and that it is much better than the current system. "If you can't beat them, join them" I think that is his strategy.
LOL, decentralization will kill Facebook. If they really decentralize their platform, they're gonna have only a fraction of their current profits, zero censorship power, and a tendency to disappear.
They're only making a marketing campaign with this, and they'll probably try to fool noobs, like those who buy into Bitconnect and Ripple, lol.
If you want true decentralized technology, think in IPFS, SIA, BarterDEX, and many more. A lot of new projects.
Might be the only way they could survive when all these other new techs come out like Sia etc. These guys know where this market is going and their all trying to get a piece of the pie.
Plus NSA and other such powerful organisations wil never let Facebook ever get decentralized, so all of this is a total joke..
That's the point. We share opinions. Facebook (Mark) proved itself unworthy regarding cryptocurrency as he is always talking in context of facebook appraisal. So, it is a great marketing campaign, as always. He never talks about what he truly believes, rather speaks to benefit from it. (Not that most people would do differently, as it brings him tons of money)
I agree, Bill Gates was the first to understand that Crypto has power to change the world in any term. Altho its not clear yet that how crypto will help some industries. As per now which I understand is that you can start your own project and ask for fund from the crypto networks, Which ICO's are doing right now. So many new good project we have seen in the past few months. Ether, Smart Contract System, Bitcoin Secure Payment, Finance industry is very thankful of Crypto world that new investors came out. New Age was almost forgetting stock market and they don't even who what is Bond now a days except that they read it.
Sorry for a large comment. But the point is there is more to come related to crypto world. Stay tuned and All the investors and People in crypto check each and every news because may change your future life.
Nothing stopping him from coming up with his own coin. With the power of Facebook behind it, it would definitely make a splash!
The whole point of blockchain and cryptos is not relying on the "power" of big corporations. It's a peer-to-peer technology.
I don't think he will go with his own coin.. he is probably going to ask his VC at coinbase to get him good deal with an already hyped coin.. and that coin will totally go the moon..
Yeah, I have absolutely NO confidence that dude cares at all about "the people". It's all about making money. He's hopping on a bandwagon.
I don't mind his supporting the crypto space.
same here.. but we all know he is not going to support it, if he really wanted to, don't you think he is wayyy more informed to not use cryptography and blockchain etc. until now..
I think he's smart enough to realize he doesn't have a choice. And that it's a better model for monetizing social media. He has the most to gain from this... if fb were to buy steemit, it would probably more than double the stock price.
Well put.. He doesn't have a choice.. That's for sure.. this is the future..
Not future, But Crypto has it own space in the future. like some gadget which we was not use too in 90's but we like to most today. (Mobile)
Yes! I agree with your view but its good for the community though
hi,i am a fresh here
follow me back
i agree with u
absolutely right, and it's absolute madness that all those people are voluntarily sharing their whole life with FaceBook
It's not totally true as he donated before
Yeah!! I'm agree...
follow me back
ye true....really waited for 2018..before coming to that idea? I think he felt something big is coming.......hmmmm
i am a fresh,i wanna make friends here
you are right dear
i think Mark Zuckerberg should not make a mistake of doing the same thing as steemit. Facebook as its own way of doing things which can not be similar to stemit. he should keep his original conception ideas and project on more other poweful options but not into cryptocurrencies.
my point is that if people are now paid on facebook which was not initially, this can cause confusion and social media deviation. for marc to be successful, he needed an original and strong idea. however, making the same thing as steemit will not increase anything on people and may lead to a decrease of facebook users.
i do think that Mark is really bright and all surrounded with thinkers and should try to bring something original and not copied. for example, including various options of cryptocurrency users to make exchange or Facebook can play as an intermediary between cryptocurrency users.
ended, if Mark Zuckerberg can turn facebook into a cryptocurrency thing then he should assume use more innovative ways to attract people.
Why not? He's made his fortune basically piggybacking off of other applications. Anyone remember MySpace?
I've heard that he will be supporting litecoin on facebook and not bitcoin to undermine the Winklevoss twins.
Why ally himself with any existing coin, his organization has the breadth and depth to come up with their own coin.
But do you think litecoin can really undermine the power and momentum of bitcoin? I think most of these cryptos rely heavily on the rallying power of bitcoin in the market
If facebook really did accept litecoin and not bitcoin that would send a strong market signal and expose it to more users as 1billion people use facebook. LTC went x50 last year bitcoin only x13 and it's loosing ground as it's too slow and expensive to move.
I hope the Winklevoss twins out do him by creating a better decentralized social network. :)
You mean, THIS TIME!
if they were so smart they might have done it before facebook !
Y U yelling?
but that will be very good if that actually happen
follow me back
You're trying to Block(chain) me riiight?!?
He's only FOMOing a bit. It won't last. Or maybe they'll buy some legit project, just to turn it into centralized garbage, as always.
There will have to be lots of changes before decentralization is possible. If ever it happens, facebook will be our competitor!
Currently, much less than 5% of the world's consumers dabble in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies in one way or another. It was the same for internet and cellular technologies before the industry exploded in numbers beyond the professional forecasters' wildest imaginations, and totally changed the way people communicated with each other forever. When a revolutionary technology like blockchain reaches this stage, magic will happen to steemit beyond all our 'humanly' forecasts.
Facebook, given time, will lose its large customer base gradually to steemit. And, when the user numbers hit critical mass, you will see an exponential increase in steemit users every month, stealing sizeable market shares from other social media platforms, and inevitably facebook's fate will be sealed.
It is how market adoption works with time as long as there is a differentiable product (like steemit) ushering in new possibilities not available elsewhere. Make no doubt about it!
Love your optimism! Let's hope it happens.
Thank you!
Suddenly he's worked out Steem could be a threat to his empire and he wants to share his fortune around to the minions NOT
All he has to do is copy Steemit's strategy, the same way he duplicated MySpace's application.
He personally probably already owns some crypto but now he wants to implement it in his own firm.
I wonder what he will name his own crypto coin or token. Maybe Zuck coin
more like sucker coin.
If I had to bet, I'd say he's already bought a lot of crypto currency and that is one of the reasons he will likely introduce it on FB - it will drive up prices through exposure and it is an easy way for him to give a middle finger to the twins
As far as i can see it there is no party losing if a decentralized currency was implemented - neither Zuckerberg nor the users. Zuckerberg may profit from it obviously which is not a big deal (cash ain't his problem) , but more importantly the users get to use cryptocurrencies.
Of course given Facebooks background, how it will be implemented is the question.
Why would a tipping system on Facebook even have to use a cryptocurrency? It would be completely wasteful on a centralized platform like Facebook.
Not exactly. The blockchain properties aren't just decentralization.
The blockchain exists to distribute consensus. If a single entity controls the blockchain there is no distributed consensus but centralized consensus instead. It is much more efficient to implement centralized consensus without implementing all the costly and complicated mechanisms of distributed consensus. It is completely wasteful. And if you think a blockchain would be a good choice for security, remember that banks have centralized databases and they get hacked very rarely.
Goood points! No wonder we have this scaling issue.
We can see that the blockchain is already threating the centralised powers.
A new revolution
I’m sure he’s been watching steem for awhile. Waiting, plotting, doing dr evil things
Hello ceattlestretch. I Followed you.If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)
Well I wouldn't exactly agree on him thinking Steem is a large threat to Facebook. Centralized or not, Facebook still has the largest base of users on any social media platform. Currently with the average daily users on Steem, we would have no way in competing. Also, I think Steem is leaning more towards a 'replacement' to Reddit as opposed to Facebook. Personally, I think Facebook is so big that nothing can really replace it. It's become too large of a business and advertising hub. My two cents.
Looks that way, doesn't it? Well, I wouldn't dare give into Facebook and suddenly dump Steemit.
Facebook is still known for censorship and ties to DARPA, regardless.
I'm going to pay closer attention to how this all sorts itself out in the scheme of things in the ensuing months to come.
He is very evil
i don't think he is evil, just greedy.
He's only trying to look cool. Probably by advice of his PR team. If they make any move towards cryptos, it will only be more centralized garbage. Just like Blockstream took over Bitcoin, only to centralize it more.
If you want real decentralized tech, think in BarterDEX, the Atomic Decentralized Exchange from Komodo Platform. That's the way to go.
http://komodo.rocks http://komodoplatform.com
Hello nexusvortex777. I Followed you.If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)
follow me back
he want to create a own crypto for facebook....
absolutely ! but steem is going to take a long time , but m sure steem will succeedddddd !
Stop, yelling, dude. Please.
he is properly half blind thats why hi is writing in VERY big letters :P
True. At most, he's gonna buy some legit project, only to turn into more centralized garbage. As they're already doing with bitcoin.
Lol exactly.. but I think Steem has still to go a long way.. and we should really start to now take this thing to more of a social networking platform than just a blogging platform..
I think it’s just fluff. He talks about some of the threats to FB dominance...
“...protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.”
“The first four words of Facebook's mission have always been "give people the power".”
I think it’s FBs mission to be perceived to be giving people the power and control back, 2017 was a challenging year for them with some high profile censorship acts and increasing accusations of foreign powers leveraging their data on us to effect outcomes of political processes, they want to both distance themselves from this as well as remaining a massive corporate profitable machine that mines their users data.
If they’re selling data, they need to control the output, and for this reason alone, it’ll never go the sam route as Steemit.
As for coins? Meh.
Yo Nanzo-T-Scoopster. I just dropped in to let you know I finally uploaded episode 7 of my steemfest2 adventure with your beautiful early morning interview (haha) and noticed that you are ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT with this post right now. SMASHING it out of the ball park. RINSING IT DRY!!! mine is your 604th upvote on this post...how fars it genna go? Anyway, I think you are awesome and a mega gent for doing an interview with me :) peace out and full power to you my friend x basil
Lol.. glad to see you got around to posting it! By the time your documentary is complete it'll be Steemfest 3! :oP
You know I'm going to be on you until you get it done!
haha. I will be editing the last episode in the foyer at Steemfest3 XD
Decentralising facebook for me it's too late now, like you said the about the shareholders, they can't just agree on giving the power to the people cause it would be like making themselves minnows cause no one knows them on facebook.
And another thing is if mark wanted decentralisation, he would have done that a long time ago not now that facebook is this big
He doesn't have to decentralize. Just semi-decentralize. That will be enough to regain the lead in the Social Network space.
Facebook is cancer, man. I hope it dies soon.
Decentralized social networks are gonna explode in the next couple of years. Mark my words.
How is that possible?
Decentralizing the centralize?
Maybe close Facebook and start all over again and create a new decentralized one.
He doesn't have to decentralize. Just semi-decentralize. That will be enough to regain the lead in the Social Network space.
Tokens for content within his centralized network. Ez-Peasy!
Mark owns the majority shares of Facebook. How about those centralized minds who owns also percentage shares of Facebook? Would it be as ez-peasy as we think of? When will that semi-decentralized Facebook will happen, within months or a year? Integrate centralized and decentralized, the result is demoralized.
Yeah, my train of thought as well can’t unburn a burnt cookie.
you can always cover it up with a lot of sugar glazing ;)
Best comment so far.
Decentralized social networks are gonna explore in the next couple of years. Centralized garbage is condemned to slowly die.
Oh yeah!

He sounds like a man who KNOWS he's late to the game and still wants to 'try to incorporate' it, but if he really believed in a centralized world he could have created Facebook in a WAY less dictatorial way than what it has become now...
I take the things he says with 3 grains of salt, Facebook will never be decentralized, all his actions point toward the opposite :-)
I think I speak for all enlightened individuals here when I say that Facebook is an utter waste of time and a complete garbage platform for anything more than occasionally staying in touch with old friends and relatives. It has no business as major social media platform, provides little to no real content such as news, or impactful media. Just a sheep farm in my opinion. If Suckerberg is promoting cryptos its only for his benefit and not the people . Definitely just using it as a ploy to make money / create hype around cryptos he's invested in.
Wow you have blown up on Steemit! Glad I knew you before you were famous!!! :D @nanzo-scoop
Hey! Happy New Year. Great to see you back. Hope everything is good.
smt tokens would be good for facebook
Now this is TOTALLY unrelated to this post but I've seen a few of your vids and each time I get the feeling that i know you from somewhere!!
Were you on telly years ago?
In a boyband?
Spend time in Manchester?
Let me know 😊
Lol... 'Boyband', good one... yes, let's go with that!
Your bloopers video is hilarious btw.
Thank you.
I have a proper laugh at myself every time I watch it!
I left FaceBook almost 7 years ago now because I couldn't deal with their attitude towards our privacy. I was one of the people that joined when FaceBook was in its relative infancy (College Students ONLY), and everything was great. People posted their private information (used their real names) e.t.c, but cause it felt like an internal University Intranet. Great times. I think if that version of FaceBook was around today, it would work on Blockchain because people were ok posting freely.
Then they went for the money grab with our privacy, and here we are today :)
Great post my friend ✌🏿

[woah! look at the upvotes on this! is this a record?]
Hello adetorrent. I Followed you.If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)
You're not on my follow list 👀
One thing "man" has always found difficult to adapt to is change. Especially when a service has run successfully for many years without any stiff competition. Monopoly in short. But feels threatened by another phase on the horizon. You sure want to step up your game.
A paradigm shift is unfolding. The next phase has surely got Zuckeburg's attention. There is only so much facebook can hand over to us because of its blueprint.
On the other hand censorship is a ticket that facebook will still like to hold on to. Zuckerberg is just trying to look for his next level of success.
Since Mark Zuckerberg is thinking of adding ,introducing or incorporating crytocurrency into facebook, i'd prefer or rather propose Reddcoin or Steem. These are awesome and so far the best social digital currencies that i know although steem has it's own socialmedia platform already.We all know it right? :-)
Or they might even develop their own cryptocoin and then name it facecoin or whatever name...haha and we might be surprised how well the coin does in the markets.. As huge and popular as facebook is it might be one of their biggest succesful projects. Lets wait and see. Better be soon though.Twitter , instagram and whatsapp!! What are you waiting for? You should also start thinking about decentralisation and crypto. You cannot run away from it :-) It's the future!!!
Reddcoiners and steemians HODL.
You never kn
Facebook profits from centralization, not decentralization. All our data is hidden away and everything that is not advertiser friendly is censored. They neither need, not want a proper immutable blockchain. Also, they don't want to reward their users as they have the obligation to reward their shareholders. They are never going to do it in any way that we would recognize as better than meh as you put it. I also wrote a pretty long-winded post on why I don't think this is happening.
This step will boost the steem blockchain. Let’s finger crossed!
I think he will implement 2 types of crypto's.
1: A payment method for advertisers on the platform
2: some sort of project coin like Steem etc...
I think any attempt by Facebook to incorporate STEEM/DPOS would be motivated by a desire to co-opt and marginalize. Block-chain poses an existential threat to their monopoly.
I not a fan of Zuckerberg, but he knows how to get the tendencies and turn it into money. He may show himself as a philanthropic man, he is just a very intelligent and ambitious man though.
yeah. i agree
Maybe he just wants to get in on the hype so he can join the conversation on birthday parties ;-)
Maybe... I can't go anywhere without people taking about crypto. I imagine it must be the same for Zuckers
Hahaha.. I imagine how much he so craves to join the conversation.
@lemmybe thats a good news ..kindly follow back too
Hello lemmybe. I Followed you.If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)
He personally probably already owns some crypto but now he wants to implement it in his own firm.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he doesn't own a shit ton of crypto.
@crytotem just maybe my thought exactly
That's a possibility but I doubt if a man like him cares about birthday parties :)
Zuckerburg is a *sshole. Only looking for money. My reason to stay on Steem.
He wants to ride the wave too, but I assume he won't build it like Steemit and for the people
Thought provoking post - thank you.
In my opinion, Facebook has a myriad of considerations when it comes to the monetisation of their bohemoth of a user-base, when cryptocurrencies being one of many, and MAYBE a sensible option.
Whether this is an Uber-eats or Uber equivalent to mobilise their user base or something totally different, we'll be watching closely.
Interesting to see what direction this will take (if any). Seems to me like a 180 turn for FB, which, as you said, will not please the shareholders I believe.
Thanks for sharing your insights on this!
That’s a good point. I imagine it’s going to be a nightmare convincing shareholders to get on board.
No! why is he talking about it now?
@masterwriter he just got convinced i guess
it's too late, we don't need him.
There is a possibility that Zuckerburg might be using SteemIT to learn more about 'how it works?' I think one of the blue whale will be Zuckerburg. I think he realized now that SteemIt is a threat to Facebook.
What do you think SteemIT is worth if Facebook wants to buy it?
Steemit is just a tool to access Steem the blockchain. STEEM is the currency native to Steem and the market cap of STEEM is currently roughly 1,6 billion dollars. The market cap of Facebook is currently about 40 billion dollars. Zuckie would have to buy out enough of the whales to take over the code. He could do it but if he did it just to bury it, he'd have to keep buying up every similar blockchain that came after it. It's decentralize or die.
It's possible but unlikely that Zuckerburg is paying that deep an interest in Steem at the moment.
Guaranteed someone close to him is using & interacting here
He just doesnt want to go out of business
The crypto threat is real for centralized organizations like Facebook.
He is targetting 2019 to explore crypto and by that time I am sure some social media steemit or any other would have already dented Facebook hard.
FOMO!!! I can’t wait to see what Facebook will come up with!!
Aloha @nanzo-scoop
Well am guessing it's part of a business strategy from @kingklauz
I heard Fb will integrate litcoin but its just rumors... I believe within 10 years, someone will create a blockchain FB killer, who knows :)
sounds like he is trying to so hard to do something new to get facebook popular again, I still use it and I dont againt the idea, so it will be fun if he start taking some actions 😊
yes its a great fun .
Forget facebook steem is where it's at
I think people are misunderstanding his post - he talks about decentralisation and how it is important, then about how innovations such as cryptos are using it.
The CEO of Facebook is not going to make a cryptocurrency just yet in my opinion, but may start to try and make Facebook more about giving power back to the people, by decentralisation. They may introduce cryptos when they stabilise, but they will not throw their platform in to it before a lot of testing the water with the underlying technology.
They are getting afraid for Steem... It was about time...
How was the chinese food with @exyle? Man I would love to join and talk about crypto.. this is what really interest me these days.. so much going on.. hope to meet you onde day.. maybe steemfest 3
Food was great (although I was on the wrong end of some potent chillis)! The company was even better, it is great to talk crypto with people that are also living and breathing it. Yes - hope to see you at Steemfest 3 also.
Nice so that's a deal..talk about crypto and a little bit about soccer at steemfest 3.. Have a great weekend.. and as a gift a fantastic goal of my boy.. maybe one day you see hime playing in London ;-)

wow even mark feeling the pressure of decentralised power now this will huge year as per he is saying gotta check that out :)
Yes we should take it very much seriously
Because we are still in the early stage of crypto ($0.7trillion).than if the big investors like facebook are taking about it .than we can see a bright boom in future in crypto currency .
Only the masses have enough momentum to brighten things up. The big boys will have a ripple type version of crypto they will market & use to try & control people. Continuing Education is very important for people. So much economic illiteracy by design
i think Marc Zuckerberg should not make a mistake of doing the same thing as steemit. Facebook as its own way of doing things which can not be similar to stemit. he should keep his original conception ideas and project on more other poweful options but not into cryptocurrencies.
my point is that if people are now paid on facebook which was not initially, this can cause confusion and social media deviation. for marc to be successful, he needed an original and strong idea. however, making the same thing as steemit will not increase anything on people and may lead to a decrease of facebook users.
i do think that Mark is really bright and all surrounded with thinkers and should try to bring something original and not copied. for example, including various options of cryptocurrency users to make exchange or Facebook can play as an intermediary between cryptocurrency users.
ended, if Mark can turn facebook into a cryptocurrency thing then he should assume use more innovative ways to attract people.
Zuckerburg has made his bed. He can't just re-do his business model midstream while also meeting his fiduciary obligation to maximize shareholder value.
True. . That can be that hardest decision ever
Facebook being the an intermediary between users of a peer-to-peer protocol is the antithesis of what decentralisation and cryptocurrencies are about. But I take your point on Facebook needing to do something original to make an impact in this space.
Yeah..you're right. Thanks for the correction
Yes it will going to happen soon !
we all know thàt to servive in this era of technology and blockchain he should have to take this action otherwise failure is on the way for them !
I could spend all my life steeming and caring less about facebooking.
Steemit pays
Facebook doesnt...
To encourage the growing population of developed and developing countries. Youths need to involve themselves in profiting endeavourse than spending a huge sum of money on facebook only to enrich a single individual...
Long live steemit🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
He must be aware now the potential of steemit. Facebook maybe got scared :) haha peace!
I am seriously not interested in people (Mr Suckerbird) who now suddenly want to share revenue, when they together with Banks and institutions have been raping the masses for centuries, and now that they are on the back foot suddenly want to come to the party.@nanzo-scoop
I say NO. they should not be supported and in fact hopefully facebook dies a slow death, since it never did consider the people who supported them in the first place.
So GOODBYE to archaic platforms that exploit the masses.
stay blessed. sharing is caring :-)
Decentralising censorship??? He will NEVER make his platform censorship resistant.
Yeah, I agree with what you said, "Currently people are more concerned with "going to the moon" then making a real difference right here on earth!".
If FB will incorporate with crypto and the like, I just can't imagine how it would turn out if that will happen. Hmmm