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RE: Vocab-ability–94 (geo = earth) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Geology
    Systemic paradigm shifts are measured like geological movements as waves.
  2. Geologist
    Geologists must have vast knowledge of the earths elements in order to determine the compounds of rocks.
  3. Geography
    Geography is a compounded word, formed by the Greek "Geo", which means Earth, and "Graphein", that means Graph or Mapping.
  4. Geocentric
    Even with all the advances in geographical science over the past centuries, there are a rather big percentage of people who have a geocentric point of view and think that the Earth is the center of the galaxy.
  5. Geothermal
    It is a common thought that geothermal energy may be the key of the colonization of Mars.

Good work!

And there are even some people who believe the earth is flat.