Vocab-ability Prefix–304 (para__ = beside, beyond) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

Each daily “Vocab-ability 1x1” post has 2 main features, as follows:  

One “Vocab-ability” entry

By spending 5 minutes reviewing today’s “Vocab-ability” entry (below), you can learn the vocab roots and many high-level English words.    

One “Vocab Practice” exercise (for UpVotes

By spending another 10–15 minutes, you can practice using today’s words by composing your own sample sentences. Your practice efforts will be rewarded with UpVotes.     (See “Vocab Practice” rules and notes below)Today’s “Vocab- ability” entry

With this ‘Mini-Guide,’ you can identify the components in the “Vocab-ability”  entry above.

(To facilitate your quick reference, the ‘Mini-Guide’ has been minimized. For the full "Guide to Entries," right-click here.)

      Introduction – For "Intro to Vocab-ability," right-click here
      Guide – For full "Guide to Entries," right-click here
      Index– For "Index" to all Chapters and Sections, right-click here

Note re Copying each Entry

Each separate post in the “Vocab-ability”  series consists of one entry (one text-box). To use any of these “Vocab-ability”  entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download them by clicking and dragging the text-box that you want to use, and then print them out.  

Note re Free Use 

Please feel free to download the above text-box, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If “Vocab-ability”  helps you or your students to increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose.   
(I hold the copyright to the original “Vocab-ability” guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use of all the material contained in this post and in all other “Vocab-ability” posts on Steemit).




  1. Parliament failed in it's paramount task of leaving the EU on time on the 29th March 2019.

  2. In the 1960's university departments spent a lot of money researching parapsychology with not much to show for it.

  3. Many disabled veterans compete in the paralympics as it gives them a sense of achievement.

Good work!


  1. Please read the cheaper 4 in details as per my guess the chapter 4 is Paramount chapter.
  2. The child of one of my friend was suffering from mental disorder so he decide to consult with a doctor expert in Parapsychology.
  3. Our state will finalised the dates for Paralympics in next week.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. The paramount ruler of tribe will be visiting my community for an important meeting with the elders
  2. I think it should be africa's turn to host the next Paralympics
  3. Parapsychology seems like a waste of time to me.

Good work!


  1. Paramount:
    German once had paramount power to rule over most nations.

  2. Parapsychology:
    James resorted to drugs after he was recommended to see a professional in parapsychology.

  3. Paralympics:
    The chairman is so ignorant about sports that she did not know that there was Paralympics being held annually.

Good work!


  1. All countries want paramount to control other countries.
  2. It's hard to study and practice parapsychology.
  3. Paralympics helps to gain confidence in disabled people.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. paramount
    The teacher forgot to less us know the paramount details about the next exam.
  2. parapsychology
    Personally, people interested in parapsychology gets me a weird feeling.
  3. Paralympics
    I have huge respect for people who participate at Paralympics.

Good work!


  1. Paramount:
    My child think I am the most paramount person in the world.
  2. Parapsychology:
    I love watching parapsychology show as they are entertaining, innovative, interesting, out of the ordinary.
  3. Paralympics:
    Olympic and paralympics games should be held at the same time, since they are all high level athletes performing.

Good work!


  1. It is of paramount importance for world leaders to focus on tackling pressing environmental issues by ensuring that businesses adopt ecologically sustainable practices.

  2. The field of parapsychology is replete with controversy, as research papers by practitioners pertaining to paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance and reincarnation are often dismissed as pseudoscience.

  3. The indomitable spirit of the athletes at the paralympics often drew resounding applause from the audience.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. If you ask me my parents are paramount person's in the world for me.
  2. My brother is studying very hard hopefully clear the exam this year and they've can start practicing parapsychology.
  3. Salute to all the participants of paralympics.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. It is paramount that council approval is obtained prior to any major construction works commencing.

  2. After 10 years as a well-renowned psychologist, she felt it was time for a new challenge hence the decision to leave her practice and specialise in parapsychology which would enable her to apply for work within an undisclosed government department.

  3. Being accepted as part of the team representing her country in the upcoming Paralympics made her the happiest she had been since the accident which changed her life all those years ago.

Good work!


  1. I every child's eyes hue father is paramount person in the world.
  2. I don't like to watch parapsychology serials but my brother do.
  3. My friend's son is participating in paralympics this year.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!

Sorry @majes.tytyty. I posted 'MY VOCAB PRACTICE' twice in error. Please upvote only one.

Thanks for the notification. I believe you can "DELETE" one of your comments. Please try to do that.

If not, just click "EDIT" then delete all the content, so that it appears as a blank comment. Good luck.

Thank you for your advice. I indicated "post done in error" for one of my comments.

Posted using Partiko Android

Post done in error.

You doing osm work to provide this type of knowledge

Thank you for posting this vacovulary post. All your posts are very useful for us. I can learn a lot from you post. Thanks to this post


  1. Watching Seasons 1-7 of Game Of Thrones is of paramount importance to understanding the developing plot in Season 8.
  2. The psychologist Jung was famous for his research into parapsychology; it then became an important branch of psychology.
  3. The Paralympics has enabled disabled athletes to become world class sports champions, because it takes their disability into consideration

Please read Rule #5, and revise. Thanks.