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RE: Vocab-ability Prefix–297 (mis__, miso__ = hate) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago


  1. My father was not the most pleasant person to be around given his unwavering misanthropy and minimum hesitation when it came to voicing his opinions.

  2. Joke - Q: What did the misogynist name his new boat?
    A: Dave.

  3. Misandry was rife during the 1960's after the beginning of the Women's Liberation Movement.

  4. Misopedia was just another one of my father's less than attractive traits that contributed to his overall unpleasantness.

  5. Joke - Q: How many misoneists does it take to change a lightbulb?

  6. Yeah I tried miso soup once - a good rule to follow is that if it's fermented - you probably shouldn't eat it...


Good work!

Love the first joke. LOL, literally!

What's the punch line to the 2nd?

The lightbulb needs changing - misoneism is a fear/hatred of change ergo a misoneist WOULDN'T change a lightbulb.
Sorry about that, really needed to tell that joke in person so you could see my facial expression as I told it - you know that look you get when something is stupidly obvious or goes without saying, that look someone gives you that says "You know!?"....and there's a little sideways look with the discreet nod of the head.

OK, got it. Quite witty! Thanks.