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RE: Vocab-ability Prefix–274 (dis__, dif__ , di__ = not, opposite, away) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. James is always known to differ with other's opinion on the importance of protecting the environment.
  2. Its so weird to see how the once famous sunnyD drink has completely disappeared from circulation.
  3. Jane's exceptional cooking skills is disagreeable to a drowning man.
  4. I detest to have anything to do with a dishonest man.
  5. Most illiterates are disinterested in reading a book.
  6. Sometimes, to digress in the hit of an unending debate is the best course of action.

Good work!

In #6, I believe you meant to say "in the HEAT of the debate." :-)

Thanks for the correction.You are right @majes.tytyty!