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RE: Vocab-ability–226 (stru, stro = build) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago (edited)


  1. Construct:
    I'm constructing a way to remember the I Ching symbols using picture mnemonics.

  2. Obstruction:
    The obstruction, a spring welling up at the foot of a mountain, stopped the developers from cutting down a tree and putting up a house.

  3. Destroy:
    The time it takes to destroy a relationship is exceedingly shorter than the time it takes to build it.

  4. Instrument:
    Those who were born in the lower rungs of society, the instruments we used for our own scrips, rose up against us, their controllers, by refusing to lick our feet.


Good work!

However, I think you could have improved your sentence #2 by making it negative. That is, "the obstruction did NOT stop the developers." But you knew that, right?

If we are talking about the people who don't respect life, your adverb works so very well. lol

Right. I've seen developers tear down old heritage buildings, people's homes, trees, and anything else that stands in the way of $$$$.

Those horrible people have no respect for life, for history, for nature. It's pathetic.
