It was the tail-end of the Halcyon days, right before the disruptive weather that wasn't typical for this time of year came whipping through at speeds of 1oo mile an hour winds, followed by rain that could turn into ice and kill a man, followed by lightning and thunder storms that shook the ground.Regional:
The regional pet barked at the tree because it saw it move a centimeter.Brutal:
They were particularly brutal during mating season and he could always tell which bird would go up against the more experience to challenge for the mating position.Ideological:
The Vice Roy tapped his finger on the chair's bar, his ideological ideas not playing out as expected and he's about to lose half of what he built because he failed to listen to his council.
Good work!
Hope you're enjoying the pleasant spring weather these days!!
It has actually been raining here, which is very unusual for this time of year.
How's the weather there? Any major changes that you've noticed?
One of my freewrite piece got me into a curie showcase (not out yet). Part of how that piece came out was from some of the vocab words. 8-)