- The low-functioning sociopath chose to threaten to hurt his ex-girlfriend due to her refusal to give him a second chance after he cheated on her.
- One of the red flags of an abusive relationship is when your partner expects you to seek his approval before you communicate with your friends.
- He will not be able to drive his car today as he completely forgot about the renewal of his driving license.
Posted using Partiko Android
Good work!
Beware of sociopaths. They are legion, and they can be dangerous. :-(
Thank you! Yes they are, I dealt with one :(
Posted using Partiko Android
Just be glad that you can use PAST TENSE (dealt) when discussing that. I've dealt with more than one, and sometimes still have to deal with one.
Hope your sociopath remains in the PAST!!!
Thank you for the reminder. It is a blessing that all that is in the past although the sociopath keeps trying to find a way to get to me again. I hope that you keep minimal contact in case you have to deal with one. Cheers =)
Posted using Partiko Android
Yep, absolute minimal. Hopefully, less and less as time goes by.