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RE: Trump? Hillary? My Vote May Be Up To You

in #vote8 years ago

I totally understand what you are saying and I do agree. Even as corrupt as our government is, i still feel we owe our veterans the respect of choosing. I have a bigger issue with all the wasted money politicians use on advertising that could be used to benefit people. Billions of dollars that could help save lives. And for what do they use it? So their platform can argue against the other and get little done at the cost of multibillions. I may have to vite libertarian on principal, because i do believe voting is important, but i wish we had groups working together instead of just backing political parties


I agree about all that wasted money. It is very sad how much is put into themselves instead of their country.
My dad is an injured war veteran. I am anti-war/anti-violence/anti-patriotism. I believe that because of the hardships mentally and physically endured due to war, it is important that veterans receive help instead of being brushed aside, just as those who were harmed in other countries due to wars need help.