First, let me say I am not a big fan of either candidate to be the President of the United States.
I am somewhere in the middle of the road and agree and disagree with multiple stances on a variety of major issues.
This post has three main goals :
- To see the top one or two reasons that you feel I should vote for one candidate over the other (provide reliable sources if possible) and one or two reasons why you believe that the other candidate is not a wise choice to be the next leader of our country.
2. To see if, on the platform of Steemit, that people can have intelligent respectful conversations and replies to comments without one side belittleing the other, or shouting/trolling the beliefs other users may hold.
3. Similar to to goal two, to see if Steemit can set itself apart from every other social media platform and become a place where complex issues can be talked about in an adult and respectful diplomatic way.
Of all the platforms I've been a part of, this has the most potential to be a place where this is possible.
If enough people make a response, I will put together a pie chart of the reasons stated I should vote for one candidate over the other so that people can see an idea of the political stance of users on Steemit.
I will also post which candidate I have chosen, if the results are shown to inform me of things I hadn't thought of about either candidate.
This should be an interesting experiment. Please be respectful in the comments below.

From Scotland -where Trump is universally despised mainly because of his business dealings in Aberdeen (his Golf Course) - I'd say that the entire world looks at the US elections as some sort of bad joke. You have on one end a wife of a former president and someone who has been caught lying time after time not to mention her banking/pharma links who is pretending to shift to the left ONLY because of @berniesanders and will keep the US on its same trajectory and probably will start a war with Iran. Lets be clear apart from steemit, nobody gives money without expecting something in return ;)
Next we have Trump.. where to start? If there was a UK Prime Minister proposing to ban Christians, generalizing a whole nation of people and have said some of the things that trump has said he'd rightly be called a stupid, racist, bigot. Why should Trump be called any different.
I couldn't really choose between them. Hillary probably edges it as there's less chance she'd nuke China because its Premier said she had small hands ;)
I would be interested to here what @berniesanders has to say, whether or not he chooses to upvote my post. I find his posts to be some of my favorite and he is an asset to not only newbies and a great poster of helpful content, but he adds a lot of value to the whole steemit platform.
Greetings all the way from New York! And yes this is a lose lose election and I am disappointed that the best choice for each political platform was these two. I think Trump will get the win because there are still many Americans who for whatever reason feel a woman is not qualified to be president. I have no problem with a woman president, I'd just prefer it were not Hillary. And job security right now is what people are looking for so if Trump continues to convince people he can get more jobs here, I feel that people will throw all his other red flags out the window and focus solely on that as the reason to vote for him.
neither of the two
I understand where you are coming from, but at the same time I do feel blessed to live in a place where we do have the right to choose and honor my grandfather who fought so we could maintain that right. Not voting is not an option for me, but trust me the thought has crossed my mind.
I simpathize with your position but how does voting for either of these 2 help our country. To me a vote for either is betraying our freedom. I used to vote regularly I even ran for state house in SD but I am completely disinfranchised . I am contemplating voting for Johnson if I vote at all. No master no slave
It is interesting that of all the people who have responded none has been a staunch supporter of either, which is not what I expected, although I did expect some to say neither.
I don't see it so much as helping, but hurting it less. I can't recall a time when I've had such trouble deciding who I'd choose between two front runners. It's possible I will vote for Johnson, but if I really break it down I feel that votes for Johnson essentially take away votes from another candidate who again leaves me at voting for the lesser of two evils.
Agreed. Neither.
Neither. They are essentially the same candidate (establishment). Vote third party. Green party (Jill Stein is fantastic) if you lean left; Constitution party if you lean right; and Libertarian Party (Gary Johnson was a hugely popular two-term governor) if you value both economic freedom and civil liberties.
To be honest I have not researched her, but I will definitely take a look and see what she has to offer. How big of a surprise would it be if neither of the two front runners won?
I am also not a fan of either.
I'm going to be honest though I don't think maintaining the status quo in washington is good for the WORLD.
Let trump get in, so it forces change for the better.
Hilary will just be the same old, corporate lacky everyone is used to...
I tend to agree and at the same time I don't truly trust his business practices and don't see how that qualifies him for office, but I do believe people care more about jobs and business than many other stances so if I were to guess I think Trump may win. It's kind of crazy how he went from being a joke candidate from Obama's white House dinner with Seth Meyers a few years back to running and potentially winning. I am not a fan of how parties jump on the bandwagon for their candidate regardless of whether or not they truly support them. It's more about one side gaining power than two sides trying to work together. I don't support Cruz either, but I do respect that he didn't just endorse Trump because he is of the same party. The majority of people I know are dreading the election instead of excited to get someone in office.
I don't vote. I didn't vote last election either. I regret voting ever honestly. No matter who is in "power" in the presidential seat, there are loads of people who tell them what to do and manipulate and control those people as well. There are too many puppet strings attached. The idea that one person rules over billions of others is too much to wrap my mind around.
I'm mad that I can't unregister to vote too. I keep asking to but I am not allowed to dissociate with any party.
I totally understand what you are saying and I do agree. Even as corrupt as our government is, i still feel we owe our veterans the respect of choosing. I have a bigger issue with all the wasted money politicians use on advertising that could be used to benefit people. Billions of dollars that could help save lives. And for what do they use it? So their platform can argue against the other and get little done at the cost of multibillions. I may have to vite libertarian on principal, because i do believe voting is important, but i wish we had groups working together instead of just backing political parties
I agree about all that wasted money. It is very sad how much is put into themselves instead of their country.
My dad is an injured war veteran. I am anti-war/anti-violence/anti-patriotism. I believe that because of the hardships mentally and physically endured due to war, it is important that veterans receive help instead of being brushed aside, just as those who were harmed in other countries due to wars need help.
Where politics is concern you aren't just voting for a president, you are voting for a party and a new judge. Admittedly Hillary isn't an honest person she does lie and says what her voters want to hear, but lets be honest; it's as much about sound clips as it is not giving your opponent more ammunition. I will admit a left leaning bias, but I am as much a liberation and a technocrat. I think it is more important to have someone who knows what they are doing and that at the end of the election you won't have to think about it for the next four years and go to work. With Trump and the GOP all you have is a bunch of self interest who will take what they want from who they want with little thought beyond their own personal consequences.
If you have a genuine care about politics that affect you, the fed doesn't really matter beyond foreign diplomacy. (With the new judge being the exception) Municipal and state government are what really count for anything where you live. As far as trumps promises, if he realty could do whatever he wanted would he have chosen such a bland boring running mate? That's my opinion anyway.
Valid points. It does seem a strange pick to have chosen his running mate. My dad and I believe he may have done so to sway the votes of evangelicals, but that is only a guess. Politicians tend to say a bunch of things the will do and actually only follow through with a very limited selection. Our system is extremely flawed and the sides have so much animosity towards one another, that nothing gets done. One positive for Trump is that he does speak his mind, but the negative is that his mind seems to lack a filter and he back peddles and changes stances on issues regularly. Not looking forward to this election
Gary Johnson
I'm not too educated on him either. A lot to research tonight!
I'm a foreigner but if i vote in USA i vote for Trump, why? cause is a honest candidate he says things that do not like but he thinks so, it is not hypocritical not handle a double standard besides the campaign money all know where it comes from, we all know what are their interests
Thanks for reply it is also interesting to see what foreigners have to say about our election.
I'm from Canada, we elected a rich unicorn who's favorite slogan is 'it's the current year.'
I love Canada as it is only a stone's throw away from Niagara falls. Less than a half hour away. Proud to have Canada as neighbors!
Like choosing between the electric chair and hanging.... Clinton
Yeah! If I were forced to choose a way to die, I'd select old age haha, but between those both seem brutal ways to die. I think Trump diplomacy to other nations would have been someone's punchline to a joke not a year ago, but there is a very real possibility that we will see that in action.
That these are the two only real candidates is a failure of democracy
I can think of probably 100 people I'd choose over these two. As much of a personal as he portrays, I would gladly vote for Stephen Colbert over these two. He is actually incredibly intelligent and has knowledge a lot of politicians do not. No one would take it seriously, but if he ran against these two there would be no question who I'd pick.
I think it's more of a systematic failure. A two party system based on an antiquated electoral system needs reform.
You're right. There are more parties, but I'd eat my hat if someone from another party became president. They just don't have the funds to compete. So much money is wasted on campaigning that could be used to actually help thousand if not hundreds of thousands of people. With the prevalence of social media covering everything anyway I would be interested in voting for a president who used money given for ads to benefit people, but instead money is given as a debt that big corporations expect certain votes for. It's frustrating to see.
Trump. He tells it like it is, even when it's not pleasant. Hillary has committed so many crimes she should be in jail. Watch the documentary "Clinton Cash" and you'll get a taste. Trump is not perfect but he's effective and a man of good will.
I respect that view. I do agree he seems more honest. I think he has the edge to win if he plays his cards right. How he will fare in diplomacy with his short temper will be interesting to see.