Well... I am aware that one can check on one's voting power via
It is handy and I have heard conflicting accounts as to whether it refills to 100% over 24 hours or refills 20% every 24 hours.
It would be nice if synergistic voting cost progressively less voting power - up to a point. :c)
I am unaware of any way to fill it other than through waiting. Sorry.
Thanks, where are you from?
I am from a tiny set of rocks set in the middle of the Mediterranean. :c)
is it called Malta or Cyprus?
Cyprus is situated towards the Eastern side of the Mediterranean. So Malta. :c)
OK nice... what do you do?
In short? I am a professional amateur, ever-spinning. Work in customer care helps keeps the economic cog grinding. ^_^
The long version? https://www.linkedin.com/in/pathforger
you can vote with less than 100% voting power ever if you don't have 482SP
Check how to vote without burning Voting power read the post