I'm hoping that @vyb.hub can provide more direct communication for many different avenues of VYB and the VCP is the first testing ground for that. We also have the AAT for Anti-Abuse Team (community mute updates), VSB for the VYB Stewardship Board (project proposals, ballot voting), and more, which can utilise the space.
Discord is a pain due to the way that messages appear in a chronological sense and before you know it you're many messages deep and anyone looking to catch up has a task on their hands. Fortunately, the progress has been free-flowing and the importance of the initial Discord setup has been more for foundational building rather than any major developments.
I believe the Distribution Data posts for the curators speak volumes and that's what truly matters, the results. As we progress towards increased communication on the platform and as more people get involved with the curation (rather than focusing on a small group of people), I feel like we'll find a more community-supported and inclusive opportunity for many upcoming budding curators who'll be able to find their own role, rather than having a role thrust upon them by whoever clicks the fingers. This is much more possible with a focus on freedom to vote as you like, with detailed accountability provided. I shared a comment to @notconvinced in this post about @khoola and his desire to support The Terminal during his curation block, this is a great example of the kind of roles that people can undertake using their own initiative.
but I think that if the VYB curator's plan is to have a strong and fully connected team, it makes more sense to transfer my role to someone who can integrate more and be active on the team
Strong and fully connected, yes, but not in a small closed-off team in the shadows, more platform-wide and engaged with as a community (whether that is VYB, POB, ETC, ETC, ETC).