No the racist regulations are the problem in this case and for once the bank made the right call which may help the people in the end.
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No the racist regulations are the problem in this case and for once the bank made the right call which may help the people in the end.
Right. They want the masses to look at the racist and not them stealing the wealth of their own people.
You missing the point the blacks are the ones with the racist policies which has made their people unemployed. You just don't understand this at all and why just drop it.
I never mentioned color of the skin. Last I checked racism doesn't care what color you are to be racist.
Don't forget classism is a thing too btw.
Again, no one has to do business with racist companies. Those who are not racist can make their own businesses. But in the end of things, it doesn't have to do with being racist but control. And control doesn't care if your racist either. If it fits to cause chaos amongst their people for the sake of a superiority complex, it will be done. For racism is that. Arrogance. Superiority feels. Bigotry.
But you do?
Racism is the entire issue of it all?
Doesn't matter where it's happening though. Nor what skin pigmentation one has.
You may view this as something awful but to me this a sign of better days to come.
I'm glad the issue of racism is being brought to light. But I insist, it's NOT the root cause of their decaying economy.
EDIT: I forgot the NOT.
In this case racism is the root cause and yes one can be racist with any color skin. This is not about banks or companies though and is the regulations impacting companies forcing them to close down and thus jobs are being lost. This has been going on for 30 years and is why the economy and society is failing. The open borders just makes matters worse as there are so few jobs in the first place.
It's only part of the issue of unemployment. As I said before. There is plenty of work available.