You think you're free because you get a paycheck?

in #vyb20 hours ago

Welcome to my little corner

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The most vivid and most powerful dream your mind ever concocted to exist for you is the one your living in right now.

Your dreams are only just beginning when you wake up.



The banks and their thugs have you hostage. There is such thing as economic slavery. But you keep being the most intelligent in the room big guy.

Crypto and coffee [wrote](

I wish I could be writing about positive news, but these days there is very little positivity in South Africa.

By all means you still can.

Such a gloom way to look at life however.

Apathetic indeed, oldsoulnewb.

They have been trying to hide things way from the rest of the world and now everybody is aware of the reality going on.

I doubt this to be entirely true. Seems to me they want to stay enslaved to a glorified cartel/mafia/etc. Aka government.

My sentiments do goes out to them though. However, what most of the world lacks is to see that rule by force is not the way. They lack to know their own true power.

What of the hundreds of sovereign tribes living amongst the entire south African continent? That's a huge piece of land there? How will they be effected by the rest of the world as they gather their resources for world domination?

The new world order's one world government is the cult you're entertaining. It's statist. The one world religion.

The nwo is here and everyone didn't see it coming till it was too late.

War is coming. Bog or small it's coming. It's here already. It was yesterday. The years have passed. It's the same story once again.

Arm yourselves and revolt against the machine.

T.h.e.y. have always been the ones that cause continents to fall through taxation and wars all while they profit off the backs of their own country man.

The problem is rather obvious and the World Bank for once suggested to the SA Government to do away with the racist policies of Black Economic Empowerment.

Racism is not the problem to the fall of their economy.

Neither is having border patrols. As some readers already know what borders are. I'll redirect the rest of you lot, to my previous post regarding what a country is.

Moving on.

For once the issue of racism is being faced head on and this is way over due.

I'm glad it's being discussed. It is an issue and the correction starts in childhood and parenting. Stop making children racists. Stop obeying government because they fund racism to be taught to separate people and conquer.

But even the racist can agree that the belief in government is the enemy here. That banks have always fallen throughout history and bankers hanged for stealing the wealth of their nations, of their own individual wealth.

Get rid of them.

When you consider the government has been in power for 31 years and they have changed very little when it comes to the balancing of the country's wealth.

Expect more of the same from parasites.

Remove the seats of thrones.

What this stat really tells you is that there are no new jobs being created ad combine that with a overall unemployment figure of 34%. The 60% youth unemployment is 16-34 year olds. The problem of having open borders does not help either.

There are plenty of jobs. Plenty of work. No workers and not enough currency. But it's ok. We don't need it. They make us think we need it. They want us to need it. So they will do what it takes to make the rest conform to their grand economic plans. But the end result is always the same. The little guy always gets fucked.

is no wonder the country finds itself at the top of the global unemployment charts because investments have dried up and businesses have closed down and left. Shell shut up shop last year after a government consortium wanted to cash out their shares when the book value was no longer in their favor. They tried to hustle Shell by including the refinery which was no longer active in the valuations and Shell shut down and left leaving them with nothing.

Yup, they want to cause unrest. Starvation. Famine. War. To depopulate the world.

The nwo is here. Has been. It's not getting worse. But it is getting more obvious. And the governments will turn more violent before it gets better. They don't want better. They want uniformity. Compliance. Blind obedience. Single file lines people.

and companies just have had enough.

Good. But how much you wanna bet that they won't get rid of that which is making them kneel?

Stockholm syndrome is a bitch these days.

On top of this companies were told who to employ by the color of their skin and not by selecting the best candidate for the position.

Those who are more capable should gather themselves and start their own organization and do business amonsg themselves. Why a loan? It will only come to bite them harder later. Loans is how they take away a futures generation of wealth.

But we can agree to disagree.



The bank is the problem to the dying economy. Lipstick with what I said. It's factual. But who's going to put up borders and protect them? They're spread out thin as it is. The banks would love to have borders. It would mean more revenue for the "country" and to better the economy, for a while anyways. They didn't reject them for those mentioned reasons though. They want something more out of it. And they want SA to kneel to those demands. Then they'll get their loan. The entire unrest the people are getting is just a symptom of what comes at the end of the game of Monopoly. Maybe it's time to put the game back in its box, eh?

Quickly exhange and swap crypto anonymously with StealthX


I think you're my new favorite contrarian.

No the racist regulations are the problem in this case and for once the bank made the right call which may help the people in the end.

Right. They want the masses to look at the racist and not them stealing the wealth of their own people.

You missing the point the blacks are the ones with the racist policies which has made their people unemployed. You just don't understand this at all and why just drop it.

I never mentioned color of the skin. Last I checked racism doesn't care what color you are to be racist.

Don't forget classism is a thing too btw.

Again, no one has to do business with racist companies. Those who are not racist can make their own businesses. But in the end of things, it doesn't have to do with being racist but control. And control doesn't care if your racist either. If it fits to cause chaos amongst their people for the sake of a superiority complex, it will be done. For racism is that. Arrogance. Superiority feels. Bigotry.

You just don't understand this at all and why just drop it.



But you do?

Racism is the entire issue of it all?

Doesn't matter where it's happening though. Nor what skin pigmentation one has.

You may view this as something awful but to me this a sign of better days to come.

I'm glad the issue of racism is being brought to light. But I insist, it's NOT the root cause of their decaying economy.

EDIT: I forgot the NOT.

In this case racism is the root cause and yes one can be racist with any color skin. This is not about banks or companies though and is the regulations impacting companies forcing them to close down and thus jobs are being lost. This has been going on for 30 years and is why the economy and society is failing. The open borders just makes matters worse as there are so few jobs in the first place.

It's only part of the issue of unemployment. As I said before. There is plenty of work available.